Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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against her.”

“Anything else you notice that I might be able to use, too. To be honest, I’m not sure she has any


He regards me knowingly. “Everyone has skeletons.”

“Yes, but not necessarily useful ones. She’s a sweet girl, I don’t think she’ll have done anything

truly awful, but I was able to lure her to my place by stealing her cat, so she definitely has some

vulnerabilities. I need to know her background, who she’s close to, who I’d have to put pressure on to

get her to do what I want if it comes to that.”

Arson shakes his head. “Anyone ever says chivalry’s dead, I’m sending them straight to you,


I smile faintly. “I want any information you can find, essentially. Because of how we met, she

hasn’t been terribly forthcoming about herself and I need to know more.”

I need to know everything.

I want to know every man she has ever loved and why. Every thought that has ever flitted through

her mind, every dream I might be able to make come true. I know Arson probably thinks I’m

essentially bullying her into a relationship with me—and I will if I have to—but I’d prefer to lure her

in more gently. For whatever reason, I genuinely like her, and I want to be good to her if she’ll let me.

I just also want her to be mine at any cost, and I don’t particularly care if she’s not on the same


I can get her there. I know I can.

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