Descent (Black Heart Romance presents Heaven & Hell)

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Chapter Fifteen


“You win.”

I smile as I read the message a second time, then I type back, “Good. You know how I like


I know it’s dickish to rub her defeat in her face. I don’t even mean to be cruel, I just want to see

if she’ll keep bantering with me or if she’s truly done. I only let a few seconds pass without a

response, then I shoot her one last message to end the conversation myself, just telling her I’ll see her


I can’t wait.

I don’t tell her that, but I really can’t.

It’s fucking absurd to waste my last promised date with her tonight when I just spent last night

with her. Typically, I have better control of my impulses than this, but I can’t stomach the idea of not

spending tonight with her.

Then what will you do tomorrow?

Since my date supply is running dangerously low, I have to start setting up plans C through Z.

Typically, my battle plans would be laid out long before I would ever need to enact them, but

everything about this woman has me going off-plan, to say the very least.

I glance toward my open office door to see if Arson is here yet, then check my watch again

because I don’t even see him at reception.

He’s late. He usually is, so I don’t know why I’m surprised. Men in his line of work tend to

work on their own time, and they don’t mind letting people wait for them.

Five more minutes pass before Arson darkens my doorway. Jodi, my assistant, accompanies him

down the hall. She looks so uncomfortable in his presence—with her hair pulled back in a tight, neat

bun, her pencil skirt free of a single wrinkle, her heels without so much as a scuff. Jodi is the

meticulous type of person who would spend all day agonizing over a run in her stocking that she

hadn’t noticed before she left for work. She’d spend her lunch break running to buy new ones instead

of eating, and she still wouldn’t feel settled the rest of the day, imagining anyone who smiled at her

might have seen her disgraceful error.

Meanwhile, Arson looks like a disgraceful error.

He wears an expensive three piece suit, but it fits him like a cage fits a big, aggressive dog. The

materials might match, but there are ill-fitting pieces of him that can’t be covered up—the ink

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