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“Let me the fuck go, you fucking prick. You think I’m someone to mess

with? Do you have any fucking idea who I am and who my family is?”

His mouth is going to be stapled shut in point two seconds if he keeps

running it, that I do know. I relay this to him, and he answers with a hyena


I turn and clock the fucker in the mouth, all the while keeping my

Mustang straight.

Colorful words follow, but they’re no brighter than the blood pouring out

with them.

Pre y boy isn’t so pre y now.

He’s going to experience a lot worse once I get back to my place. He laid

his mouth and hands on my girl, and there’s consequences for silly

mistakes like that.

He woke up about five minutes into the drive. Two strips of fabric from

his shirt are ed ghtly across each stab wound on his abdomen. His hands

and feet are hog- ed—there’s not a chance of him slipping free of those.

I’ve had too much prac ce.

He’s been running his mouth since the moment he awoke, and it’s been

grinding my gears into dust. He throws out empty threats like bullets, but

instead, they’re paper in the wind. None of them make an impact. In fact,

they don’t land anywhere near me.

It’s the men on of Addie that sends me into a murderous rage.

“Come on, man. Are you this worked over a piece of ass? Her voice may

be cut out for porn, and her pussy ght as fuck, but shit, you can find that

in other bitches too. I’ve fucked plenty of them.”

What was going to be a fairly slow death is now going to be the slowest

death to ever happen since the dawn of humanity.

It was bad enough that he spoke of my girl in such a disgus ng manner,

but then he went and topped it off by implying Addie isn’t anything special.

She’s the first of her kind to exist, and there will never be another like


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