

While Jay kept tabs, I allowed myself five hours of sleep before I camehere, enough me to keep my mind sharp. I have to be at my absolute bestif I’m going to get them out alive.“I’m here to get you girls home,” I respond, tucking my gun back in myboot.She looks at me warily, as do some of the other girls.None of them are going to trust me.I get it.I’m scarred from head to toe, have two different colored eyes—both onthe drama c spectrum—and I’m not a small guy. Not to men on, I justmurdered a bunch of men in front of their faces.“Backup is coming in,” Jay informs, right before I hear the back dooropen and several people rush in.“Young man, it’s a bloodbath in here. These poor girls! Shame on you, Z.”I wince at the sound of Ruby's voice. Can’t make me flinch from firing off abullet two inches from my head but Ruby… God help me.“It couldn’t be avoided, Ruby. I—"“Not another word from you. If your mother were here, she’d have yourass.”I grunt but don’t respond, le ng her hem and haw over the survivorswhile s ll mu ering reprimands under her breath. Ruby was a good friendof my mom’s and likes to remind me—and the rest of the crew—that sheused to wipe my ass when I was a baby.If I could’ve killed the traffickers in private, I would’ve, and I hate that Iadded to their trauma. But when you have a warehouse full of armed men,there’s no calling them back to your office one at a me like they’re beingfired from their job. They need to be taken down swi ly where they stand.Otherwise, there’s room for error, poten ally resul ng in one of thesurvivors ge ng hurt or killed.Necessary means to get the girls out.The other two that came in with Ruby, Michael and Steve, take care ofthe bodies. Michael is dragging a struggling Fernando out, tossing me thekeys to the girls' chains as he passes by. Ruby already found another set onone of the dead bodies and is currently unchaining the others.I approach the mother hen of the group and unchain her collar, my handnearly shaking from the fury of having to unhook a fucking collar from a

li le girl’s neck. Welts and a large bruise encircle her throat, but I don’t lether see the rage simmering beneath the surface. She stares at me silently,suspicion and tenta ve hope warring in her pre y light brown eyes.Her eyes remind me of my li le mouse, and something protec ve flaresinside my chest.“What’s your name, kid?” I ask, keeping my eyes trained to hers. She’sprobably wai ng for my leery gaze to travel the expanse of her body, butshe won’t ever get that shit from me.“Sicily,” she answers. I quirk a brow.“Is that where your parents come from?” I ques on, no ng her tannedskin peeking from beneath the grime on her face.She nods her head tenta vely. “Ma and Pa were born there, but theyhaven’t been able to go back since they were in their teens. They said theynamed me a er the island because even though they’re homesick, Iprovide them with the only home they need.”I nod, eyeing her face. Purple blooms from her right eye, and anotherspark of anger ignites.“You ready to give them a home again?”She pauses, and then a small smile forms. “Yes,” she whispers.Tears flood her eyes, but I don’t let her know that I no ced. I can tell shewouldn’t appreciate it.“Let’s go then, kid.”This li le girl will go back home, and though she has a long journeyahead of her, she’ll heal.We keep tabs on all the girls we extract to ensure they don’t go missingagain. If it can happen once, it can happen twice.She huddles in close to me as we walk out of the building. Out of thecorner of my eye, I see a girl step in blood. I pause, poin ng at her butglaring at Ruby.“Ruby! What’d I say? Not a drop of blood on the girls.”Ruby startles, roles reversing as she rushes towards the girl with shame.“I’m sorry, honey bunny, let me clean you up,” she coos to the li le girlwith way more than just a fucking drop on her foot. “Watch your step,okay?”I turn, sa sfied that she won’t let it happen again.

While Jay kept tabs, I allowed myself five hours of sleep before I came

here, enough me to keep my mind sharp. I have to be at my absolute best

if I’m going to get them out alive.

“I’m here to get you girls home,” I respond, tucking my gun back in my


She looks at me warily, as do some of the other girls.

None of them are going to trust me.

I get it.

I’m scarred from head to toe, have two different colored eyes—both on

the drama c spectrum—and I’m not a small guy. Not to men on, I just

murdered a bunch of men in front of their faces.

“Backup is coming in,” Jay informs, right before I hear the back door

open and several people rush in.

“Young man, it’s a bloodbath in here. These poor girls! Shame on you, Z.”

I wince at the sound of Ruby's voice. Can’t make me flinch from firing off a

bullet two inches from my head but Ruby… God help me.

“It couldn’t be avoided, Ruby. I—"

“Not another word from you. If your mother were here, she’d have your


I grunt but don’t respond, le ng her hem and haw over the survivors

while s ll mu ering reprimands under her breath. Ruby was a good friend

of my mom’s and likes to remind me—and the rest of the crew—that she

used to wipe my ass when I was a baby.

If I could’ve killed the traffickers in private, I would’ve, and I hate that I

added to their trauma. But when you have a warehouse full of armed men,

there’s no calling them back to your office one at a me like they’re being

fired from their job. They need to be taken down swi ly where they stand.

Otherwise, there’s room for error, poten ally resul ng in one of the

survivors ge ng hurt or killed.

Necessary means to get the girls out.

The other two that came in with Ruby, Michael and Steve, take care of

the bodies. Michael is dragging a struggling Fernando out, tossing me the

keys to the girls' chains as he passes by. Ruby already found another set on

one of the dead bodies and is currently unchaining the others.

I approach the mother hen of the group and unchain her collar, my hand

nearly shaking from the fury of having to unhook a fucking collar from a

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