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“Now move,” I rasp out, my control slipping as I pump my hips up once.

It’s enough to send electric shocks down my spine.

Her chin ps up, eyes rolling as she swivels her hips.

“Oh,” she moans, con nuing the movement un l we’re both delirious.

She moves slow and languid, sliding up and down and twis ng her hips in a

way that makes me see en re constella ons.

Her eyes are pinched shut, her li le mouth parted as she gets pleasure

from my cock. It feels incredible, enough to make me come if I allowed it,

but I need more. I need her fast, and hard.

“Li le mouse,” I call, my voice hoarse with need. Her hips s ll, and her

eyes creak open. “Run.”

Her eyes pop open, and her breath stalls. A moment passes where we’re

both frozen in me, and then she springs into ac on. I hiss from the

sensa on of sliding out of her, and then she’s catapul ng towards the end

of the bed.

She bolts out of the room and guns for the stairs. I stay right at her heels,

enjoying the startled screams that slip from her throat every me she sees

me so close.

Purposely, I let her run, my cock hardening further from the chase.

My li le mouse loves to be scared. And I get off on making her so.

Barreling down the stairs, she aims for the back of the house. I grin when

I realize exactly where she’s going.

I let her get to the hallway before I snatch her up, relishing in the bite of

her nails in my arm.

“Trying to relive a favorite memory, naughty girl?”

She growls in response, kicking her legs at air. I nearly bust into the

sunroom, the beauty of it lost on me when I hold the most precious gi in

my arms.

I drop to my knees and twist her around, laughing as she struggles. “Feel


“Zade!” she cries with indigna on, but I don’t give her a moment to get

her bearings. She’s on her back in a ma er of seconds, staring up at me

with wide eyes.

“Let me know which stars you prefer. The ones above you, or the ones I

make you see.”

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