

I laugh quietly, even as he jerks both my arms behind my back and slapshandcuffs on them.Roughly, he leads me up back towards the front of the mansion, whereDan is s ll loud-mouthing the agents and demanding his lawyer.“Got a runner,” the agent a ached to me calls out. Dan pauses midradeto look over at us. I can’t be sure from this distance, but it almostappears as if Dan's face goes lax with relief for just a moment.“He has nothing to do with anything,” Dan says, his face ghtening oncemore with anger.“Yeah, okay, buddy,” the agent snorts from behind me. I’m actuallysurprised by the fact that Dan is trying to defend me.“Why am I even being arrested?” I snarl, feigning anger.“You tried sneaking off during an FBI raid. That’s grounds for suspicion.”“I’m terribly sorry about this, Zack,” Dan cuts in. “This doesn’t involveyou.”I shrug a shoulder, the movement awkward against the cuffs. “S'kay.These assholes will be fired by morning,” I say with a shit-ea ng grin.Dan scoffs and corrects me, “By the end of the night.”“Yeah whatever, fuckers. Get in the car before I accidentally smash yourhead off the car on the way in.”I twist in my binds. “What’s your name?”The agent grins. “Michael.”“Well, Michael, I hope you don’t mind shi ng out teeth because you’reabout to eat them.”Michael laughs, a glimmer in his eyes. Dan starts up again when anotheragent leads him into the back of a cop car. His rant is cut off by the slam ofthe door.“Get in the goddamn car, Z. I am hungry, but it’s not for my teeth.”Chuckling, I comply.

Chapter 40The Shadowdon’t remember ever being a needy child. Growing up, I had a greatrela onship with my parents. My mother was incredibly loving, and myIfather was suppor ve and very involved in my life.But I was always a naturally independent person. Determined to dothings on my own without help. And because my parents showered mewith love and a en on, it wasn’t something I sought out.I can’t say that anymore.Addie’s mouth is wide open, drool steadily leaking from her mouth. She’ssnoring so ly, and I don’t think I’ve go en the chance to tease her aboutthat yet. She’s going to get angry, and I smile just thinking about it.Despite her disheveled state, my cock is incredibly hard. The witch wentto bed in nothing but a white, silky set, and the second I slowly drew backthe covers, I nearly went to my knees.Did my li le mouse wear that just for me?Reaching out, I trace a finger up her thigh, enjoying the sight of her skinpuckering. She shi s, moaning so ly at the disturbance in her sleep.How would she feel waking up with my cock inside her?She shi s again when I finger the strap of her underwear. Normally, shewakes up fairly easily. And despite Addie giving in to me, I’m not foolishenough to believe I don’t set her on edge s ll.Which means she had a few drinks.Grinning, I toe off my shoes and slide out of the suffoca ng suit I’ve beenwearing all night.A er we got to the sta on, they hauled Dan off to a separate room andlet me go. I came straight here, my body strung ght with the need to burymyself inside my li le mouse.Completely naked, I slide into the bed next to Addie, curling her bodyinto mine.

Chapter 40

The Shadow

don’t remember ever being a needy child. Growing up, I had a great

rela onship with my parents. My mother was incredibly loving, and my


father was suppor ve and very involved in my life.

But I was always a naturally independent person. Determined to do

things on my own without help. And because my parents showered me

with love and a en on, it wasn’t something I sought out.

I can’t say that anymore.

Addie’s mouth is wide open, drool steadily leaking from her mouth. She’s

snoring so ly, and I don’t think I’ve go en the chance to tease her about

that yet. She’s going to get angry, and I smile just thinking about it.

Despite her disheveled state, my cock is incredibly hard. The witch went

to bed in nothing but a white, silky set, and the second I slowly drew back

the covers, I nearly went to my knees.

Did my li le mouse wear that just for me?

Reaching out, I trace a finger up her thigh, enjoying the sight of her skin

puckering. She shi s, moaning so ly at the disturbance in her sleep.

How would she feel waking up with my cock inside her?

She shi s again when I finger the strap of her underwear. Normally, she

wakes up fairly easily. And despite Addie giving in to me, I’m not foolish

enough to believe I don’t set her on edge s ll.

Which means she had a few drinks.

Grinning, I toe off my shoes and slide out of the suffoca ng suit I’ve been

wearing all night.

A er we got to the sta on, they hauled Dan off to a separate room and

let me go. I came straight here, my body strung ght with the need to bury

myself inside my li le mouse.

Completely naked, I slide into the bed next to Addie, curling her body

into mine.

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