

He stares at the pain ng with pride as if he painted it himself.“Yes,” I murmur, before turning away. I’m not going to stand there andinterpret art as if I'm not standing in a museum of depraved pain ngs. Oneglance around shows the other pain ngs are carved in subtle morbidity.I shake hands with a few people I recognize from Savior's and Pearl.Minutes later, Daniel has us all join him in the dining room, the twentyfoot-longtable set for at least twenty people.It’s not a normal set up. There are crystal glasses, white plates and a forkand knife set on a thick plas c covering. The en re middle of the table iscompletely empty. Normally, flowers and decora ons will take up space inthe middle to add a taste of class to dinners.I keep my face blank, despite my heart thudding heavily beneath myribcage.“Take a seat next to me, Zack, please,” Daniel insists, poin ng towardsthe chair to the right of him. Of course, he sits at the head of the table,smiling at his guests like a king.He leans over and mu ers to me, “I’m very excited for you to seetonight’s entrée.”I smile, and even I can feel how ice cold it is. “What would that be?” Iask.“Well, we wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise, now would we?” Dandeflects before turning his a en on to the guest on his le side.I stay silent, instead observing the guests seated around me. Everyonelooks to be at complete ease, talking amongst each other, laughing, andsmiling.As if it’s just another day, si ng at a dinner table and wai ng for a youngchild to be served.There are three exit points in the dining room. One leads into thekitchen, where there’s a back sliding door. The second leads down ahallway towards the game room and deeper into the house. The third leadsback towards the front door.I imagine the girl is in the kitchen. I don’t know if she’s already dead or ifthis will be like their rituals in the dungeon.My ques on is answered five minutes later when the kitchen dooropens, and an older man walks in, hand in hand with a li le girl no olderthan six.

Her brown eyes are wide with terror, looking upon the table like everyboogieman in her nightmares has come to life.The monsters inside her dreams were only there to show her what theylook like on the inside.“Ladies and gentlemen. Dinner is served.”

Her brown eyes are wide with terror, looking upon the table like every

boogieman in her nightmares has come to life.

The monsters inside her dreams were only there to show her what they

look like on the inside.

“Ladies and gentlemen. Dinner is served.”

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