

My head spins as I try to figure out what Dan is planning. It’s somethingevil, I know that much.“What’s the purpose of this appe zer?”If Dan has a problem with my ques oning, he doesn’t make it known.And frankly, I don’t give a fuck.Feeling the urge come over me, I switch my screen to a live feed ofsecurity cameras I have set up around Addie’s property. She’s home, andDaya's car is s ll parked outside of her house.Later, I’ll have to go over more training with her. I’ve gone over severalthings she should do if ever kidnapped but I want to make sure Addie isfully prepared. Not because I plan on ever le ng her be taken, but becauseI’m a realis c and logical person and understand that I can’t controleverything.I’ve been in this business far too long to know be er. Ge ng taken canhappen in a single second, when you’re doing the most mundane thingthat every single person does every day. Walking to their car. Walking in orout of a store. Pu ng gas in your car. Going on a walk in a park. And someeven force bait to knock on your door and ask for help.“Well, to get our fill before the main event, of course. We have theperfect appe zer picked out just for you. One that resembles your ownmeals at home. It’s safe to say you’ll join me, yeah?”My fists ghten un l I hear the bones crack. The appe zer is a li le girl.One that apparently looks similar to the girl who was in the picture Ishowed him at Savior's. He went out and handpicked a girl based on whathe thinks I like.I’m past the sickening feeling that s rs in the gut and makes you want tovomit—I’m seeing red now. The red of his blood, leaking from his throat asI slice into it. The red flowing from his mouth as he slowly suffocates. I seeso much red.“Of course,” I say breezily. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“Make sure the men are watching over Addie while I’m gone,” I remindJay, ghtening the e around my neck.It feels like a goddamn noose, and playing nice with these men tonight isthe proverbial bucket being kicked out from beneath my feet.Socializing with some of the most depraved men to ever live certainlyfeels like hanging myself from the ceiling ra ers. They deserve to die, andinstead I’ll be drinking expensive whiskey with them and imagining all theways I'm going to slaughter each and every one of them.“Her house is being watched around the clock. Discreetly, of course,” Jayassures from behind me.Doesn’t feel good enough. Something I learned from when she was justa girl ge ng undressed in her room, while I watched from afar through herwindow. I knew her skin was as so as silk and that her pussy would feellike fucking paradise. But being so far away and only just watching—itwasn’t good enough.And now, her safety feels precarious. I have the best men in the worldwatching out for her, but if the Society were to send someone a er her—they wouldn’t hire some low-life off the streets.They’d hire someone just as trained to hunt and kill as the men circlingthe perimeter of her house.I spare a glance at Jay through the mirror, his shaggy black hair curledaround his pale face as he fiddles with the plas c red rose on mynightstand. I don’t feel par cularly comfortable having him in my personalspace, but Jay decided he didn’t care and walked into my bedroom and saton the bed anyway.Addie hasn’t even go en the chance to come here yet. I’ll have to rec fythat soon.I walk over to him and snatch the rose from his hand, his fingernailspainted black today. Every me I see them, they’re a different color.Never one to shy away, Jay prods. “Is that personal? Where did you getit?”I cock a brow at him, but he just stares up at me with faux innocence inhis hazel eyes, pa ently wai ng.Whatever.“My mother gave it to me a long me ago. She loved roses and hadthem all over the house. She gave this to me to always remember her by.”

My head spins as I try to figure out what Dan is planning. It’s something

evil, I know that much.

“What’s the purpose of this appe zer?”

If Dan has a problem with my ques oning, he doesn’t make it known.

And frankly, I don’t give a fuck.

Feeling the urge come over me, I switch my screen to a live feed of

security cameras I have set up around Addie’s property. She’s home, and

Daya's car is s ll parked outside of her house.

Later, I’ll have to go over more training with her. I’ve gone over several

things she should do if ever kidnapped but I want to make sure Addie is

fully prepared. Not because I plan on ever le ng her be taken, but because

I’m a realis c and logical person and understand that I can’t control


I’ve been in this business far too long to know be er. Ge ng taken can

happen in a single second, when you’re doing the most mundane thing

that every single person does every day. Walking to their car. Walking in or

out of a store. Pu ng gas in your car. Going on a walk in a park. And some

even force bait to knock on your door and ask for help.

“Well, to get our fill before the main event, of course. We have the

perfect appe zer picked out just for you. One that resembles your own

meals at home. It’s safe to say you’ll join me, yeah?”

My fists ghten un l I hear the bones crack. The appe zer is a li le girl.

One that apparently looks similar to the girl who was in the picture I

showed him at Savior's. He went out and handpicked a girl based on what

he thinks I like.

I’m past the sickening feeling that s rs in the gut and makes you want to

vomit—I’m seeing red now. The red of his blood, leaking from his throat as

I slice into it. The red flowing from his mouth as he slowly suffocates. I see

so much red.

“Of course,” I say breezily. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

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