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“Torture them,” she easily guesses. Those four poli cians exposed that


She pauses, her caramel eyes boring into me. She’s absently chewing her

lip, contempla ng something, it seems. Whatever she decides, she nods

her head slightly to herself.

I’m very curious to know what’s going on in that head of hers.

“Tell me,” she says, her tone firm and unyielding. “I want to know

everything… about you.” She ends her sentence with a wrinkle of her nose

as if she thought she’d never say those words. It brings a small grin to my


“You mean besides what it feels like to have my cock in every hole of

your body?”

She scoffs, a pre y blush staining her cheeks.

“You have not,” she snaps.

“Yet,” I promise. I haven’t taken her ass yet, but I fully intend to. Soon.

“Zade, focus,” she hisses. But her clenched thighs and blown eyes don’t

go unno ced.

I look off to the side and stare out at the Bay, focusing on something

mundane, despite how beau ful it is with the water sparkling beneath the


Everything is mundane when Addie is present.

There’s a small thicket of trees leading up towards the cliff, the crooked

branches deprived of leaves and reaching towards the sky as if begging for

life again. They’re dying, and it imitates what I feel on the inside right now.

“I target specific people. Poli cians. Celebri es. Businessmen. People in

posi ons of power or who have money. And even people who are the

lowest of the totem pole and will do anything to get by. At the end of the

day, it doesn’t really ma er what their job is or how much money they

have because they’re all the same. They’re human sex traffickers.

“For years, I’ve been targe ng pedophile rings and dismantling them.

Rescue the girls and children and either send them back to their family or

send them to a safe, undisclosed loca on where they can live the rest of

their lives in comfort.

“But about nine months ago, a video leaked of a sadis c ritual taking

place. They were sacrificing a child and drinking his blood. Since then, a

few more videos have leaked, including one last night.” I pause, clenching

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