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stumble away from him and towards exactly where he wants me to be.

When I’m a foot away, he grabs me and slams me into the wall, pressing

the en re length of his body against mine. Before I can take another

breath, his hand is once more encircling my throat, and his mouth is on


Just like he said, I let him consume me. Tears burn the back of my eyes as

his mouth tears my lips apart, feas ng on my tongue without permission.

I can’t do this.

I can’t fucking let him do this to me.

Ripping my mouth away, I push him back, but he doesn’t move a fucking


“Stop!” I snap, struggling against him. “I’m not le ng you do this. You

just murdered dangerous people, Zade—which means they have

dangerous friends. It's like Max all over again. You’re a monster.”

The hand s ll wrapped around my throat ghtens before he thumps my

head against the wall, ceasing my struggles.

“And you’re the sweet li le angel that I’m going to drag down to hell

with me,” he rasps, his voice deep and husky as he whispers his omen into

my ear.

“I hate you,” I spit, glaring with all the disgust I can muster in my body.

He just won't fucking listen.

He only smiles, the gesture mocking. “And I will never let you fuck me

again, Zade.” I’m not ashamed by the way my voice wobbles. Let him hear

how serious I am. It’s not fear making my tone erra c, it’s the animosity

bleeding out from my soul.

He presses deeper into me, a snarl forming on his face. He looks vicious

and en cing all in the same breath, like the handsome devil si ng on a

throne of bones.

“Are you willing to bet your life?” he asks, his smooth voice a stark

contrast to mine. He grinds his pelvis against me, the hard, thick length of

him digging into my stomach.

When I don’t answer, he smiles. “I think my li le mouse is a liar,” he

growls the last word into my ear, sending violent tremors throughout my


His mouth caresses my cheek, the so flesh of his lips ska ng lightly

towards my lips. His mouth skims against mine, elici ng electric shivers

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