

Savior’s looks like the type of club I’d expect to run an elite sex dungeonand perform rituals.The main room is massive. The stage is right in the middle of the room, alarge pole front and center with a girl swinging around it—completelynaked. Her ts bounce as she li s herself up, wrapping her long legsaround the pole and bending backwards, her breasts on full display as shegyrates her hips.I don’t bother looking at her body. What I look at are her eyes. And ittakes control to keep my jaw from clenching when I see the telltale glazedfilm in them. Black circles decorate the flesh beneath her dead gaze, and Iwant nothing more than to carry her out of here and get her somewheresafe.Bi ng back the anger, I chant to myself in my head that all these girls willbe saved. Just like the other clubs, I’m going to get them all out. There willbe nothing le of these fucking gentlemen’s clubs when I’m done.And then I’ll move on to the next city, the next state, the next country if Ihave to.I refocus on the rest of the club as I work to keep my face blank and mybreathing even.Evidently, I’ve walked into a place where people enjoy the taste and lookof blood.The ambiance is dark and moody and shows clear signs of sadism. Theligh ng is dim, the shadows swallowed by the black walls and furniture.A deep red, the color of blood, is accented across the en re area. Redframes around old age pain ngs that indicate devil worship and sacrifice.Red shades around the mini lamps adorned on each wall. Red glasses,ashtrays, and drinks… And red heels and ou its that are covered in realdiamonds and crystals.Though I wouldn’t exactly consider their clothes as ou its. More likestrings of fabric and jewels.Yet, they managed to make the place drip with elegance and money.“Zack! So nice to see you here,” a voice booms from behind me.Arranging a calm, but pleasant look onto my face, I turn and see a man Irecognize very well. Daniel Boveri.He’s a lawyer for the president, and someone Mark mingled with o en.He’s a charming man—the tall, dark, and handsome type. With his thick

black eyebrows set low over dark eyes that give him a menacing look, blackhair, and a snake-like smile. He’s pushing his fi ies, but the man isn’thur ng for women.Dan exudes confidence and from the few mes we’ve spoken, Iunderstand why he’s a lawyer for the president. He’s incrediblymanipula ve.“Dan, nice to see you,” I respond, shaking his hand firmly when he holdshis out to me.“I was wondering when I’d see you here. Mark spoke about bringing youa few mes.”“I’m sure he did,” I murmur. That’s news to me.“Very unfortunate what happened to him. Can’t believe some psycholi le girl managed to do all that to those four. S ll never found theirbodies, did they?”I shake my head empathe cally, appearing to be just as shocked byMark’s death.“Not that I’m aware of, man. Doesn’t she keep talking about henchmenor some shit?” I ask with a mocking smirk on my face. I hate to use Sibby’smental illness to my advantage, but in this case, if it means savinghundreds of children and women, I’ll weaponize whatever I need to inorder to see that I complete my mission.God, I even sound a li le like her. Sibby believes killing evil people is hermission in life, something she was born to do.And I can’t en rely disagree with the thought when you’re constantlyrisking your life to do something you feel is right. Even if other people willsee it as wrong.Dan laughs, the tone cruel and judgmental. “Yeah, thought I heardsomeone men on that.”I scoff in disgust. “Girl says she had five henchmen. If they only saw onege ng away, can’t imagine if there’s more out there on the loose.”That li le remark will circulate and taint the minds of the Society. If theybelieve that Sibby’s henchmen are real, then it’ll keep suspicions low. Atleast un l the therapists get to Sibby and realize that her henchmen are allin her imagina on.By then, these fuckers will all have bullets in their heads, and thechildren they exploit will be long gone.

black eyebrows set low over dark eyes that give him a menacing look, black

hair, and a snake-like smile. He’s pushing his fi ies, but the man isn’t

hur ng for women.

Dan exudes confidence and from the few mes we’ve spoken, I

understand why he’s a lawyer for the president. He’s incredibly

manipula ve.

“Dan, nice to see you,” I respond, shaking his hand firmly when he holds

his out to me.

“I was wondering when I’d see you here. Mark spoke about bringing you

a few mes.”

“I’m sure he did,” I murmur. That’s news to me.

“Very unfortunate what happened to him. Can’t believe some psycho

li le girl managed to do all that to those four. S ll never found their

bodies, did they?”

I shake my head empathe cally, appearing to be just as shocked by

Mark’s death.

“Not that I’m aware of, man. Doesn’t she keep talking about henchmen

or some shit?” I ask with a mocking smirk on my face. I hate to use Sibby’s

mental illness to my advantage, but in this case, if it means saving

hundreds of children and women, I’ll weaponize whatever I need to in

order to see that I complete my mission.

God, I even sound a li le like her. Sibby believes killing evil people is her

mission in life, something she was born to do.

And I can’t en rely disagree with the thought when you’re constantly

risking your life to do something you feel is right. Even if other people will

see it as wrong.

Dan laughs, the tone cruel and judgmental. “Yeah, thought I heard

someone men on that.”

I scoff in disgust. “Girl says she had five henchmen. If they only saw one

ge ng away, can’t imagine if there’s more out there on the loose.”

That li le remark will circulate and taint the minds of the Society. If they

believe that Sibby’s henchmen are real, then it’ll keep suspicions low. At

least un l the therapists get to Sibby and realize that her henchmen are all

in her imagina on.

By then, these fuckers will all have bullets in their heads, and the

children they exploit will be long gone.

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