

He was a rich man who came from old money. He spent his riches onbuilding a compound for his followers, confining them to a stretch of landfor the rest of their lives. That’s where Sibby was born and raised, up un lshe commi ed a heinous crime and fled.There are reports of Sibby’s mother commi ng suicide via poison, and itseems that’s what led to the broken doll finally snapping. She snuck intoher father’s bedroom at night with a knife and stabbed him to death.One hundred and fi y-three mes to be precise. Rage was a factor. Sibbymade it clear that she is perfectly capable of stabbing a man past herbody’s physical limits if angry enough. Robert was proof of that.It took three days for them to connect Sibby to murders across thecountry. All ci es that Satan’s Affair has rooted the haunted carnival inhave numerous cases of missing person reports in each loca on for thepast five years.If all the people reported missing from Satan’s Affair had connec ons toher, Sibby has killed around fi y people.I was genuinely surprised that the haunted fair didn't come under firesooner with so many reports connected to them, but then I had learnedthat most of the vic ms were lowlifes, with very few people that caredenough to look for them.Whether Sibby was correct in thinking they were demons is subjec ve.But what I can say is that even though none of them have records, save fora few pe y crimes, it doesn't seem like they were good people either.So, in the end, an unknown accomplice will be looked into, but withSibby’s past coupled with her claims of having henchmen, there’s a goodchance the murders of the four men will be chalked up to what I hadhoped.Wrong place, wrong me.She really was the perfect scapegoat. I just wish I didn’t fucking care.That was three nights ago, and with the threat of the Society reloca ng,Jay has been monitoring Savior’s closely. We’ve hacked into their camerafeed on the main floor, and by the looks of it, they’re staying s ll.Obviously, no cameras reside in the dungeon. That’d be too easy.“Any word on the building being demolished?” I ask Jay, my phone to myear.

“Nope,” he replies, popping the P drama cally. I want to pop him in theface for it. “You going in tonight?” he asks.“Yes,” I say, rolling my head and cracking my neck. The tension hasalready started seeping into my shoulders. I have a sinking feeling I’m goingto see some shit that will threaten to send me into a tailspin.But I have to maintain control. If I don’t, I will die before I save thosekids, and that’s just not an op on.“S ll keeping an eye on Addie?”Jay sighs. “Yes…” he trails off, and I can feel the ques on hanging fromthe p of his tongue. I want to reach through the receiver, snatch it, andcrush it before he can speak, but he’s too quick. “So, uh, this is like the loveof your life or some shit?” he asks awkwardly.The sigh I try to keep internal bleeds out and through the phone. “Theone and only,” I clip, my tone signaling that I don’t want to speak aboutAddie right now, but the fucker doesn’t ever listen when it comes to mypersonal life.“She feel the same?”I can’t help the slight smirk from forming on my face. “She’s ge ngthere,” I reply cryp cally.Jay finally takes the hint and drops it. “Well, you will be happy to knowthat no one has gone in and out of her house except her friend for the pastthree days.”Mark's threat s ll rings around in my head. Like a stray bullet ricoche ngin a constant loop inside my brain.The Society knows about Addie, making her a target. They may lovechildren, but they absolutely do not pass up beau ful young women to selland ship off to other countries. There’s no shortage of demand when itcomes to the skin trade. Evil people have their tastes, and some prefertheir vic ms to be fully grown women just as much as some prefer themadolescent.The tension in my shoulders grows as my thoughts run away from me. Asingle moment—that’s all it takes for her to go missing. Vanish out of thinair within a short trek from her car to the grocery store entrance.She doesn’t know the danger she’s in, but that will change soon. I refuseto hide the truth from her. And I’m sure she’s not going to like hearing thatour self-defense lessons are going to be ramping up.

He was a rich man who came from old money. He spent his riches on

building a compound for his followers, confining them to a stretch of land

for the rest of their lives. That’s where Sibby was born and raised, up un l

she commi ed a heinous crime and fled.

There are reports of Sibby’s mother commi ng suicide via poison, and it

seems that’s what led to the broken doll finally snapping. She snuck into

her father’s bedroom at night with a knife and stabbed him to death.

One hundred and fi y-three mes to be precise. Rage was a factor. Sibby

made it clear that she is perfectly capable of stabbing a man past her

body’s physical limits if angry enough. Robert was proof of that.

It took three days for them to connect Sibby to murders across the

country. All ci es that Satan’s Affair has rooted the haunted carnival in

have numerous cases of missing person reports in each loca on for the

past five years.

If all the people reported missing from Satan’s Affair had connec ons to

her, Sibby has killed around fi y people.

I was genuinely surprised that the haunted fair didn't come under fire

sooner with so many reports connected to them, but then I had learned

that most of the vic ms were lowlifes, with very few people that cared

enough to look for them.

Whether Sibby was correct in thinking they were demons is subjec ve.

But what I can say is that even though none of them have records, save for

a few pe y crimes, it doesn't seem like they were good people either.

So, in the end, an unknown accomplice will be looked into, but with

Sibby’s past coupled with her claims of having henchmen, there’s a good

chance the murders of the four men will be chalked up to what I had


Wrong place, wrong me.

She really was the perfect scapegoat. I just wish I didn’t fucking care.

That was three nights ago, and with the threat of the Society reloca ng,

Jay has been monitoring Savior’s closely. We’ve hacked into their camera

feed on the main floor, and by the looks of it, they’re staying s ll.

Obviously, no cameras reside in the dungeon. That’d be too easy.

“Any word on the building being demolished?” I ask Jay, my phone to my


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