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She takes a deep, calming breath. “Okay, I'm sorry. I’ve just been really

scared, Addie.”

I flinch as a different kind of tsunami overwhelms me. This one is filled

with every nega ve emo on imaginable. Guilt. Shame. Regret.

"I'm really sorry, Daya. I'll see you in a few."

I hang up the phone and immediately start walking off in the direc on I

think I’m supposed to be going in.

“Wrong way, li le mouse. Follow me,” Zade says, his deep tenor causing

me to tense, my shoulders rocke ng to my ears. He’s finished dressing and

is heading in the opposite direc on.

S ffly, I turn and follow a er him. Not asking or caring how he knows

where to go, as long as he gets me out of here.

A er fi een tense minutes, we find the exit door and I rush out, the cold

air a balm to my heated face.

The fair is a stark difference to when I came in. The field is completely

devoid of life. Not a single soul on the grounds nor any lights.

How long were we in there for? I check the me, and my eyes bug when

I note that it’s twelve-thirty in the morning.

Two hours! I’ve been in there for two fucking hours. Sure, half of that

was ge ng through the mirrors but s ll. Normal people don’t fuck for that

long, do they?

Zade is somewhere behind me, so I glance over my shoulder and say,

“Don’t follow me out. Daya is wai ng for me, and I don’t want her to see

you.” Even I can detect the coldness in my voice.

The en re fi een minutes it took to find our way out, all I could think

about is how I want to fuck him again.

And that scares the absolute shit out of me.

It was the reality check I needed—a very stark reminder that I just had

sex with my stalker. I shouldn't have let any of that happen.

I feel his hand clamp around my wrist a second before he whips me

around. I stumble into him, but he catches me quickly, wrapping a hand

ghtly around the back of my neck.

“I’m late for a date with a psycho girl anyways,” he says easily. My eyes

round and he smiles when he detects the anger in my eyes. “Don’t be

jealous, li le mouse. It’s not a real date. She’s not my type of crazy. Despite

the fact that she’s not you.”

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