

Mark tries to brush off my story with a laugh, the sound choked andbroken. “Zack, please, we weren’t speaking of your girlfriend.”“Mark, the last thing you want to do is lie to me.”Just as Mark opens his mouth, a li le door in the room springs open andout crawls the biggest fucking nuisance of the night.“For the love of God, please leave me alone,” I snap. Mark and hisfriends turn to find the doll straightening, a determined gleam in her eye.Her face brightens. “God has nothing to do with this, silly.”

Chapter 29The Manipulatorthink if I don’t go sit the fuck down, I’m going to collapse. You’ll haveto peel me out of this mud.”“II point towards a bench. “Go ahead and relax. I’m going to gothrough the House of Mirrors real quick.”“Fine by me, it’ll take you forever to get out of that thing, and it’ll beme to go.”The House of Mirrors has always been one of my favorite places. It’s anelaborate maze of mirrors, and very difficult to find your way out of. It’sone of the biggest buildings at the fair, and they fill every inch of it withmirrors.The fair will close in about a half-hour. It’s pushing it, but it should bejust enough me to get through it if I concentrate.The house is painted all black—no array of colors, flashing of lights, orsmoke. I’ve always thought it was trippier like this. Some mes it feels likebeing in a silent room, le with nothing but your thoughts as your ownimage haunts you.It takes all of five minutes before I’m thoroughly lost. I keep my handsheld out before me, preven ng me from running face first into one of themirrors.I did that a couple of years ago and my nose was bruised for a week.A few minutes pass by with nothing but the company of my ownreflec on. My heart rate is pumping erra cally, my breathing uneven withexcitement. Despite the pounding in my chest, this is where I feel most…normal.Off in the distance, I hear a faint shuffling of feet. Not very many peoplecome in here, especially this late, but there’s plenty of people who like totake on the challenge.

Chapter 29

The Manipulator

think if I don’t go sit the fuck down, I’m going to collapse. You’ll have

to peel me out of this mud.”


I point towards a bench. “Go ahead and relax. I’m going to go

through the House of Mirrors real quick.”

“Fine by me, it’ll take you forever to get out of that thing, and it’ll be

me to go.”

The House of Mirrors has always been one of my favorite places. It’s an

elaborate maze of mirrors, and very difficult to find your way out of. It’s

one of the biggest buildings at the fair, and they fill every inch of it with


The fair will close in about a half-hour. It’s pushing it, but it should be

just enough me to get through it if I concentrate.

The house is painted all black—no array of colors, flashing of lights, or

smoke. I’ve always thought it was trippier like this. Some mes it feels like

being in a silent room, le with nothing but your thoughts as your own

image haunts you.

It takes all of five minutes before I’m thoroughly lost. I keep my hands

held out before me, preven ng me from running face first into one of the


I did that a couple of years ago and my nose was bruised for a week.

A few minutes pass by with nothing but the company of my own

reflec on. My heart rate is pumping erra cally, my breathing uneven with

excitement. Despite the pounding in my chest, this is where I feel most…


Off in the distance, I hear a faint shuffling of feet. Not very many people

come in here, especially this late, but there’s plenty of people who like to

take on the challenge.

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