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not en rely wrong. Except I’m only interested in hur ng one of them, and

by the me I’m done, she’ll love the way I make her scream.

She snaps, “Don’t call me that. You’re the one preying on women.”

I arch a brow, on the verge of laughing in her face. “That just makes me

disturbed. Not crazy.”

Her ny hands ball into ght fists, and a snarl pulls her face taut with


The doll li s her nightgown far enough to bring out the knife and kicks

the door shut behind her.

I can’t tell if I should laugh or rage. She’s deliberately keeping me from

my li le mouse, and that makes me very fucking unhappy.

“What are you going to do with that, dolly?” I ask, a mocking smirk on

my face. This should be over quickly.

“I’m going to kill you, monster.”

I don’t have me for this shit.

The longer I’m trapped in a room with Chucky’s Bride, the more

opportunity handed over to Mark. If the men no ce I’m nowhere to be

found, and Addie is le vulnerable, nothing will stop them from seizing the


She’s more interested in talking, and me is cking. I charge at her, but

I’m surprised by how much fight she has in her.

I humor her, the sloppy a acks beginning with a knife and ending with

her fists. The en re me, she rages like a petulant child. Throwing a fit

because she can’t land a strike.

I see the despera on leaking into her expression, just as antsy to take

me down as I am her.

Finally, I land one good sucker punch to her nose, causing her to lose her

foo ng and go crashing to the ground.

She screeches out some idle threat, but my focus is on the door. I storm

past her, whipping out the door and charging down the hall.

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