

Walking into this house feels like stepping into another dimension thatdemons inhabit. My skin prickles as I look around the pink monstrosity.“What in the actual hell?” I mu er under my breath, momentarilydistracted by the eyesore this house is. If Addie and I have a daughter, Ihope she has some goddamn sense and prefers black.It feels like my eyeballs are physically cringing from all the pink. DidBarney come in here and shit everywhere? Jesus fucking Christ.Addie’s light brown hair flashes in my peripheral. Just as my eyes slide toher, she’s disappearing behind a corner, ge ng chased by a monster. Theirscreams fill up the smoky atmosphere, bringing a smirk to my face.It’s a good taste of what I’m going to make her sound like later.My feet work on autopilot, trailing a er her. I hear the door open again,followed by Mark and his friends’ voices. I’ll be sure to keep a firm barrierbetween my girl and the dipshits behind me.Addie and Daya will have fun, undisturbed by the real monsters in thehouse.It’s when they scramble up the stairs, a laughing heap of limbs andscreams—I lose sight of them. I run up the stairs, hearing their screamsfrom behind the first door.I study the hallway system. There are too many doors in this hallway,making it physically impossible for this many rooms. Some of them arefalse doors, which means they could end up in any one of these roomswhen they come out the other side. They might not even come back out inthe hallway at all if the rooms connect on the inside.Sighing, I make my way down the hallway, intent on peeking in a fewrooms and finding the best place to camp. Singing erupts moments later,and I freeze from the ice-cold chills traveling down my spine, the hair onthe back of my neck rising. It could be a part of the haunted houseexperience, but something niggles at the back of my mind. Warning me ofincoming danger.Not shit I can do about it un l someone comes out swinging.Ignoring the singing, I forge on. There should be an exit sign hangingover one of the doors in the case of a fire, so guests know where toevacuate. I suspect it’ll be in one of the back rooms. I can camp out in theroom opposite, which will allow me to keep an eye on the hallway and I’llknow exactly when Addie leaves.

When I enter the room on the le , I sweep my eyes across the smallarea, looking for the exit. In tandem, I feel a presence come up behind me—one that doesn’t want to invite me to their tea party any me soon—while mechanical mannequins burst from an armoire and a closet. Myheart stalls in my chest, but I stay calm as I turn towards the maliciouspresence at my back.The last thing I expect to see is the broken doll from earlier—the onetaun ng Mark.Her brown hair is pulled up in pigtails, with pink bows wrapped aroundthem. Dull, brown eyes stare at me, intent shining brightly behind themakeup on her face. Up close, she’s a lot creepier than I had expected.Probably because the look in her eyes is murderous. I glance down,taking quick inventory of her. She’s wearing a thin white nightgown, leavingli le to the imagina on. I barely no ce her nipples poking through the thinfabric. No, what my eyes lock in on is the outline of a knife strapped to herthigh.My blood chills. If this bitch tries to hurt my li le mouse…“Where are they?” I ask, keeping calm. I’m wai ng to see confusionbloom on her face, followed by a ques on on who I’m talking about. Butshe doesn’t give me that sense of security.She seems to know exactly who I’m talking about.“Safe from you,” she snips. Then she turns her head to the side, staringat the wall. “Let the others know two women are being followed and makesure they get away safely. I have this handled.”I can’t help the smirk that ps up the corners of my mouth. While part ofme is tripped up on who she’s talking to, I’m mostly amused that she thinksshe can handle me.Her eyes track something that I can’t see, as if she’s watching themleave.“So, you’re crazy, huh?”She rears back, offended by my assessment. Frankly, I couldn’t give a lessof a shit.Anxiousness is curdling in my stomach like spoiled milk. Addie and Dayas ll haven’t stumbled their way to the back of the hallway yet. And thisli le girl must think I’m like Mark and here to hurt them and well… she’s

Walking into this house feels like stepping into another dimension that

demons inhabit. My skin prickles as I look around the pink monstrosity.

“What in the actual hell?” I mu er under my breath, momentarily

distracted by the eyesore this house is. If Addie and I have a daughter, I

hope she has some goddamn sense and prefers black.

It feels like my eyeballs are physically cringing from all the pink. Did

Barney come in here and shit everywhere? Jesus fucking Christ.

Addie’s light brown hair flashes in my peripheral. Just as my eyes slide to

her, she’s disappearing behind a corner, ge ng chased by a monster. Their

screams fill up the smoky atmosphere, bringing a smirk to my face.

It’s a good taste of what I’m going to make her sound like later.

My feet work on autopilot, trailing a er her. I hear the door open again,

followed by Mark and his friends’ voices. I’ll be sure to keep a firm barrier

between my girl and the dipshits behind me.

Addie and Daya will have fun, undisturbed by the real monsters in the


It’s when they scramble up the stairs, a laughing heap of limbs and

screams—I lose sight of them. I run up the stairs, hearing their screams

from behind the first door.

I study the hallway system. There are too many doors in this hallway,

making it physically impossible for this many rooms. Some of them are

false doors, which means they could end up in any one of these rooms

when they come out the other side. They might not even come back out in

the hallway at all if the rooms connect on the inside.

Sighing, I make my way down the hallway, intent on peeking in a few

rooms and finding the best place to camp. Singing erupts moments later,

and I freeze from the ice-cold chills traveling down my spine, the hair on

the back of my neck rising. It could be a part of the haunted house

experience, but something niggles at the back of my mind. Warning me of

incoming danger.

Not shit I can do about it un l someone comes out swinging.

Ignoring the singing, I forge on. There should be an exit sign hanging

over one of the doors in the case of a fire, so guests know where to

evacuate. I suspect it’ll be in one of the back rooms. I can camp out in the

room opposite, which will allow me to keep an eye on the hallway and I’ll

know exactly when Addie leaves.

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