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high possibility Addie and her friend will never make it home.

If I wasn’t here, of course.

Mark may like me, but he doesn’t respect me. Not more than the

Society, at least. And his buddies aren’t going to even consider me when

they’re ushering two beau ful girls into a non-descript van. The only thing

on their minds will be pussy and dollar signs.

I beeline towards Mark, barreling through a guy that looks like he roasts

in a tanning bed like it’s the Fountain of Youth. Doesn’t make sense, but

clearly the kid doesn’t possess any if he’s pointedly standing in my way and

refuses to move a er he sees me coming. Exactly why he ends up on his

ass, curses following me as I con nue on my path.

Just as I approach, Addie and Daya are ushered into the house, leaving

Mark and his friends behind. The houses have an occupa on limit to

prevent the cramped space from becoming too congested. Especially with

people running like their life depends on it.

“Mark!” I greet loudly, a smile stretched across my face. I can feel my

scars ghtening from how hard I’m forcing it, but the old man is too selfabsorbed

to no ce.

Mark looks startled as he turns to me, but just like Addie, a strained

smile stretches across his face.

“Zack! You made it! I just saw Addie go in with her pre y friend. She said

you went off to find a bathroom.”

Smart li le mouse.

She le it open to the possibility that I’m around somewhere and could

show up any minute. Fucking love that girl.

I flash my teeth again. “Yeah, I just found a quiet spot real quick,” I say,

poin ng over my shoulder lazily.

“Ah, being a man is God’s gi ,” he laughs, slapping my arm. “You’ve met

my colleagues here.”

I exchange quick pleasantries, but I shi , wearing my impa ence on my

sleeve. The employee opened the door and is wai ng for me to enter.

“Mind if I cut ahead? I want to catch up.”

Mark swoops his hand forward, gesturing for me to go ahead, his lips

ghtened into a thin line.

Someone shouts behind me, no cing that I cut in line. Mark’s placa ons

are cut off by the slam of the door.

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