

“S-someone could come in,” she croaks, my ministra ons steady andfirm. When I pinch her sensi ve clit between my fingers, her eyes cross, asexy moan releasing from her parted lips.“Does that make your pussy wet?” I implore, con nuing to rub her clitwith my finger. “Does the knowledge that someone could come in anysecond and see you spread open for me turn you on?”She shakes her head, denying the truth as much as she denies how muchshe wants me.“The fear of being caught with my fingers deep in your pussy—” I pauseto drive home my point, plunging my middle finger inside her and wringingout a sharp cry— “it makes you want to come so badly, doesn’t it?”I add a second finger, fucking her in quick hard strokes. Her breathsharpens, and her moans heighten as she draws closer to an orgasm.My eyes shi back and forth between what my fingers are doing to herand her face. Her eyes have long since dropped to my hand, defying myorders once again.Mid-stroke, I withdraw my fingers and grab her face with my other hand,roughly squeezing her jaw in my grip. She mewls, crying from both the lossand the pain lancing through her face.I deliver one quick, sharp slap to her pussy, enjoying the startled cry ofpain that sneaks past her lips.“What. Did. I. Say?” Her chest heaves, and her hips buck against the air,desperate to feel my fingers filling her up once more.“Watch the movie,” she answers, sucking her lip between her teeth asher glazed eyes focus back on the screen.“Were you listening?” I growl, refusing to touch her needy pussy.“I—no. I’m sorry,” she says quietly, a deep crease forming between herbrows. Her apology didn’t se le right with her, so to abate the soberingthoughts, I plunge my fingers back inside her.A long moan releases, but her eyes stay glued to the screen.“Good girl,” I praise, feeling the answering clench around my fingers. “If Icatch you disobeying me one more me, you won’t get to come. Am Iunderstood?”She nods, the movement choppy and strained against the force of myfingers clutching her cheeks.

Releasing her face, my hand dri s to the front of her dress, tuggingdown harshly. The fabric holds ght beneath her ts, forcing them to swell.Groaning, I cup a full breast in my palm, squeezing ghtly before kneadingthe sharpened point of her nipple between my fingers.I resume my ministra ons with the hand between her thighs, keepingmy thrusts slow and languid. Drawing out her pleasure and wringing moredelicious moans from her mouth. Her eyes droop into a half-lidded state,but they don’t stray from the screen.Loud, wet noises war with the sound from the movie as my fingers dip inand out. She’s so fucking wet. She’s crea ng a pool on my slacks and theseat beneath us.I trade between bi ng and licking at her neck and whispering words ofappraisal in her ear. This me, I want her orgasm to build at a slower, morepainful pace. It’ll gradually creep up while feeling so far out of reach.“This sweet li le pussy is so fucking needy for my fingers, isn’t it? Do youfeel how ghtly you’re gripping me? I have to fight just to withdraw myfingers so I can fuck you with them.”A sinister vibe emanates from the screen, and Addie’s pulse seems tobecome even more erra c.“Zade, please,” she begs, her nails bi ng into my arms. My sleevesalleviate the s ng, but the pressure increases un l I fear she’s going to startbreaking her red painted nails.My free hand grips her throat and squeezes firmly un l her face pinkens,and her breath grows short. Staccato moans bursts from her lips as Iincrease my pace and firmly rub her clit with my thumb.“Oh, God—” she sucks in a sharp breath.“That’s right, I am your God.”“Zade!” she screams a moment before her pussy clenches onto myfingers so ghtly, I can hardly move them any longer.Her back arches and her head kicks back, past the point of caring aboutmy demands and the movie. A sob wracks her throat as I con nuethrus ng, riding out her orgasm un l her en re body is convulsing andshe’s desperately trying to pull my hand away.“Oh my god, oh my god, Zade, stop,” she chants, her juices flooding soheavily from her core that I feel them spilling past my hand.

Releasing her face, my hand dri s to the front of her dress, tugging

down harshly. The fabric holds ght beneath her ts, forcing them to swell.

Groaning, I cup a full breast in my palm, squeezing ghtly before kneading

the sharpened point of her nipple between my fingers.

I resume my ministra ons with the hand between her thighs, keeping

my thrusts slow and languid. Drawing out her pleasure and wringing more

delicious moans from her mouth. Her eyes droop into a half-lidded state,

but they don’t stray from the screen.

Loud, wet noises war with the sound from the movie as my fingers dip in

and out. She’s so fucking wet. She’s crea ng a pool on my slacks and the

seat beneath us.

I trade between bi ng and licking at her neck and whispering words of

appraisal in her ear. This me, I want her orgasm to build at a slower, more

painful pace. It’ll gradually creep up while feeling so far out of reach.

“This sweet li le pussy is so fucking needy for my fingers, isn’t it? Do you

feel how ghtly you’re gripping me? I have to fight just to withdraw my

fingers so I can fuck you with them.”

A sinister vibe emanates from the screen, and Addie’s pulse seems to

become even more erra c.

“Zade, please,” she begs, her nails bi ng into my arms. My sleeves

alleviate the s ng, but the pressure increases un l I fear she’s going to start

breaking her red painted nails.

My free hand grips her throat and squeezes firmly un l her face pinkens,

and her breath grows short. Staccato moans bursts from her lips as I

increase my pace and firmly rub her clit with my thumb.

“Oh, God—” she sucks in a sharp breath.

“That’s right, I am your God.”

“Zade!” she screams a moment before her pussy clenches onto my

fingers so ghtly, I can hardly move them any longer.

Her back arches and her head kicks back, past the point of caring about

my demands and the movie. A sob wracks her throat as I con nue

thrus ng, riding out her orgasm un l her en re body is convulsing and

she’s desperately trying to pull my hand away.

“Oh my god, oh my god, Zade, stop,” she chants, her juices flooding so

heavily from her core that I feel them spilling past my hand.

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