

I grab her hand, basking in the feel of her skin against mine as I guide herout of the room. I wait un l it seems all eyes have turned away from usand slip through the door and out into a grand hallway.Now would be a perfect me to search the house, see what I candiscover in a pedophile’s safe space. But selfishly, I want to ease some ofthe building tension swelling in Addie's shoulders.She’s doing fucking amazing so far. Despite the obvious nerves, she’smanaged to make every single person in the room fall in love with her. Ifanything, her shy, innocent demeanor and suave words are these people’sdaily dose of whatever prescrip on pills keep them sane.I’m equal parts impressed and perturbed by her. Because all this womanhas managed to do is make these people want to see her again. And that’sthe last thing both of us want.I slide out my phone and shoot off a quick message to Jay, asking him totake care of the security cameras. I’ve spo ed dozens just from theentrance to the ballroom, and I’m sure Mark has a team ac vely watchingto make sure no one does exactly what we’re doing now.Mark would be alerted immediately and we would be caught before weeven got a chance to have fun.Jay confirms the cameras are set, and Addie and I take off. Her heels clickagainst the led floor as we sneak through the maze of hallways androoms.Occasionally, I open up doors and peek inside, finding nothing ofinterest. That is un l we get somewhere far enough away that the noisefrom the ballroom no longer penetrates the walls.At the end of another hallway are wide double doors, the cherry woodstanding out against the champagne walls.I head towards the doors, Addie barely keeping up behind me. “Zade, weshouldn’t be sneaking around. We’re going to get in trouble,” she pleads,glancing behind her as if someone is hot on her heels. It’s the fi h meshe’s said that since we le the ballroom, yet her eyes are dilated withexcitement.She’s not fooling me when she wears her arousal on her sleeve. She’sscared. Nervous. And that feeling never fails to make her pussy drippingwet.

The girl gets off on fear. The moment I realized she was turned on by theterror I ins ll in her—there was no chance of me ever le ng her go. Shewas fucking made for me.“Shh, baby girl,” I whisper, silencing her weak protests. Her mouthaudibly clicks shut, and this me I don’t bother restraining the smile.Too easy.Gently, I open the doors, s cking my head inside to look around. It takesa moment for my eyes to adjust, but my smile widens when I get a goodlook at the darkened room.I look back at Addie, allowing her to see my shit-ea ng grin. Her eyesround and another protest builds on her sharp li le tongue.Yanking her inside, I quickly shut the door behind her and let her take inthe room, once more silencing her objec ons.A movie theater.Ten rows of comfortable red chairs line the walls and in front of it is amassive screen, the sides curving to the adjoining walls to fill the viewer’speripheral vision. It gives the effect that you’re inside the movie, and Iknow just the type of movie to watch.I note the padded walls and ghtly sealed doors. This room issoundproof, and I’m nearly weak in the knees with how perfect this night isturning out to be.“Zade, whatever you’re planning…” her voice trails off when I make myway to the projector in the back of the room.There’s a display screen, showing the controls of the projector, alongwith thousands of op ons of movies to watch. Some of these haven’t evenhit theaters yet.I select the latest horror movie, set to come out in a couple of months.Which means Addie hasn’t seen it, and the experience will be en rely new.Hopefully, it’s a good one and has the desired effect I’m looking for.“Zade, we shouldn’t be in here,” she says, backing away towards thedoor.I chuckle. “Always following the rules,” I observe, messing with thebu ons on the screen. “Tell me, li le mouse, are you close with yourfather?”She sniffs. “Why would you even ask that?”

I grab her hand, basking in the feel of her skin against mine as I guide her

out of the room. I wait un l it seems all eyes have turned away from us

and slip through the door and out into a grand hallway.

Now would be a perfect me to search the house, see what I can

discover in a pedophile’s safe space. But selfishly, I want to ease some of

the building tension swelling in Addie's shoulders.

She’s doing fucking amazing so far. Despite the obvious nerves, she’s

managed to make every single person in the room fall in love with her. If

anything, her shy, innocent demeanor and suave words are these people’s

daily dose of whatever prescrip on pills keep them sane.

I’m equal parts impressed and perturbed by her. Because all this woman

has managed to do is make these people want to see her again. And that’s

the last thing both of us want.

I slide out my phone and shoot off a quick message to Jay, asking him to

take care of the security cameras. I’ve spo ed dozens just from the

entrance to the ballroom, and I’m sure Mark has a team ac vely watching

to make sure no one does exactly what we’re doing now.

Mark would be alerted immediately and we would be caught before we

even got a chance to have fun.

Jay confirms the cameras are set, and Addie and I take off. Her heels click

against the led floor as we sneak through the maze of hallways and


Occasionally, I open up doors and peek inside, finding nothing of

interest. That is un l we get somewhere far enough away that the noise

from the ballroom no longer penetrates the walls.

At the end of another hallway are wide double doors, the cherry wood

standing out against the champagne walls.

I head towards the doors, Addie barely keeping up behind me. “Zade, we

shouldn’t be sneaking around. We’re going to get in trouble,” she pleads,

glancing behind her as if someone is hot on her heels. It’s the fi h me

she’s said that since we le the ballroom, yet her eyes are dilated with


She’s not fooling me when she wears her arousal on her sleeve. She’s

scared. Nervous. And that feeling never fails to make her pussy dripping


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