

I shake my head, dumbfounded. “You’re her boss?”“I guess you could say that. I started my organiza on from the groundup, and once it got big enough, I took plenty of people on. They have theirobjec ves and the people they report to. But we all have the same goal.”“Which is?” I press.“Bring the girls home.”My chest constricts, and I have the sudden urge to… I don’t know, dosomething. I don’t know how I’m feeling—completely bewildered, forstarters.I turn my head to look out the window, contempla ng his words. He’sbeing upfront, but I get the feeling he’s s ll holding back.“So, you’re helping to save children and women from sex trafficking,” Iconclude. While it doesn’t seem like a lie, it just seems too… simple.“Yes,” he confirms. “I do my own work on the side to bring in the fundsto support the organiza on. Luckily, it's something that allows me, myemployees, and every survivor we rescue to live comfortably. But that isn'tthe only thing we do. The government takes advantage of the public inmore ways than stealing their kids. The enslavement of children andwomen is just my primary focus.”“Okay,” I say slowly, trying to ignore the flu ering in my stomach. “Whatexactly is Mark involved in?”He sighs, curling his fingers ghter around the steering wheel. “Heperformed a sadis c ritual on a child. A sacrifice of some sort. Someonerecorded and leaked a video of it happening, and another one just leaked.”I cringe, closing my eyes against the pain in my chest. How could anyonedo something so vile?“Does Daya know about what’s happening with Mark?”“No. The rituals and Mark’s involvement have been kept under wraps.I’m not ready to expose that un l I take them down. It’s something I’vebeen handling mostly by myself.”I nod, understanding the implica on. Don’t tell Daya.“So that’s why you’re under a different alias. Why not give me a differentname?”“Because you’re an average ci zen and finding out who you really arewould be so incredibly easy, it’s almost laughable. Me, on the other hand,not so much,” he answers, shoo ng another smirk my way.

Ugh. The arrogance.His face turns serious. “This is why I didn’t want you involved. But I’mafraid Mark has already taken no ce of you and I’d rather you be close tome. At least this way, I know you’re safe.”I face him, eyeing him closely. He’s relaxed into his seat, his long legsspread, one hand draped over the wheel and the other res ng on thearmrest between us.I force myself to focus and ignore the way my chest is clenching from justone look.Just because the sun is pre y doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous to stareat, Addie."I believe that you'll protect me from Mark, but who's going to protectme from you?"His gaze sweeps the en rety of my body, and his eyes blaze withpossessiveness. “Whoever tries is going to end up dead.”My eyes thin. “How can you work to save women while ac vely stalkinganother?” I challenge, cocking a brow.He has the nerve to look amused. I have no idea what could possibly beso funny about stalking someone.“I’ve never stalked anyone before you,” he says simply. “Not outside ofmy job, at least. Definitely not for roman c purposes.”I give him a face, my expression full of incredulity.“Is that supposed to make me feel special?”A slow, wicked smirk glides across his face, unbothered by myincreasingly burning stare. “I wouldn’t mind if it did.”I want to slap him. But the asshole would probably like it, and then turnaround and slap me back. And my dumbass self would probably like it, too.I’m fucked in the head. And dealing with this man—I am beyondstressed. This just can’t be good for my skin.Scoffing, I turn my head out the window and spend the rest of the carride in tense silence. The atmosphere has only worsened, and I can’t tell ifit’s because I now know he’s some vigilante, saving children and womenfrom evil people, or if it’s because he confessed that he’s only ever turnedinto a psycho for me. S ll, both prospects have shi ed the way I look athim.

I shake my head, dumbfounded. “You’re her boss?”

“I guess you could say that. I started my organiza on from the ground

up, and once it got big enough, I took plenty of people on. They have their

objec ves and the people they report to. But we all have the same goal.”

“Which is?” I press.

“Bring the girls home.”

My chest constricts, and I have the sudden urge to… I don’t know, do

something. I don’t know how I’m feeling—completely bewildered, for


I turn my head to look out the window, contempla ng his words. He’s

being upfront, but I get the feeling he’s s ll holding back.

“So, you’re helping to save children and women from sex trafficking,” I

conclude. While it doesn’t seem like a lie, it just seems too… simple.

“Yes,” he confirms. “I do my own work on the side to bring in the funds

to support the organiza on. Luckily, it's something that allows me, my

employees, and every survivor we rescue to live comfortably. But that isn't

the only thing we do. The government takes advantage of the public in

more ways than stealing their kids. The enslavement of children and

women is just my primary focus.”

“Okay,” I say slowly, trying to ignore the flu ering in my stomach. “What

exactly is Mark involved in?”

He sighs, curling his fingers ghter around the steering wheel. “He

performed a sadis c ritual on a child. A sacrifice of some sort. Someone

recorded and leaked a video of it happening, and another one just leaked.”

I cringe, closing my eyes against the pain in my chest. How could anyone

do something so vile?

“Does Daya know about what’s happening with Mark?”

“No. The rituals and Mark’s involvement have been kept under wraps.

I’m not ready to expose that un l I take them down. It’s something I’ve

been handling mostly by myself.”

I nod, understanding the implica on. Don’t tell Daya.

“So that’s why you’re under a different alias. Why not give me a different


“Because you’re an average ci zen and finding out who you really are

would be so incredibly easy, it’s almost laughable. Me, on the other hand,

not so much,” he answers, shoo ng another smirk my way.

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