

Chapter 23The Manipulatorou’re going where to do what?” Daya barks through the phone. Isigh, closing my eyes in resigna on. “And with who? Zade? That’s“Yyour stalker’s name?”“Yeah.” I bite my lip. “I don’t know if I really had a choice…” I trail off.Because that’s not en rely true. Zade was going to say no to Mark. But Imade him say yes. Mark has informa on on Gigi and supposedly hasvaluable informa on for Zade as well.“Look, I don’t know what this man is into, Daya. But whatever it is, it’sreally fucking serious. And I can say that he really did try to avoid thesitua on.”“How the hell did this even happen, Addie?” Daya asks, frustra onevident in her tone.“I was working on my manuscript at Bailey’s when Zade and a fuckingsenator approached me, introduced himself and said he wanted to meetZack’s girlfriend. Zade was staring at him like he wanted to murder him.And he asked me to go along with it un l he could get rid of Mark. Longstory short, Mark’s father was best friends with my great-grandfather, John.He said he’d tell me more if I agreed to go to the party.”“So the man manipulated you,” Daya deadpans.I sigh. “Pre y much,” I say, before rubbing my lips together.Daya stays silent, and if it weren’t for her angry breathing on the otherline, I’d think she hung up. Wouldn’t blame her if she did.I am going to a party with my stalker.All for some informa on that might not even help me.“Addie, what does this man do for a living?”I blink. “I’m not en rely sure, to be honest,” I answer truthfully.“He’s not Z, is he? Because that would be fucking insane, but it wouldalso make sense.”

I frown. “What makes you think he is? Do you know a lot about thatorganiza on or something?"Daya hesitates before she admits, "That's who I work for."My mouth pops open.I've heard of Z from social media and news outlets. It's a massivevigilante organiza on built around destroying the government. A we for thepeople type of org, and basically the government's public enemy numberone.I knew Daya was a vigilante of sorts, I just didn't know she did it for Z. Inthat case, it doesn't sound like she is aware of a connec on between Markand the organiza on.And if Zade is indeed who she thinks he is, that means I'm now involvedin something so much more than I thought it was, if even Daya is ignorantto it.God, could Zade really be Z? It would explain his inexplicable ability toget past my security cameras. But more than that, it would explain himbefriending and hiding his real iden ty from a goddamn senator. How thehell did I get so unlucky that the ul mate hacker would stalk me?I never really stood a chance.“I don’t know, Daya. I honestly don’t. I just… really want to solve thiscase. Gigi didn’t deserve what happened to her. And I think Mark might beable to give us some insight on the case.”“Addie, I love you, but you’re crazy. There are other routes to look at,you don’t need to go to a goddamn senator’s party with a fucking stalker toget a bit of informa on. A stalker that might be a world-renowned hackerand vigilante.”She’s right.Totally valid point.But I'd be a liar if I said going to the party tonight didn't s r something inmy chest that feels sublime. The thrill. The adrenaline rush. The danger. Its rs something deep in my core, too.It calls to me and I’m too weak to ignore it.But that’s something that I can never explain to Daya. She’s logical.Reasonable. Smart. And she’s not an adrenaline junkie like I without adoubt am. She doesn’t get a thrill out of danger.I should’ve been a stunt double or something.

Chapter 23

The Manipulator

ou’re going where to do what?” Daya barks through the phone. I

sigh, closing my eyes in resigna on. “And with who? Zade? That’s


your stalker’s name?”

“Yeah.” I bite my lip. “I don’t know if I really had a choice…” I trail off.

Because that’s not en rely true. Zade was going to say no to Mark. But I

made him say yes. Mark has informa on on Gigi and supposedly has

valuable informa on for Zade as well.

“Look, I don’t know what this man is into, Daya. But whatever it is, it’s

really fucking serious. And I can say that he really did try to avoid the

situa on.”

“How the hell did this even happen, Addie?” Daya asks, frustra on

evident in her tone.

“I was working on my manuscript at Bailey’s when Zade and a fucking

senator approached me, introduced himself and said he wanted to meet

Zack’s girlfriend. Zade was staring at him like he wanted to murder him.

And he asked me to go along with it un l he could get rid of Mark. Long

story short, Mark’s father was best friends with my great-grandfather, John.

He said he’d tell me more if I agreed to go to the party.”

“So the man manipulated you,” Daya deadpans.

I sigh. “Pre y much,” I say, before rubbing my lips together.

Daya stays silent, and if it weren’t for her angry breathing on the other

line, I’d think she hung up. Wouldn’t blame her if she did.

I am going to a party with my stalker.

All for some informa on that might not even help me.

“Addie, what does this man do for a living?”

I blink. “I’m not en rely sure, to be honest,” I answer truthfully.

“He’s not Z, is he? Because that would be fucking insane, but it would

also make sense.”

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