

Chapter 2The Shadowhe screams of pain bouncing around the cement walls are ge ng a tadannoying. TSome mes it sucks being the hacker and the enforcer. I really fuckingenjoy hur ng people, but tonight, I have no goddamn pa ence for thiswhiny asshole.And normally, I have the pa ence of a saint.I know how to wait for what I want most. But when I’m trying to getsome real answers and the dude’s too busy shi ng his pants and crying togive me a coherent response, I get a li le testy.“This knife is about to go halfway through your eyeball,” I warn. “I’m noteven going to show you any mercy and shove it all the way through to yourbrain.”“Fuck, man,” he cries. “I told you that I just went to the warehouse a fewmes. I don’t know anything about some fuckin’ ritual.”“So, you’re useless is what you’re saying,” I surmise, inching the bladetowards his eye.He squeezes them shut as if skin that’s no thicker than a cen meter isgoing to prevent the knife from going through his eye.Fucking laughable.“No, no, no,” he pleads. “I know someone there that might be able togive you more informa on.”Sweat drips down his nose, mixing with the blood on his face. Hisovergrown greasy blonde hair is ma ed to his forehead and the back of hisneck. Guess it’s not actually blonde anymore since most of it's painted rednow.I had already cut off one of his ears, along with ripping off ten of hisfingernails, severed both Achilles heels, a couple of stab wounds in specific

Chapter 2

The Shadow

he screams of pain bouncing around the cement walls are ge ng a tad

annoying. T

Some mes it sucks being the hacker and the enforcer. I really fucking

enjoy hur ng people, but tonight, I have no goddamn pa ence for this

whiny asshole.

And normally, I have the pa ence of a saint.

I know how to wait for what I want most. But when I’m trying to get

some real answers and the dude’s too busy shi ng his pants and crying to

give me a coherent response, I get a li le testy.

“This knife is about to go halfway through your eyeball,” I warn. “I’m not

even going to show you any mercy and shove it all the way through to your


“Fuck, man,” he cries. “I told you that I just went to the warehouse a few

mes. I don’t know anything about some fuckin’ ritual.”

“So, you’re useless is what you’re saying,” I surmise, inching the blade

towards his eye.

He squeezes them shut as if skin that’s no thicker than a cen meter is

going to prevent the knife from going through his eye.

Fucking laughable.

“No, no, no,” he pleads. “I know someone there that might be able to

give you more informa on.”

Sweat drips down his nose, mixing with the blood on his face. His

overgrown greasy blonde hair is ma ed to his forehead and the back of his

neck. Guess it’s not actually blonde anymore since most of it's painted red


I had already cut off one of his ears, along with ripping off ten of his

fingernails, severed both Achilles heels, a couple of stab wounds in specific

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