

li le girl and play along un l I can convince Mark to leave. Then and onlythen, you can pack up your shit and go home. Do you understand?”There it is.The fire sparks and ignites.“Fine. At least tell me what the fuck is happening, Zade. Or Zack. Whichis your real name? You know what, I don’t care. I don’t know what gameyou’re playing, but a er this, you need to leave me out of it.”I lean forward and give her a warning look. She snaps her mouth shut,but the flames never dull.“I. Tried,” I bite out. “I will try to leave with Mark as soon as I can, butun l then, do as I fucking say. We're super in love and you're my do ngli le girlfriend. That's all you need to know right now.”Her eyes widen gradually un l she’s staring at me like I’ve lost my mind.What she doesn’t realize is I did lose my fucking mind the second I laid eyeson her, and I haven’t go en it back yet.“What is this, Zade?” she asks quietly. “Is Mark dangerous? Why are youlying to him?”I sigh. “Yes,” I concede. “He is dangerous, and he set his sights on you.”Before she can ques on me further, Mark returns, a jolly smile on hisflushed face.“No drink?” he ques ons, sauntering up to the table with his armsoutstretched.“My fault. I got a li le carried away with my hello kiss,” I lie, grinning acheesy smile. The thought of me making out with my girl in public clearlygets him hot and bothered by the flash of heat in his eyes, but he covers itwell enough with a hearty laugh.Addie clears her throat, elbowing me hard in the side and offering anembarrassed smile.“What is it you were working on, Adeline dear?” Mark asks, se ling backinto the chair and gulping down a large swallow of his bourbon.“Uh, a few things. I was researching a cold case from the ‘40s,” sheanswers.Mark cocks a brow. “Really? Why’s that?”The red in her cheeks brightens. “Uh, well it’s my great-grandmother’sactually. Genevieve Parsons.”

“Oh, I know that case!” Mark exclaims. "My father was a detec veduring that me, though he wasn't allowed to work the case.”By the way her brows raise, her interest has been piqued. "He wasn'tallowed to? How come?""Conflict of interest. He and John Parsons were best friends for twentyyears, and Gigi was a good friend of his. His sergeant said it'd be toopersonal, so he had to stand by and watch them butcher the case." Heshrugs. "Dad always thought John was the one who did it."Addie leans forward, hanging on Mark’s every word. “Your father wasFrank?”Mark quirks a brow. “Yes, he was.”Addie clears her throat. “My Nana men oned Frank a me or two.”He chuckles. “Yeah, they played together when they were younger.”“So, why did your father think John did it?”Mark shrugs a shoulder. “Not sure, to be honest, but I do remember thatGigi and John were figh ng a lot. He was real adamant, but there wasn’tany evidence to prove it. I was pre y young back then, so my memorymight be a li le sparse. But there were a few nights he would drink anen re bo le of Jack, always mu ering under his breath about making"him" pay for what happened.” He finger quotes the word him. “I knowtheir friendship fell apart a er her murder. John was a raging alcoholic, andmy dad was devastated that he lost two good friends."Addie’s eyes are wide with excitement. Clearly, she cares. Solving Gigi’smurder means a lot to her. But I know she’s only trying to prove somethingto herself.If it wasn’t for the fact that she has her own stalker, I don’t know if Addiewould’ve even bothered figuring out who murdered her greatgrandmother.It’s not about finding who did it, it’s about proving that it was Gigi’sstalker and no one else. I get the feeling that if she can one hundredpercent prove it, then it’ll cement the fact that all stalkers are murderouspsychos, and she can finally hate me and shut me out for good.And all that tells me is I’m ge ng through the diamond-encrustedfortress surrounding her heart.She wants something concrete to believe in because her morals andfundamental beliefs are being challenged.

“Oh, I know that case!” Mark exclaims. "My father was a detec ve

during that me, though he wasn't allowed to work the case.”

By the way her brows raise, her interest has been piqued. "He wasn't

allowed to? How come?"

"Conflict of interest. He and John Parsons were best friends for twenty

years, and Gigi was a good friend of his. His sergeant said it'd be too

personal, so he had to stand by and watch them butcher the case." He

shrugs. "Dad always thought John was the one who did it."

Addie leans forward, hanging on Mark’s every word. “Your father was


Mark quirks a brow. “Yes, he was.”

Addie clears her throat. “My Nana men oned Frank a me or two.”

He chuckles. “Yeah, they played together when they were younger.”

“So, why did your father think John did it?”

Mark shrugs a shoulder. “Not sure, to be honest, but I do remember that

Gigi and John were figh ng a lot. He was real adamant, but there wasn’t

any evidence to prove it. I was pre y young back then, so my memory

might be a li le sparse. But there were a few nights he would drink an

en re bo le of Jack, always mu ering under his breath about making

"him" pay for what happened.” He finger quotes the word him. “I know

their friendship fell apart a er her murder. John was a raging alcoholic, and

my dad was devastated that he lost two good friends."

Addie’s eyes are wide with excitement. Clearly, she cares. Solving Gigi’s

murder means a lot to her. But I know she’s only trying to prove something

to herself.

If it wasn’t for the fact that she has her own stalker, I don’t know if Addie

would’ve even bothered figuring out who murdered her greatgrandmother.

It’s not about finding who did it, it’s about proving that it was Gigi’s

stalker and no one else. I get the feeling that if she can one hundred

percent prove it, then it’ll cement the fact that all stalkers are murderous

psychos, and she can finally hate me and shut me out for good.

And all that tells me is I’m ge ng through the diamond-encrusted

fortress surrounding her heart.

She wants something concrete to believe in because her morals and

fundamental beliefs are being challenged.

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