

the hallway I came from.I bolt through the living room, then the kitchen, and towards the doorthat leads into the backside of the hallway. Praying that he didn’t stay inthe hallway, I fling open the door to find it empty. At least within five feetof me, I can’t see past the darkness beyond that.Heading straight for the sunroom, I barrel through the door and find himalready there, leaning against the door that I need to escape out of.I skid on my feet, hal ng my momentum before I crash right into hiswai ng arms. I back up, chest heaving and mind racing.He tsks. “You’re very predictable, li le mouse. We're going to have towork on that.”I just stand there, frozen in place as I process the fact that I won’t beable to get out of this house. He’s incredibly fast, but the scariest part isthat I didn’t hear a single fucking footstep from him. I sounded like anelephant and he was quieter than a mouse.“You’re not touching me,” I hiss, my voice wobbly and rife with unshedtears.“A deal is a deal, li le mouse.” He looks up at the night sky. “It isbeau ful in here. I think it’s only fi ng that the punishment occurs here,don’t you think? It feels like we’ve come full circle.”Growling, I finally force my body into ac on and run right back down thehallway towards the stairs.Maybe I can find a spot to hide again. Somewhere he won’t find me thisme. My mind turns over every possibility as I swing myself around thebanister and charge up the steps.A whisper of wind brushes against the back of my thighs, and when Iglance behind me, I see him right on my heels.I let loose another scream, quickening my steps. I make it up the stairsand barrel down the hallway, my despera on and pure panic clouding myhead. I can’t think, I can only act.I’m halfway down the hallway before a steel arm bands around my waistand li s me up.“NO!” I scream, kicking at air as I fight his hold.“Oh yes, baby,” he growls, swinging our bodies towards the wall. I gruntfrom the impact, leaning my back against the wall and using it as leverageto kick against the bastard of a man.

“Let me go, you fucking creepy-ass fuck—”“Keep talking and you’ll just make it worse.”I screech, out of breath and growing weaker, as he pins my flailing bodyagainst the wall.“We had a deal, did we not?”A tear spills over my lid. And then another and another un l I’m on theverge of sobbing.“Don’t cry, li le mouse,” he coos. “It’s going to get so much worse.”His breath skates over my cheek as he presses himself deeper into mybody. He’s so much bigger, his body enveloping me un l all I can see, feel,and smell is him. Warmth, leather, that unique scent that belongs to onlyhim, and his black-clad body surrounding me.“I like you scared,” he whispers, sending shivers down my spine. “I likeyou begging and pleading. Crying out for God to save you.” I feel the touchof his hand on my face, and I flinch away. His fingers lightly trace over mycheekbone to my hair, tucking the loose strands behind my ear. “I like youtrembling beneath my touch, uncontrollably.”“You’re sick,” I snap, doing just that. I’m shaking from head to toe, and Ican’t seem to stop it.“You think you’re only going to beg because you’re figh ng for your life,but that’s where you’re wrong. The only way I’ll be sending you to heavenis with my cock.” He grunts out a deep laugh. “And definitely my tongueand fingers, too.”“That will never happen,” I hiss, glaring at him with all my might. Or atleast I think I am.His eyes are shadowed by the dim light radia ng from the sconces. Itfeels almost like being far-sighted. Your face is so close to something, butclarity evades you. The shadows are a part of him. He carries them withhim.“It’s me to punish you, and I’ve thought of the many ways I could dothis,” he says, ignoring my jab. It only infuriates me more that he finds mylack of consent is so inconsequen al. So… worthless.“I’ll be nice this me.” I open my mouth, but he cuts me off with a deepgrowl of warning, “But only if you are too, Adeline.”The click of my teeth snapping together is audible, pulling another gruntof amusement from him. My pride takes a hit, and I want to knee him in

the hallway I came from.

I bolt through the living room, then the kitchen, and towards the door

that leads into the backside of the hallway. Praying that he didn’t stay in

the hallway, I fling open the door to find it empty. At least within five feet

of me, I can’t see past the darkness beyond that.

Heading straight for the sunroom, I barrel through the door and find him

already there, leaning against the door that I need to escape out of.

I skid on my feet, hal ng my momentum before I crash right into his

wai ng arms. I back up, chest heaving and mind racing.

He tsks. “You’re very predictable, li le mouse. We're going to have to

work on that.”

I just stand there, frozen in place as I process the fact that I won’t be

able to get out of this house. He’s incredibly fast, but the scariest part is

that I didn’t hear a single fucking footstep from him. I sounded like an

elephant and he was quieter than a mouse.

“You’re not touching me,” I hiss, my voice wobbly and rife with unshed


“A deal is a deal, li le mouse.” He looks up at the night sky. “It is

beau ful in here. I think it’s only fi ng that the punishment occurs here,

don’t you think? It feels like we’ve come full circle.”

Growling, I finally force my body into ac on and run right back down the

hallway towards the stairs.

Maybe I can find a spot to hide again. Somewhere he won’t find me this

me. My mind turns over every possibility as I swing myself around the

banister and charge up the steps.

A whisper of wind brushes against the back of my thighs, and when I

glance behind me, I see him right on my heels.

I let loose another scream, quickening my steps. I make it up the stairs

and barrel down the hallway, my despera on and pure panic clouding my

head. I can’t think, I can only act.

I’m halfway down the hallway before a steel arm bands around my waist

and li s me up.

“NO!” I scream, kicking at air as I fight his hold.

“Oh yes, baby,” he growls, swinging our bodies towards the wall. I grunt

from the impact, leaning my back against the wall and using it as leverage

to kick against the bastard of a man.

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