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palms, giving me pause. If I didn’t know any be er, I’d think he’s not as

unaffected as he’s appearing to be.

“No,” I lie.

I will absolutely have no problems crying my eyes out a er he leaves.

But I refuse to show him any more weakness.

He flashes me a feral, toothy smile, pulling the blade from my chin and

dropping his hand from behind my neck.

The second he steps away, I feel a mixture of coldness and relief. But

then he’s coming right back.

The intensity in his eyes holds me in place as he walks to stand beside

me, his chest brushing against my arm. He smells like leather and smoke.

It’s intoxica ng. He’s intoxica ng.

Fear has a taste. Acidic, burnt metal. It numbs my tongue. Not just my

tongue, but my en re being.

I’m so, so scared.

But yet, so… consumed by him.

I keep my head straight but don’t let him out of my line of sight. He leans

into me, pressing his weight against me. I combat his strength. Rather than

being pushed away from him, I’m being absorbed by him. Hot breath

warms my skin as his lips trace the outer edge of my ear. Another shiver

wracks my spine.

“I want to devour you,” he whispers.

My lip trembles. I suck the traitorous lip between my teeth, if only it

stops showing my weakness. When I risk a glance at him, his eyes have

zeroed in on my lips.

“Are you here to kill me?” I ask lowly, trying my best to mask the tremors

wracking through my body.

I’m failing.

Slowly, he shakes his head. “Why would I do that?” I’m not sure how to

answer that. He con nues, “I wouldn’t kill you, li le mouse. I want to keep


“What if I don’t want you to?”

He smiles. “You will.”

I open my mouth, ready to tell him about himself and his momma, but

the words die on my tongue when he reaches up a hand and swipes his

thumb roughly across my bo om lip.

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