

Chapter 15The Manipulator’m completely immobilized beneath his stare. I can only imagine the lookon my face when I see him standing there, wai ng for me.IThe sconces behind my bed are lit, offering dim ligh ng. Enough forme to get a clear view of him. He’s clad in all black. Leather boots, jeansthat wrap ghtly around broad thighs, and a matching hoodie that looks asize too small with the way he fills it out.S ll, I can’t see much of his face—that damn hood.My tongue darts out, we ng my dry lips.“Take off your hood,” I say, a slight tremor in my voice. He doesn’t. Nordoes he speak.Anger begins to build beneath the fear.“You wanted me to come find you, ki y cat. I did. So take off yourfucking hood and show me your face,” I demand, my voice rising alongsidemy anger.A sinful smirk tugs at his lips when he hears his new nickname. He thinksthis is a game of cat and mouse. If he wants to debase me with a nickname,it’s only fair I return the favor.Slowly, he reaches up and slides the hood off his head, the knife glin ngas if to mock me. I have my own knife, too.Any triumph I felt over my li le jab dissipates like bu er in a hot skillet.And all the fear I’ve been feeling triples. His face is… unlike anything I’veseen. But that’s the thing—I have seen him before. The mismatched eyesgive him away.In the bookstore, I only saw por ons of his face. At the me, he seemedmildly a rac ve. But now that I see those pieces as a whole, he’sdevasta ng.His right eye darker than the midnight sky, and the other the exactopposite. His le eye is so bleached of color, it’s nearly white. The scar

star ng from the middle of his forehead, slashing straight down throughhis white eye and to the middle of his cheek, is something I haven’t beenable to forget since I saw him in the bookstore.Despite the ugly scar, it only serves to heighten his u er beauty. Ajawline so sharp, he could cut diamonds with it. A straight, aristocra cnose. Full lips. And short black hair, just long enough to run your handsthrough.This is wrong. So wrong.I shouldn’t be a racted to a stalker.His presence is so overwhelming, it feels as if he’s ten feet tall with ashadow crawling up the ceiling, slithering toward me. This room feels nywith him in it. I feel ny with him in it.He takes a step toward me, a hint of that smirk remaining on his face—just the slightest curl in his lips.I take a step back. Finally, my ins ncts aren’t completely jacked sideways,and I make my first smart move of the night.“Cat got your tongue, li le mouse?”Briefly, I close my eyes. His voice washes over me, leaving goosebumpsin its wake. The sound is as deep as his black eye.I swallow again, nearly choking on the very muscle. It feels like mytongue has swollen to double its size.“What do you want from me?” I choke out.He prowls towards me. My spine ghtens, and despite the gallons of fearpumping through my heart valves, I stay s ll. When he gets close enough,I’ll stab him.Aim for the throat, Addie.My eyes lock with his, and all thought escapes me. He presses theen rety of his body against mine. No shame. No shyness. No, let me buyyou a drink first before I press my man pecs into you.The boldness of it has me nearly bi ng my tongue in surprise.It takes several seconds for my body to unlock. Before I can think aboutwhat I’m doing, I swing my knife towards him, but meet resistance when Ia empt to li it.I look down in confusion, just to see his bare hand wrapped around theblade. Blood pools in his hand, a small trail heading straight towards myown.

Chapter 15

The Manipulator

’m completely immobilized beneath his stare. I can only imagine the look

on my face when I see him standing there, wai ng for me.


The sconces behind my bed are lit, offering dim ligh ng. Enough for

me to get a clear view of him. He’s clad in all black. Leather boots, jeans

that wrap ghtly around broad thighs, and a matching hoodie that looks a

size too small with the way he fills it out.

S ll, I can’t see much of his face—that damn hood.

My tongue darts out, we ng my dry lips.

“Take off your hood,” I say, a slight tremor in my voice. He doesn’t. Nor

does he speak.

Anger begins to build beneath the fear.

“You wanted me to come find you, ki y cat. I did. So take off your

fucking hood and show me your face,” I demand, my voice rising alongside

my anger.

A sinful smirk tugs at his lips when he hears his new nickname. He thinks

this is a game of cat and mouse. If he wants to debase me with a nickname,

it’s only fair I return the favor.

Slowly, he reaches up and slides the hood off his head, the knife glin ng

as if to mock me. I have my own knife, too.

Any triumph I felt over my li le jab dissipates like bu er in a hot skillet.

And all the fear I’ve been feeling triples. His face is… unlike anything I’ve

seen. But that’s the thing—I have seen him before. The mismatched eyes

give him away.

In the bookstore, I only saw por ons of his face. At the me, he seemed

mildly a rac ve. But now that I see those pieces as a whole, he’s

devasta ng.

His right eye darker than the midnight sky, and the other the exact

opposite. His le eye is so bleached of color, it’s nearly white. The scar

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