

What is he feeling right now? Standing on the other side, wai ng for meto enter. Our roles are reversed, this me with me lingering outside thedoor. S ll, I’m the one le terrified while he calmly awaits me. An cipa ngall the things he’s going to say to me. Do to me.How he’s going to hurt me. Punish me.Steeling my spine, I turn the knob and push open the door. When itswings open, a scream climbs up my throat.He didn’t even try to hide.My balcony doors are wide open, the moonlight spilling in. And there, adark figure shrouded in white light, is my shadow. Staring at me with awicked smile on his face and a blade in his hand.

What is he feeling right now? Standing on the other side, wai ng for me

to enter. Our roles are reversed, this me with me lingering outside the

door. S ll, I’m the one le terrified while he calmly awaits me. An cipa ng

all the things he’s going to say to me. Do to me.

How he’s going to hurt me. Punish me.

Steeling my spine, I turn the knob and push open the door. When it

swings open, a scream climbs up my throat.

He didn’t even try to hide.

My balcony doors are wide open, the moonlight spilling in. And there, a

dark figure shrouded in white light, is my shadow. Staring at me with a

wicked smile on his face and a blade in his hand.

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