

It’s not un l a er I take a hot shower and se le into my bed that I readhis message.UNKNOWN: The more you disobey me, the harder yourpunishment.“I’m going to find this li le dick prick,” Daya declares angrily, prac callyslamming the keys through her laptop as she types god knows what. I justfinished telling her the details of last night.I take a sip of my drink. It’s not enough, so I take another. And then endup chugging the whole thing.We’re both doing our respec ve work, but she didn’t want to leave mealone in the house now that my shadow is star ng to interact more.“Dick and prick are the same thing,” I say. She looks up, her facereflec ng my exact thoughts since last night. What is wrong with you?I shrug a shoulder. “I’m just saying. You just called him a li le dick dick.”She rolls her eyes, ignores me, and starts typing on her laptop again.Probably hacking into something. Though I can’t imagine what she couldpossibly be hacking into. Be er not be my phone. I have nudes on there.My face pales. Oh, god, what if he hacks into it and finds them? Iscramble to pick up my phone, delete every single racy picture, and thendelete them a second me from the Trash folder.Some of my anxiety eases, but not all of it. He could’ve already hackedinto it for all I know.I’m going to be obsessing over this for the rest of my life now.No cing my internal crisis, Daya focuses on me, her brow pinched withconcern. “You okay, girl?”I clear my throat. “How likely is it that he can hack into my phone andfind my nudes?” Her lip twitches and I’m two seconds away from smackingit off her face.“Baby girl, that man has probably watched you get naked in your room athousand mes now.”My eyes widen further, having not considered that yet, either.

“Oh my God.”“Why do you ask?” Daya asks, her voice full of suspicion.I roll my lips together, deba ng. At this point, the only thing holding meback from telling Daya about the texts is her impending anger.Finally building up the courage, I rush out, “Would you be able to tracean unknown number?”Her eyes slant. “Did he text you from one?”Shame creeps in. I should’ve told her this sooner, but I had a weirdprotec ve need to keep the texts to myself, just like with the police officer.Now, I realize how stupid that is when Daya is one of the best hackers inthe world. Or so she says, at least.I nod sheepishly and hand her the phone, the thread already pulled up.She snatches it from my hand, shoo ng me a heated glare, and readsthrough them.Her eyes draw back to my own, fire licking at her pupils. “You’re just nowshowing me these?”I groan. “I know, I’m a stupid bitch. I just… I don’t know, Daya. I honestlydon’t. Can you trace them?”“I don’t forgive you yet, but let me see.”I don’t worry about her anger. Daya could get bit by a snake andimmediately forgive it. She’s just playing hard to get right now.What looks like frustra on se les over her face. Her lips curve down,and as the seconds pass by, her frown deepens. She leans closer to thescreen, s ll typing a mile a second.A er a few minutes, she slaps her palms on the granite and leans back,obvious anger now on her face.“Untraceable,” is all she says.My anxiety resurfaces. “So, this man can hack into my security cameras,override them, and can clearly text me from an untraceable number.Which means he probably hacked my phone and got my nudes.”She looks up at me, and I already know my answer.“It’s possible,” she says, though her tone conveys that it’s probable.I drop my head to my laptop, surely pressing a bunch of keys, but I don’tcare right now. A creepy ass dude poten ally has my nudes. Worse, heprobably has video footage of me naked. I suppose it’s not the worst thing

It’s not un l a er I take a hot shower and se le into my bed that I read

his message.

UNKNOWN: The more you disobey me, the harder your


“I’m going to find this li le dick prick,” Daya declares angrily, prac cally

slamming the keys through her laptop as she types god knows what. I just

finished telling her the details of last night.

I take a sip of my drink. It’s not enough, so I take another. And then end

up chugging the whole thing.

We’re both doing our respec ve work, but she didn’t want to leave me

alone in the house now that my shadow is star ng to interact more.

“Dick and prick are the same thing,” I say. She looks up, her face

reflec ng my exact thoughts since last night. What is wrong with you?

I shrug a shoulder. “I’m just saying. You just called him a li le dick dick.”

She rolls her eyes, ignores me, and starts typing on her laptop again.

Probably hacking into something. Though I can’t imagine what she could

possibly be hacking into. Be er not be my phone. I have nudes on there.

My face pales. Oh, god, what if he hacks into it and finds them? I

scramble to pick up my phone, delete every single racy picture, and then

delete them a second me from the Trash folder.

Some of my anxiety eases, but not all of it. He could’ve already hacked

into it for all I know.

I’m going to be obsessing over this for the rest of my life now.

No cing my internal crisis, Daya focuses on me, her brow pinched with

concern. “You okay, girl?”

I clear my throat. “How likely is it that he can hack into my phone and

find my nudes?” Her lip twitches and I’m two seconds away from smacking

it off her face.

“Baby girl, that man has probably watched you get naked in your room a

thousand mes now.”

My eyes widen further, having not considered that yet, either.

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