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Maybe that’s all the more reason to call.

He’s probably planning on murdering me right now, just like Gigi’s stalker

murdered her. I’ve read over that note and combed through her diaries for

the past three nights, but I haven’t seen any evidence of her stalker being

the murderer yet.

But I’m sure I’m right.

Eyeing him, I pick up my phone, stand directly in front of the window,

and put the phone to my ear. I haven’t even dialed the police yet; I just

want to see what he’ll do.

Because evidently, there’s something wrong with me.

I’m playing with fire. The more I provoke him, the more likely he is to

come a er me. But I can’t stop myself. I can’t stop the sharp thrill that I get

every me I push back.

It’s as addic ng as it is stupid.

I can’t see his face under the deep hood, but I know he’s smiling at me.

Knowing that doesn’t give me the reac on it should. I should be repulsed. I

should be scared. I suppose I am scared, but what I’m really feeling is the

urge to smile back.

My phone chimes in my ear. Brow plunging, I hesitantly pull the phone

away from my ear and look at the incoming message.

UNKNOWN: Am I supposed to believe that you’re on the phone with

the police? I think my little mouse is a liar.

Oh, no, he didn’t.

I angrily type back my message.

ME: Want to find out?

UNKNOWN: Yeah, I do, actually. I’d love to punish you later for it,


My thumbs freeze over the le ers. The last punishment was gruesome

and sickening.

ME: What, you gonna send me toes next?

UNKNOWN: Depends, are you still pretending to fuck other guys?

Or would you rather yell at the ghosts in your house again?

My head snaps up and I stare into the depths of his hood. His phone is

perched in his hand, wai ng for my response. The ligh ng from his phone

is set to low, the dim glow cas ng enough light to show me his wickedly

sharp jawline and a por on of his smirking lips.

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