Chesham Town Guide 2023/4

The official annual directory of sport, leisure, entertainment, education, services and business

The official annual directory of sport, leisure, entertainment, education, services and business


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Chesham Town Council

Chesham Town Council came into existence in 1974

and is the parish authority for the town of Chesham.

The population of the town is 23,056 and there are 8,176

households (2020 census), making it the largest town in

the Chiltern district. Chesham Town Council’s mission

statement is: ‘To improve the quality of life of the

residents of Chesham.’

The Council is comprised of 19 Members who are

elected for a period of 4 years. The last election was

held in May 2021, and a full list of Councillors is shown

on page 9. Town councillors are unpaid and do not

receive any attendance allowance (with the exception of

the Town Mayor), for their duties which they undertake

on a purely voluntary basis. This includes representing

the Council at a number of charitable/ outside bodies.

Each May the Council also elects a Town Mayor (and

deputy) to serve for a period of 1 year, who also

undertakes the position of Chairman of The Council.

Councillors are supported by the Town Council team of

officers based at The Town Hall.

Councillors and officers of Chesham Town Council

attend committees that cover various aspects of its work

and governance and which meet regularly to discuss and

decide on local issues. A list of these committees, dates,

agendas and minutes are available on the Council

website. We welcome and encourage local residents to

attend. At full Council Meetings a 15 minute period of

public question time allows the public to ask questions

on any issue related to Chesham that is important to


Chesham Town Council has six strategic aims:

1. To preserve the unique identity of Chesham by

promoting its heritage and environment, in

consultation with the citizens of Chesham

2. To promote and deliver climate change emergency

initiatives that make a real difference to the local

environment, in partnership with local groups.

3. To ensure residents enjoy high quality social,

recreational, and cultural facilities by improving them

in accordance with the desires expressed by residents

4. To promote the economic vitality of Chesham by

encouraging employment opportunities, housing and

business facilities that respect the Area of Outstanding

Natural Beauty, and ensure that Chesham continues to

be a destination of choice

5. To help

create a



and caring


which embraces all its residents equally, seeking to

develop their well-being, knowledge, understanding and

mutual co-operation.

6. To ensure that the money entrusted to us by the

residents of Chesham is properly managed and spent

efficiently and effectively on achieving the strategic

aims of the Council.

In line with these strategic aims the Council is currently

working on a variety of projects, in partnership with

stakeholders and local organisations who share our

vision. Here are a few of them:

• Chesham Neighbourhood Plan (CNP)

• Chesham Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure

Plan (LCWIP)

• Chesham Moor Gym and Swim development

• Play Areas

• High Street Events

• Town Partners Scheme

The Councillors, The Town Council Team and local

organisations are working in partnership to develop

these projects and achieve the best they can for

Chesham residents.


• The Town Hall is open:-

10-5pm Monday to Friday

• 01494 774842

• enquiries@chesham.gov.uk

• by letter to Chesham Town Hall,

Chesham, HP5 1DS

• www.chesham.gov.uk

• @CheshamCouncil

• www.facebook.com/CheshamTownCouncil


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