Chesham Town Guide 2023/4

The official annual directory of sport, leisure, entertainment, education, services and business

The official annual directory of sport, leisure, entertainment, education, services and business


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Climate Change – Do Your Bit

Human activities are estimated to have caused

approximately 1.0°C of global warming above preindustrial

levels to date. This warming will persist for

centuries to millennia, and will continue to cause

further long-term changes in the climate system, such as

sea level rises.

In September 2018, the UN Secretary General stated

that humanity had to start making radical cuts in fossil

fuel emissions within two years, to avoid facing potential

extinction. In the same year, a report of the

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated that

carbon emissions need to be cut by nearly half by 2030,

to have a two thirds chance of avoiding temperatures

catastrophically rising above 1.5C.

In 2019, Chesham Town Council decided to act too and

declared a climate emergency. It committed to reducing the

negative impact of council services on the environment,

with an aspiration to be carbon neutral by 2030. To help us

achieve this aim we commissioned an Eco Audit and have

been implementing the recommendations.

Motion sensitive lighting and separately controlled

heating zones have been installed in the Town Hall to

better manage room temperatures and reduce heating

and lighting waste. The majority of our lighting across

our buildings has been switched to LEDs, with staff

encouraged to make maximum use of natural light when

practical. We have swapped to a green energy tariff for

the majority of our buildings with plans to switch the

remaining buildings over. We use 100% recycled paper

in all parts of the council and where possible have

paper-free offices.

To help manage our green waste, we have invested in

a mobile biochipper. This rapidly produces compost for

use around the town’s green spaces. We also use this in

January each year when residents can bring their

Christmas trees to us for bio-composting. We have

changed our mowing regime for many of our grass

verges and open spaces, enabling the grass and wild

flowers to grow and set seed, providing pollen for

insects and a good habitat for wildlife. Planting of

native tree saplings has taken place in Lowndes Park and

Codmore Field and invertebrate habitats created at Coop

and Nashleigh Fields. A full ecological survey and

eDNA analysis was done on Skottowes Pond, with a

chemical and volume analysis of the silt. These will

inform a restoration project for the pond and we are

working on a strategic masterplan for the whole of

Lowndes Park. This will be the basis for its ecological

management in the future.

We are keen for residents to join us in working

towards making Chesham as a whole carbon neutral.

As an example, there are thousands of private gardens in

Chesham where we as owners/gardeners can help to

make a huge difference. Gardening organically, using

peat-free compost, planting trees and looking after

hedgehogs are just a few ways to combat the climate and

ecological emergency. There are many more tips and

ideas on our website, ranging from reducing food waste

to saving water to help you make environmentally

sustainable choices both outdoors and in.



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