Fiction Writing Summer Camp 2023

Fiction writing summer camp for 11-13

Fiction writing summer camp for 11-13


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CAMP<br />


The Authors and Artists:<br />

Amy & Chloe<br />

Dylan<br />

Lillyeve<br />

Eryk<br />

Nel<br />

Polina<br />

Viktoria<br />

Valentyn<br />

Milo<br />

Jack<br />

Yeva<br />

Matvij, Dmytrii, Eskender, & Emil<br />

Viktoriia<br />

Alex & Stepan<br />

4<br />

6<br />

8<br />

10<br />

14<br />

16<br />

18<br />

22<br />

24<br />

28<br />

31<br />

37<br />

40<br />

42<br />


Amy and Chloe<br />


I’m going to make this VERY clear, my name is NOT Baby Bear. My name is JONATHAN<br />

WIGGLETON. That blonde criminal thinks she is ALL THAT. I am three AND A HALF years<br />

old! I am very mature.that girl thinks she can break into my parents house and then<br />

have the AUDACITY to judge us!!!! I’m going to cancel her. This is what really happened….<br />

My mother woke me up (way to early!!) on a saturday. I was meant to help her with<br />

the washing (she’s very insistent on wearing the latest fashions). But I fell asleep.she<br />

came back upstairs screaming at the top of her lungs about not respecting her and<br />

that she had made but it was too hot so we had to wait for it to cool down and I was<br />

meant to be up. I apologized and got dressed.she practically pushed me and my dad<br />

out the door. And that’d when little GOLDILOCKS appeared!! She broke down the door<br />

and let herself in. First she slurped down my mother’s FAMOUS PORRIDGE that we<br />

had been waiting for and COMPLAINED ABOUT IT!!!!???? Like what did she expect, A<br />

SEVEN COURSE MEAL!!!!???? Ugh. Then she decided the test (?) our chairs. Then she<br />

hated my parents chairs and BROKE MY ONE!!!! After, the prostitute decides that she<br />

is ever so tired of a kind and innocent hour OF DESTROYING OUR HOUSE!!!! She goes<br />

upstairs jumps in my mother’s bed and says “ITS TOO SOFT!”. Does the same thing to<br />

fathers but this time the princess thinks its “TOO HARD”. Then, get this, she goes into<br />

my bed (!!!!) and decides in her twisted little mind decides its perfect and GOES TO<br />

SLEEP IN IT!!!! By this time, my family and I were coming coming around the corner<br />

to find our front door was off its hinges!!!! We cautiously walk in to find our house IN<br />

SHAMBLES; bowls of porridge thrown all over the place, we found porridge stains all<br />

over my mother’s and father’s chair and mine in PIECES. We quickly went up the stairs<br />

following a trail of destruction to find HER SNOOZING IN MY BED. She must’ve heard<br />

us coming because when we got there she was half awake. She screamed “BEARS!”<br />

threw a pillow at my father and bolted out the door. My parents were furious and<br />

chased her all the way to the edge of the forest. We thought we’d heard the last of her<br />

when we saw that she put out a statement in the newspaper claiming to be the VIC-<br />

TIM IN ALL OF THIS! Then she, wait for it, RELEASES A BOOK ABOUT IT!!!! Which was<br />

so painfully wrong but everyone sided with her for some reason. She literally doesn’t<br />

deny her crimes and you STILL SIDE WITH HER. I mean like, COME ON!?<br />

So that’s me and my family and I’s side of the goldilocks drama. I hope you know you<br />

now realise that we aren’t the villans in this story, she is.<br />

-Signed<br />

JONATHAN Wiggleton<br />


Dylan<br />


Spy <strong>Camp</strong><br />

It turns out that this camp is actually a spy center and they are making us do loads of<br />

push ups, sit ups, and squats. We also have to eat a lot of chicken breast. Now that we<br />

are all in top physical condition we are learning how to code, decode, and speak different<br />

languages. We just started learning how to use spy gadgets. It’s pretty fun I guess.<br />

We are supposed to go on our first mission tomorrow. I’m pretty sure we’re going to<br />

use the world’s largest emerald to build a huge laser to blow up a giant meteor but<br />

it’s not heading towards earth, it’s heading towards somewhere much much worse<br />

than the sun. Yes, it’s bigger than the sun. If this doesn’t work the universe will be<br />

destroyed. I’m going to bed now and I’m super worried about the mission tomorrow. I<br />

really hope I don’t mess up because I for some reason got the hardest job, taking the<br />

emerald, even though this is my first mission. Oh if you are wondering why we don’t<br />

just ask the museum if we can borrow the emerald, it’s because the biggest crime<br />

agency in the world A.L.I.E.N* have it.<br />

*Always Livid In Every Nation*<br />

We are getting ready to start the mission now. Once everybody is ready we go on the<br />

mission. In order to get to the emerald we have to doge a ton of lasers then swim<br />

through shark infested water and finally parkour on moving red hot metal and you had<br />

no time to think about your next move or else you would get burned. When we finally<br />

got to the emerald there was a laser wall blocking it but I had a laser proof suit on so I<br />

went through. In order to retrieve the emerald I had to use suction cups to lift the glass<br />

case off but OH NO! I forgot the suction cups so it was time for plan B to smash the<br />

case but my suit only protected me for two rounds of being lasered but I knew what<br />

I had to do so I went through the laser wall for the 2nd time. I got the hammer then<br />

went through the laser wall for the 3rd time and it was agonizingly painful then got the<br />

emerald then left and went through the laser wall for the 4th time and I don’t remember<br />

anything after that but you will be happy to know that we destroyed the meteor.<br />

THE END!<br />


Lillyeve<br />



Eryk<br />


The Double Train Crash<br />

“I’ll be back in two hours” texted David to his daughter’s babysitter. David was a ticket<br />

seller at the London train station. It was the 6th of February 1984 and the Third World<br />

War had begun a year before. It was being fought between NATO and multiple other<br />

countries including the Soviet Union. The sky was a dark purplish red due to the bombings<br />

of surrounding cities. Every other train station in London was turned into a bomb<br />

shelter. The only reason that this station wasn’t closed was because the owner of the<br />

train company wanted to earn more money. The train station itself was small but horrible<br />

since it had random bumps and cracks in the walls and no lights installed. Some<br />

workers had brought in a few lamps that they put in the corner of each room.<br />

The workers at the station had to work for 15 hours a day with only two breaks but the<br />

work was worth it because the workers were paid above average for a job at that time.<br />

David was about to finish work for the night and was feeling hungry. He looked at the<br />

candle on his desk and thought about his previous job as a candle maker. He had a<br />

5 year old daughter called Helena who was with a babysitter whenever he wasn’t at<br />

home. A football game was on in a nearby city so there were more people than normal.<br />

David started to doze off since it was the middle of the night. Suddenly, a loud<br />

crash and multiple screams woke David up. “Was that a train crash?” Thought David<br />

to himself. David ran down the station’s stairs and into a staff only room. He walked<br />

through the break room and came out of the room onto the platform. David looked at<br />

the train tracks in horror when he saw a train which had slammed straight into the wall<br />

at the end of the tracks. London was the last stop so the tracks ended at a wall. David<br />

noticed multiple football t-shirts inside the train and he also noticed that there front<br />

carriage was extremely crushed. David ran up to the door of one of the carriages and<br />

attempted to open the door but failed. Another worker had appeared behind David<br />

and called the fire department using a telephone on the wall.<br />

The fire department arrived half an hour later and the workers at the station ended<br />

their shifts early due to the crash. David was cycling back home and had stopped by a<br />

small shop to buy some food. David had bought some bread and eggs and then headed<br />

home. Suddenly, the roar of a dozen planes was heard from above. An explosion from<br />

far away lit up the night sky as the ground shook. The street David was on was right<br />

next to the River Thames so it didn’t help when a falling bomb exploded a bridge. David<br />

dropped the food and cycled back home as fast as possible to get to his daughter.<br />

David arrived at his house as a bomb hit the street. The explosion ignited surrounding<br />

buildings into flames as David ran into his house. David found his daughter in her bed<br />

and hugged her. “We need to find a bomb shelter” said David to Helena. “Ok!” Shouted<br />

Helena who was terrified.<br />

David and Helena who was sitting on his back cycled by the train station that David<br />

worked at and decided to go in. The fire department was still there but most surviv-<br />


ing people from the crashed train were taken out of the train and were taken to the<br />

break room which was turned into a mini hospital by multiple doctors and nurses.<br />

“What happened Daddy?” Asked Helena as they stepped onto onto train platform. As<br />

David was about to explain what happened, someone who interrupted him. “What<br />

are you doing here!” Shouted a short man in a black suit. It was the owner of the<br />

train company. “We’re taking shelter from the bombs” replied David to the owner.<br />

“This isn’t a bomb shelter, get outta here! boomed the owner. “We’ll die if we go out<br />

there!” Shouted David at the owner. “How dare you shout at me, this is a public train<br />

station not a bomb shelter” Shouted the owner back. “Sir, we have to go help the city<br />

in putting out the fire” said one of the firefighters to the owner. Before the owner<br />

could reply, David interrupted him. “ Public train station? It’s occupied by a literal train<br />

crash, there are no trains coming here” said David. “They’ll stop before the crash, now<br />

scram!” shouted the owner. The firefighters began to leave the station. “I’ve been on<br />

that train and I know that there’s a turn right before the stop and the train goes downhill,<br />

there’s no chance they’ll see the crash” said David. The owner realised his mistake<br />

and ran to the telephone on the wall and tried to call someone. “The phone lines are<br />

down” said the owner worriedly. “Wait, Helena where are you?” Asked David after<br />

noticing that Helena had disappeared. David then noticed Helena walking inside one of<br />

the crashed carriages out of curiosity as the noise of an incoming train was heard.<br />

David ran into the train carriage as fast as he could but tripped over when the ground<br />

shook due to a large explosion from far away. David stood up and noticed Helena next<br />

to a carriage door. David ran to her and grabbed her. David suddenly heard a knock<br />

from he carriage door. David opened it and screamed when he saw a heavily injured<br />

person without an arm wearing a football shirt. David and Helena ran out of the carriage<br />

as the train approached. “No stop!” Shouted the owner as he jumped onto the<br />

tracks. “Don’t!” Shouted David at the owner but it was too late. The train smashed<br />

into crashed train which was crushed even more. The second train’s front carriage<br />

was also crushed and burst into flames. Parts of both trains flew towards the end of<br />

the tracks and hit the wall. Glass shattered and multiple people screamed. Helena and<br />

David walked into into break room and almost bumped into a doctor who was checking<br />

out what happened. “Another train crash” said David to the doctors and nurses. David<br />

checked whether Helena was ok and kissed her when she was.<br />

The fire department arrived a few minutes later after they heard the loud crash from<br />

the station. After a few hours, the bombing stopped and David and Helena went back<br />

home. On the way back, David picked up the food he bought and dropped earlier. Their<br />

house was one of the only couple in the neighborhood that wasn’t damaged. Helena<br />

fell asleep instantly and David made himself some toast and eggs. David thought about<br />

becoming a candle maker again and fell asleep later.<br />

The End<br />



Nel<br />


Zane POV:<br />

It was Liam’s birthday today, hope was pretty upset this morning because we made<br />

up a secret birthday plan that everyone knew about. So whenever he would go up to<br />

anyone me and his other best friend, Jason, knew about, Liam would ask “Do you know<br />

what special day it is today?” Then people would reply with: “Uh, July 1st on a Saturday?”<br />

Or “I really don’t know, what is it?” And that made him quite disappointed. But<br />

I’m pretty sure this plan would make it up to him.<br />

Jason set up the balloons and his mom and mine baked the birthday cake, but our<br />

dad’s didn’t do much than sitting on the couch watching or talking about football (they<br />

got scolded by both our mothers)<br />

Eventually, everything was ready! The cake, the decorations, and his presents were all<br />

wrapped up and ready to be torn open, now all we had to do was hide and wait for<br />

him to come home from summer camp…<br />

15 minutes pass by and we were kind of miserable of waiting, mostly Milo because he<br />

was stuck to the roof—<br />

Then suddenly, the door creaked open and a light shined into the living room. “Quickly!<br />

Get into places…!” I exclaimed quietly. We all hid as he walked into the living room.<br />

“..Why is it so dark in here?” He inquired in a depressive tone.<br />

“SURPRISE!!”<br />

We all shouted.<br />

He felt his mouth open a gap and wet tears fall down his face, he rapidly swiped his<br />

cheek with his palm, “This is the best birthday ever” he smiled brightly.<br />


Polina<br />



Viktoria<br />


She grew up in the forest. And the forest, it is her favourite place. She loves to sit near<br />

the waterfall and read fantasy books. Let’s meet with her. Her name is Klee. She is 11<br />

years old. Klee’s parents live in the forest because they are hippies, so Klee was born in<br />

the forest and she joined her parents and Klee is also a hippie. Klee lives in the house<br />

on the tree. In this house is a small bedroom and a small kitchen and small bathroom.<br />

And also she has a house at the wheel. Klee can’t ride on it because she is only 14<br />

years old, but when she grows up she will ride on it. Klee’s favourite animal is a dog,<br />

frog and cat.<br />




Valentyn<br />


Я ангел моя робота помогать богу . Помогаю существам которые нуждаются в<br />

помощи. Мне пришло сообщения о войне с Людмила и банками, к сожалению<br />

ихняя виселення списком далеко и мне б пришлось бы лететь 4 дня после начала<br />

боя.<br />

Я прилетел уже к полу полуразрушенной планети. Люди уничтожили половину<br />

банок , но сами не обошлись без жертв. Я смог остановить войну. Я можу<br />

встановить зд-ания на на жизни Я не способен.<br />

I am an angel, and my job is to assist God. I help the creatures that need a helping<br />

hand. I received a message that there began a war between people and jars. Unfortunately,<br />

their Universe was too far, and it took me 4 days to get there after their battle<br />

started.<br />

When I landed, the planet was already half-destroyed. People had a half of jars killed,<br />

but they themselves stayed without any victims. I’ve managed to stop the war! I can<br />

restore the buildings, but not the lives of those who passed.<br />


Milo<br />


“Finally I’m going to get eaten , I’ve waited for this day my whole life!” said the bucket<br />

of shrimp. “Me too!” said the bowl of crisps. “Me too!” agreed all of the foods. One<br />

person however, didn’t want to be eaten… and that was, THE WEDDING CAKE! The<br />

wedding cake (better known as T.W Cake) gave all of the foods a bitter look,”WHY oh<br />

WHY please tell me, would you want to be eaten? The EXCRUCIATING PAIN!! IT FEELS<br />


screeched T.W Cake. The bucket of shrimp looked at the cake and sighed,”Your<br />

crazy old man.” T.W Cake looked over at the bucket frothing at the mouth and<br />

screamed,”YOU THINK I’M CRAZY!?(T.W turns around to show a scar on his back)YOU<br />


Out of nowhere U.F.O’s poured from the sky like rain, streaking havoc across the wedding<br />

, hundreds of them all at once. The sky turned a ugly dark maroon colour,”My<br />

god… THEY’RE BACK EVERYBODY DOWN, GET COVER!!” warned T.W Cake. The bucket<br />

of shrimp was flabbergasted,”W-w-what how is this possible?” said the bucket. “GET<br />

DOWN THEY’RE GOINGTO SEE YO-” T.W Cake awoke after the aliens had sent a shock<br />

wave down to earth,”EVERYBODY I HAVE AN IDEA!” screeched T.W Cake. “What is it!?”<br />

chanted everybody. Looking around at everyone, T.W Cake felt a wave of bravery wash<br />



BACK OF THE U.F.O’S!” screamed T.W Cake almost running out of breath. “I assume<br />

we’re getting the shrimp from me?” said the bucket of shrimp in a sad tone. “Finally<br />

you’ve gotten something right! Okay enough messing around, EVERYBODY GET SUITED<br />

UP!” screamed T.W. Everybody proceeded to fish a handful of shrimp out of the bucket,<br />

and grab a fork from the last table that hadn’t been sucked into the U.F.O’s. “EVERY-<br />

BODY AIM! FIRE! AIM! FIRE!” screeched T.W. Slowly one by one, the U.F.O’s went down<br />

crashing. They had done it! The heroes had ended the aliens invasion and rest peacefully.<br />

“Okay that’s Finally over!” *Robot noises come from the distance* “Oh great!”<br />

said everybody.<br />




Jack<br />


Extract<br />

As Norman predicted, Phobus found out about the robbery and was infuriated. He<br />

summoned his underboss, Thanatos, who was a close associate of the emperor and<br />

the man who fired the killing shot on Scar. “Thanos. Phobus said you have heard about<br />

the robbery, yes?” “Thiscannotbe tolerated and must be punished, do you know of any<br />

reliable hitmen?”<br />

“I know of the most reliable” Don Thanatros said “his name is Dhato. He has done<br />

numerous jobs for your father. In fact when your father blessed me with the honor of<br />

killing Scar, he had a pirate crew accompany me. Here’s his number , give him a call.”<br />

Phobus did just that and a pirate answered “you the emperors kid?” “No.” Phobus said<br />

“I am the emperor , but the old one,yes was my father.” “Right.” Said the pirate. “Anyway<br />

what do you need?”<br />

“I have sent you a list of the guys I need to get rid of.” Phobus said. “But I need them<br />

all done within five minutes, I have carefully planned this time so that they are all not<br />

with their guns, but if they find out about the other guys’ deaths they will surely take<br />

up arms.”<br />

“And the payment?” The pirate said.<br />

“Half a million per hit” said Phobus.<br />

“Deal.” Sajd the pirate.<br />

Phobus hung up and poured himself a glass of bourbon, and the hits began.<br />

In the next five minutes many deaths occurred.<br />

First Don Ceasars guys in prison, where most of them were shanked by pirates inside<br />

men.<br />

The next one on the list was Vito, who due to his low rank was given a plea deal and<br />

didn’t have to serve time. He completely restarted his life and became a wealthy bank<br />

manager. That night he was out drinking with his coworkers in celebration of a new security<br />

system he had fitted. Vitos murder would be a lot more difficult as they couldn’t<br />

shoot up a bar full of innocent. However the perfect opportunity arose when they<br />

found out he was scheduled to give a toast and Vito met the grim reaper who slipped<br />

poison into his drink by pirate men.<br />

The last two murders were carried out by the pirate himself. He told Lupo who was<br />

returning to his house after being let off by the police on bail. When Lupo was in an<br />


alleyway beside his house the pirate was still following him from behind and took out<br />

his gun and shot a completely oblivious Lupo in the back of his head.<br />

The last murder target was not a member or Don Ceasars organisation but the one<br />

who would hurt Don ceasar the most… his wife, kiara Wren.<br />

Pirate in the dead of night shot kiara to death in her sleep. Leaving Norman Neri to<br />

awake to the sight in the morning.<br />

After this the pirate dialed the call to Phobus “its done.” Phobus mildly irritated said<br />

“that was twenty minutes you should consider yourself lucky.” “Nobody put up a fight”<br />

said the pirate. “I will have my men deliver you your payment soon” phobus said and<br />

hung up.<br />


Yeva<br />


Let Love and Forgiveness to Reign<br />

Probably to be wealthy or to be a daughter of really famous parents sounds so posh<br />

and glamorous. But not for me. My mother is really successful lawyer who wins every<br />

case which was given to her. And my father prestigious CEO in bank. Everything<br />

can seem really beautiful and you would think that I have to enjoy my life and swim<br />

in reaches of gold. But rich life is not like this. It is filled with secrets which never be<br />

revealed. It is filled with grevances which would never be solved. And it is filled with<br />

revange and passion which will never fade.<br />

My parents never paid attention on me. They just provided me with everything I<br />

needed. I always hanging out with maids and was cruel child. When I was 3 years old I<br />

cought a bird and did it ‘unneeded’ surgery and then did a grave for this little bird. She<br />

was killed because of my hands. And she was buried because of me. It wasn’t enough<br />

for me and I didn’t know why.<br />

I was expelled from hundreds of schools because I thought that I was better than<br />

anyone else I thought that I’m in power to rule a school. But one day everything was<br />

changed. I was expelled from one more school and the reason to this was only because<br />

I didn’t study. When I came came home from school the only question I got ask from<br />

mother: “Do you have any homework?”. I wanted to have an attention and didn’t do<br />

anything. I only answered: “No”. Now I’m 18 years old, already an adult which I’m so<br />

proud of. There is a year left to finish for me a school and I was moved into prestigious<br />

school where children all from well-known families and everybody hoped that their<br />

warmth will come into my heart and they will share with me it. But self-confident, urrugant,<br />

selfish me will never trust this kindness. Months passed and whole class afraid<br />

me especially this nerd Vika who accidently got in our school because of her brilliant<br />

smartness. Ah, hate poor which are around me. She had really nice parents but really<br />

poor. Because if you can’t find normall and sustainable jod in New York you will never<br />

be rich. Her mother was a maid in my house and always play tricks with her. For example<br />

I pour an oil on the stairs so that she would stamble and fall on her beautiful innocent<br />

face. And then she walks with big bruise on her eye. Her father a builder which<br />

as Vika says builds increadible castles for princesses. Beloneys, usually I say. Because<br />

if he would build beautiful houses and castles, his daughter would never wear such<br />

trash as she wears nowadays. She is the smartest in the class, Vika knows all apects of<br />

history, maths, geography, english literature. But I get a chance always to humiliate her<br />

in front of class as she annoys me. Her glasses always slip from her nose and one day I<br />

smashed them.<br />

I have a posh walk in front of class and I get a sit wherever I picked. But I haven’t got<br />

any friends. I don’t know what actual friend is. And I never fall in love. I just have everything<br />

I wished, until that day.<br />

Three new pupils arrived at our school. First girl was with black hair her walk was quiet<br />

agressive. Bandage was on her forhead and all her uniform was absolute black. She<br />

slammed the door and beside her sat another girl who had serious and judgemental<br />

stare and with glasses from Armani on. She was in impacable uniform and unfriendly<br />

eyes. That’s what I was looking for, a first thought that run through my head. Last pupil<br />

was a boy with dark like an ash hair with penetrating blue eyes and handsome face<br />

who made my butterflies in my stomach flutter and fly. I never felt like this before, I<br />


thought I was sick, but it was something worse and it us at first that I fall in love. I tried<br />

to get his attention, but he rejected me really painfully only after he saw that I bully<br />

Vika. He helped her to stend up looking kindly into her eyes. I couldn’t describe such<br />

despair which I felt, I never get an answer no in my life. After the lessons I sat on the<br />

bench which was beside my school, ignoring my driver who has to bring me home.<br />

“Black girl” that’s how I called a new pupil in our school walked passed me with her<br />

friend and suddenly stopped towards my deraction:<br />

“I never thought that girls like you can cry.” - she said surprisingy.<br />

“Leave me alone!” - I said desperately<br />

“I didn’t know that my brother such a heartbreaker” - she said funny<br />

“Your brother?”<br />

“Oh, I forgot to introduce my self I’m Millie and that is my assistant friend Polina. Well,<br />

we probably look so similiar with Michael but we absolutely different as kind of people.<br />

I never talked to him since we were kids. I always like to have troubles or fight with<br />

people, can get easily angry and can cause lots of bad staff. But my brother kind, smart<br />

and as my mother says “sweetheart”. My parents are famous designers who have their<br />

own brand of clothes. They are kind to me, but I feel it is completely a lie. And that’s by<br />

the way Polina who is never smiles, serious, smart and direct with her opinion to people.<br />

Her parents are great detectives, who always teach her to be a cold-minded. You<br />

don’t have to introduce yourself, I know you, Chloè” - she described this so smartfully.<br />

“I think you will be a nice couple with my dear brother, because I as well as you don’t<br />

like this what’s her name Nika?”<br />

“Vika” - Polina prompts<br />

“Oh yes Vika, now we will be great friends with you Chloè”<br />

“Be ready to the worst Vika” - I said passionaly with angryness<br />

***<br />

Mounths passed and our evil team was known to whole school. We reigned terror and<br />

power over the school, but the biggest our enemy was Vika. We glued her sit so when<br />

she will answer during the lesson she will be glued to sit and whole class laughed from<br />

her. Michael always protected her and something bigger than a friendship grew in their<br />

souls which I would never suspect - it is love. Once we stole her key from her locker and<br />

started to play with it, Vika started to resist and said the phrase that startled and bewildered<br />

me:<br />

“Michael will protect, you will regret of what you are doing now, he loves me and love<br />

him”<br />

I fell on my knees, not saying a word. Polina said scientifically and flatly without emotion:<br />

“Your love with him it is not 100 procent proved, because you have a purpose to lie<br />

us.”<br />

“Shut up!” - I said bewildered.<br />


***<br />

After the school Millie spotted Vika and Michael are holding their hands and turned<br />

the corner of the school, she called up Polina and me and proposed to follow them<br />

as they seemed so suspicious. We all agreed, and straightaway headed towards their<br />

direction. As far as they stopped Millie took both our hands as a sign to stop. From the<br />

corner three of us saw how Michael kissed Vika which was really weird. And I losed my<br />

mind, Millie hold my hand as I really wanted to break out.<br />

Michael left with a warm smile on his face.<br />

Millie jerked to her and punched her into face so she fell frantically. I took her by her<br />

throat and girls continued to punch her and Vika started to sufficate until we realised<br />

she is dead.<br />

***<br />

Our enemy has passed away and no one has seen us as we thought at first. But actually<br />

Michael saw from the corner the scene of our murder, and called to the police immideatly<br />

reporting us and his sister without no regret. My mother got the best lawyers but<br />

the court didn’t have a mercy on us and ordered to arrest us until the end of our lifes<br />

and send us into the harshest jail in the world. That’s what we actually deserve.<br />

We arrived there and we didn’t have such power as we had in school, absolutely opposite,<br />

everybody bullied and convinced us to do the worst work in the prison. And<br />

now I actually understood how is it like to be bullied. Because here we can’t argue with<br />

anyone as here all the worst prisoners were gathered together. All three of us fell on<br />

bed and we are exhausted. In our dreams appeared Vika in white gown haunting us<br />

and asked for repentance and confession, but every time I escaped from her and from<br />

apologies.<br />

Once we got a letter, but I knew that this letter not from our parents as they forgot us<br />

but from somebody called “Anonymous” it said:<br />

“Dear girls<br />

I know you stuck in this prison till the end of your life, how pity it is. You seeked for<br />

justice, but what can you do now sitting here? I can suggest you really good proposition.<br />

There is a game called labyrinth, which has in the end a glorios prise filled with all<br />

reaches and all your wishes will come true. But don’t forget that everything gets not<br />

as easy as it seems. In this labyrinth there will be lots of trials which you have to cope<br />

with and survive through your old fears. Afraid or not but time starts to go. I will be<br />

waiting for you at the midnight at the main gates of prison if you want to join and get<br />

incredible prise. Don’t lose your chance!”<br />

“Our chance to win equalls 1 percent” - Polina says calmly.<br />

“Don’t be too dramatical Polina. We will get this prise and all our dreams will come<br />

true” - I tell them unsure.<br />

“Polina is right. We don’t know this person and what is his purpose of writing this to<br />

us” - Millie makes everything clear, but I insist.<br />

“If you won’t go, I’ll risk my life. Because I don’t have anything to lose.”<br />


“Well you are right. Therefore deal. Let’s meet over there and see how it will go.”<br />

The night crept up so quickly. I couldn’t see anyone around as I left building because<br />

guard as usual took a little nap. While I was approaching to that place I saw that something<br />

lied in the middle of road. I came closer to take a look.<br />

“What is that?” I heard the voice at the back and strightaway recognised Millie and<br />

Polina. They standed as me, bewildered. I collected a book from the floor and opened<br />

in the middle and saw a red bottom. Under the buttom there was a sign: “Play”. With<br />

curiosity I pressed it and the world started to dissapear, black hole swallowed us as<br />

worms.<br />

I woke up and first thing that we saw it is a labyrinth with high walls made of bushes.<br />

“Welcome to the death labirynth. Thanks for choosing us. As here we will meet three<br />

people who are going to fight for their prise and with their fears. Will they win or misterious<br />

ghosts will get rid of them? Let’s see. The rules are so simple don’t get caught<br />

by a ghost or monster. Good luck!”.<br />

“What’s happened?” I ask<br />

“You don’t know what’s happened. Because of your curiosity we stucked here and die<br />

of a hungry monster who will eat our souls. That is what actually happened. I will better<br />

stay in that prison than with you.”. - Millie says angrily.<br />

Cold breeze headed to us from the entrance, but we had no choice but to only enter<br />

the game.<br />

As soon as we entered we realised that this labyrinth will take ages. We walked exhausted<br />

as turning to right or left never ended. I was hungry and thirsty. I never<br />

thought that the prison will be better than this endless labyrinth. But what is the<br />

strangest is that no monsters, ghosts or spooky things. Just grave silence. I spotted that<br />

clock was on our hands which showd how much in procentage we already passed and<br />

how much left to get to the end and there is 40 percent left which is already impossible<br />

to me. We didn’t know what time is it know only sun helped us to understand is<br />

there a night or day. But sun was really strange as day which was measured my calculations<br />

of Polina sometimes lasted 3 hours or maybe twice more. We couldn’t trust this<br />

either. Suddenly silence wad invaded by a strong wind and all leafes started to tremble.<br />

We all heard a sound of wounded deer which screamed through the wind. Millie loved<br />

animals so she followed distant sounds. I knew that something was wrong and we ran<br />

together:<br />

“Did you hear this animal scream. We need to help him” Millie said in desperate voice<br />

on our way when we got closer. I couldn’t argue with her as she is so stubborn. At the<br />

corner we saw a little deer which was strangely laughing and suddenly it transformed<br />

into ghost of Vika. It’s a trap. Now she had all power:<br />

“You thought I will leave you unpunished” - she smiled eagerly.<br />

Her ghost suddenly vanishes and sky was full of black clouds.<br />

We couldn’t figure out where is she and what did her words mean. Until we heard<br />

moarn of Millie. The knife struck into her and she fell without breath. Rain started to<br />


pour. Polina kneeled beside dead Millie.<br />

“Don’t leave me Millie” - she said weakly “you were all my life. If you will go, I will go<br />

with you as well.”<br />

“No, Polina. Don’t do that. Don’t leave me alone in this labyrinth.”<br />

It was too late. She took out a knife that struck Millie, and Polina killed herself. Holding<br />

hand of her sweet friend: “I will be always with you, Chloè. Now go and get a prise<br />

until you will be killed as we were”. She closed her eyes. Puring rain started and I felt<br />

such a depression. Sounds which were dead surrounded me and drived me mad. And<br />

I realised that I have to run and try my fortune. I immidiatly followed the clock which<br />

started to give wrong information and every time percentage of distance between me<br />

and exit or increased or decreased. It seemed as a compass was disorinientated by a<br />

metal. I had to run, but what was strange there was only one way out. Suddenly a door<br />

appeared in front of me, but there wasn’t any other ways only this wooden door. I felt<br />

that dangear was so close so I was left without any choice but only to enter. A bright<br />

light blinded me. And all the anger which was in my soul passed, I never felt like this<br />

before - so free. All that hatred which I had vanished. I heard a voice:<br />

“So what is your wish my darling?” - the voice was somewhere in a distance.<br />

‘I want...’ I stutter with a doubt. “I want to ressurect Vika who died from our hands,<br />

Millie and Polina who died because of the revange. And let love and forgivness to<br />

reign”<br />

I heard a snap and it got dark in my eyes.<br />

I woke up realising that I sit beside Michael.<br />

“Please forgive for everything that I did to Vika” - I say desperately.<br />

“Sorry? What are you talking about?” - he asked kindly smiling without purpose.<br />

“But...” ok, that means that he does not remember anything. Neither Vika, Millie or<br />

Polina.<br />

“Hello Chloè” - Vika said kindly smiling at me and she sat beside Millie.<br />

Non of us remember what happened and how we became a really good friends even<br />

with different tastes or interests, but it doesn’t matter. I don’t want to tell anyone, I just<br />

want to enjoy.<br />


Matvij, Dmytrii, Eskender,<br />

& Emil<br />




Viktoriia<br />


Marry Manson<br />

Hello, I am Marry, Marry Manson for sure. I believe that I can be a detective! I am 16<br />

years old and I will tell you my story.<br />

I born in the small village in the London “Howkins”I have a god family we are not rich<br />

and not poor, In general, an ordinary family that lives from paycheck to paycheck.In<br />

childhood I always ran away from home and ran to the forest and try to find something<br />

interesting. In a one day I again try to ran away from home but my sister saw me and<br />

said “WHERE ARE YOU GOING???” I said, heyyy be quiet, come to me, let’s go. My<br />

sister’s name is Holly at that moment she was 8 years old and I was 6 years old. We<br />

come to the forest and we start try to find something interesting, and we accidentally<br />

went deep into the forest and in one moment something black and about 3-4 meters<br />

tall,matched Holly and she vanished into the darkness. I ran away faster than I ever ran.<br />

I run,run,run and in the end I ran out to our house, but Holly, she, she stayed in the<br />

forest. I was scared of all what’s happened.<br />


Alex & Stepan<br />






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