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CALC corner<br />

NOTE from the<br />


This past spring, I had the opportunity<br />

to experience firsthand the<br />

impact of the Chaldean<br />

Strengthening Families<br />

Program. My children<br />

and I enrolled to<br />

participate in the West<br />

Bloomfield Program<br />

and attended weekly<br />

Clair Konja<br />

with other area families.<br />

It is a truly valuable<br />

program and I strongly recommend<br />

it to all parents with children<br />

between the ages of 10-15. I now<br />

understand better the stress and<br />

pressures that my children go<br />

through and how I can communicate<br />

with them to help through their<br />

adolescent years. After this program,<br />

I feel that we understand<br />

each other much better. It was a<br />

satisfying and beneficial experience<br />

for both me and my children. The<br />

CALC continues to provide programs<br />

for youth and parents that are<br />

intended to strengthen Chaldean<br />

families. Read on to gain more<br />

information about these programs.<br />

Also of importance to our community<br />

will be the new Medicare<br />

Prescription Drug Program for seniors.<br />

The new program, scheduled<br />

to begin on January 1, 2006, is<br />

multifaceted and involves understanding<br />

which type of medical<br />

insurance for prescription drugs is<br />

best suited for you. CALC staff<br />

was recently trained to act as counselors<br />

to our community to provide<br />

them with needed information to<br />

make informed choices in this area.<br />

Look for more details about this new<br />

prescription drug program in later<br />

CALC page editions of the<br />

Chaldean News.<br />

We hope that you and your<br />

family are enjoying a safe and<br />

happy summer.<br />



The CALC wrapped up its Southfield and West Bloomfield SCF<br />

Programs and began its Troy SCF Program in June. The Troy<br />

SCF Program is serving more than 25 youth and their parents.<br />

The Southfield SCF Program was visited by Officer John<br />

Hunter from the Southfield K-9 Unit, who brought his dog<br />

Dewa to inform participants about drug detections and preventions.<br />

He said Dewa has been trained to guard him and to<br />

find and hold suspects. Officer Hunter stated that he and his<br />

dog work as a team because they must trust and understand<br />

each other completely when working in stressful, even dangerous,<br />

and often rapidly changing situations. Dewa has an<br />

outstanding sense of smell<br />

and is trained to follow scent<br />

trails or to detect certain<br />

kinds of odors. He is also<br />

trained in tracking suspects,<br />

finding missing persons, and<br />

detecting drugs or explosives.<br />

Officer Hunter provided<br />

a great deal of information<br />

about the dangers of drugs,<br />

and how children get involved<br />

in drug use and gangs. He<br />

also gave parents and children<br />

important preventative<br />

measures on how to avoid<br />

these negative situations.<br />

Both youth and adults fully<br />

enjoyed the presentation.<br />

Our West Bloomfield<br />

Program was completed in<br />

June and attracted over 25<br />

youth who attended with their<br />

parents. During the program<br />


• “I learned that it is important<br />

to stay calm and not yell or<br />

shout when I don’t like what<br />

my child is doing. I try to think,<br />

cool down and then react.”<br />

• “I have learned to a better<br />

listener.”<br />

• “My child loved the fact that<br />

we were there with them during<br />

this program.”<br />


• “The most important thing I<br />

learned during the program<br />

was NOT to do drugs.”<br />

• “I learned about the dangers<br />

of drugs, alcohol, peer<br />

pressure, and that my parents<br />

are caring and loving.<br />

• “When is your next program?”<br />

they were visited by DARE Officer Bridgett Ryan from the<br />

West Bloomfield Police Department who spoke about drug<br />

and drug prevention. CALC Board Member Rita Kainaya also<br />

provided information about gangs. All SCF participants<br />

responded positively to the program.<br />

The SCF involves weekly two-hour sessions for parents<br />

and youth who attend separate skill-building groups for the<br />

first hour and spend the second hour together in family-directed<br />

activities. Youth sessions focus on strengthening family<br />

ties, goal setting, dealing with stress and strong emotions,<br />

communication skills, increasing responsible behavior, and<br />

improving skills to deal with peer pressure. Parents discuss<br />

the importance of both showing love to their youth while at the<br />

same time setting appropriate limits. Topics include making<br />

house rules, encouraging good behavior, using consequences,<br />

building bridges, and protecting against substance<br />

abuse. The CALC SCF Program is now in its third year.<br />

Contact and Join CALC!<br />


We are Chaldean women energized by<br />

working together and with others to<br />

provide help and hope to those in need.<br />


The CALC will strengthen and preserve<br />

the Chaldean family by ensuring<br />

that all generations have access<br />

to necessary resources and services.<br />

Please join the Chaldean American Ladies<br />

of Charity (CALC) and be part of a group<br />

of hard working and dedicated women.<br />

It is just $25.00 a year<br />

Call Today: 248-352-5018<br />

or send in your membership to:<br />

21711 W. Ten Mile Rd., Ste. 238<br />

Southfield, MI 48075<br />

www.calconline.com<br />


CALC’s Detroit Project CAN START has drawn 31 children ages<br />

10-14 living in Detroit’s Chaldean community to meet twice weekly<br />

to develop life skills and service learning for young people. The<br />

youths were recently visited by Sgt. Albert Yasso, a Chaldean<br />

officer from the Detroit Police Department. He spoke to the kids<br />

about violence, drugs and its consequences. The youths listened<br />

intently and asked Sgt. Yasso numerous questions.<br />

During another session, when asked to identify specific<br />

problems that need to be addressed in their community and<br />

neighborhood, youth responded, “people setting fires in the<br />

neighborhood, violence, drive-by shootings, drugs and a terrible<br />

litter problem.”<br />

“It is alarming to note the dangerous events that confront<br />

these children daily. They are very affected by them in a negative<br />

way,” said Brenda Khamarko, one of Project CAN<br />

START’s case managers. Youth were introduced to bowling<br />

on a recent field trip. “You could see a real team effort developing<br />

among the kids. For most of them, youth team sports<br />

is not an option or available to them in Detroit. We could see<br />

self-confidence building as they supported their team,” said<br />

Rudaina Kainaya, another case manager. One youth said,<br />

“This is my first time bowling. It is so much fun!”<br />

Project CAN START and Strengthening Chaldean<br />

Families are funded by Michigan’s Office of Drug Control<br />

Policy. To learn more about these two programs or volunteer,<br />

contact the CALC office at (248) 352-5018.<br />



Starting January 1, 2006, Medicare prescription drug coverage<br />

will be available to everyone with Medicare. This new program<br />

is called Medicare Part D. These plans will help you save<br />

money on your prescription drug costs. In order to get this<br />

prescription drug coverage, you must choose to enroll in a<br />

Medicare prescription drug plan that meets your needs. In the<br />

fall of 2005, Medicare beneficiaries may begin to voluntarily<br />

enroll in the new Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program.<br />

CALC staff was recently trained and certified by the Area<br />

Agency of Aging to act as MMAP Counselors to assist seniors<br />

in making informed choices regarding their prescription drug<br />

needs. More information will be in a future issue.<br />


It’s summertime and the livin’ is easy ... that is if you’re a<br />

Chaldean Manor Senior Citizen. This past month the backyard<br />

of the Chaldean Manor sported spirals of smoke as<br />

CALC held a barbecue for nearly 35 seniors.<br />


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_______________________________________<br />

ADDRESS: _______________________________________<br />

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DAY PHONE: ______________________________________<br />

EVENING PHONE: _________________________________<br />

EMAIL: ____________________________________________<br />



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