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Writing and

Publishing a Book

Sometimes the most difficult part of

doing anything is getting started.

Your mind is filled with unanswered

questions, racing with the fear of failure.

Once you start putting word to the

page, though, many of your concerns

will be assuaged and you can march

forward making a little progress each


So many dreams and goals go

unrecognized because people are

afraid to take chances. If you’ve always

dreamed of being an author, do

yourself a favor and give it a try! If you

consider that you could do as little

as 20 or 30 minutes of writing a day,

what’ve you got to lose?

If you’re trying to learn how to start

writing a book once and for all, here’s

what you need to do.

Brainstorm topics, do your research, set

goals, choose a time everyday to write,

give yourself deadlines each week, set

a final deadline

If you want to publish a book through

traditional means, you can submit it

to various publishers most likely with

the help of an editor. While there are

a lot of benefits to book publishing

through a publishing house, you’ll also

find you have less control over the final


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