D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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T h w art t h e

Qu een of

Evil Dragons

The Cult of the Dragon leads the charge in an

unholy campaign to bring Tiamat back to the

Forgotten Realms. With the race against evil

moving from Waterdeep to the Sea of Moving Ice

to Thay, the situation grows more perilous with

each passing moment.

The heroes must succeed, or Faerun will succumb

to draconic tyranny. In the end, the world will never

be the same.

A D u n g e o n s & D r a g o n s a d v e n tu re fo r

c h a ra c te rs o f le v e ls 8 -1 5 , fo llo w in g th e e v e n ts o f

Hoard of the Dragon Queen '

F o r u s e w it h th e fifth e d itio n Player’s Handbook,

Monster Manual', a n d Dungeon Master's Guide

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