D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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W e a k e n i n g t h e D r a g o n Q u e e n

The actions of the heroes in and prior to this final battle

can reduce Tiamat’s power before she appears. Make a

note if any of the following events occurs:

• The count of rounds over which the ritual is successfully

focused is reset to 0 because the ritual is

interrupted for two successive rounds.

• The Mask o f the Dragon Queen is destroyed, or is

removed from Severin’s body and taken from the temple

sanctuary (area 13).

• The characters hold any of the dragon masks, or can

otherwise prevent one or more masks from being

used in the ritual. (The Black Dragon Mask might

have been claimed by the characters in the previous


• Severe damage is inflicted to the Temple of Tiamat, as

from an earthquake spell.

• The sacrifice of prisoners in front of the temple is

stopped. This might have been previously accomplished

by attacking the dragons or by cutting off the

flow of prisoners to the area.

When any of the previous events occurs, the following

penalties are applied to Tiamat, in this order:

• Tiamat’s attack and breath weapon damage is reduced

by 15, and her hit points drop by 75.

• Tiamat loses her Regeneration trait, her hit point

maximum is reduced by 75, and her immunity to

bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-

magical weapons becomes resistance instead.

• Tiamat loses Limited Spell Immunity, and her hit

point maximum is reduced by 75.

• Tiamat takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls, saving throw

DCs, and to her AC, and her hit point maximum is

reduced by 75.

• Tiamat can take only three legendary actions, and her

hit point maximum is reduced by 75.

If all the above penalties are successfully applied,

Tiamat is effectively reduced to a challenge rating 18

foe—but that’s still a deadly fight for four 15th-level

characters. Without all five reductions, the characters

stand little chance of surviving a battle against the

Dragon Queen, much less winning it.

Banishing Tiamat. If the characters reduce Tiamat to

0 hit points, her Discorporation trait kicks in. The portal

collapses as the shrieking Dragon Queen disintegrates

and is dragged back to Avernus. She w ill remain

trapped there until someone else can recreate the

conditions of the ritual and try again to free her.

Ruthless Play and High Stakes. Except as noted

above, Tiamat should not be arbitrarily weakened in

the interest of a fair fight. Presenting the Dragon Queen

as anything less than a deity undercuts the whole

adventure. Characters who tangle with Tiamat must

know that they are in the fight of their lives.

No individual’s survival matters against the goal

of stopping the Dragon Queen’s return, and heroes

sometimes die for the greater good. Certainly, fallen

characters can be raised again if Tiamat is defeated.

And if she’s not defeated, dying might not be the

worst option.

V i c t o r y o r D e f e a t

The fate of the world hangs on this final battle.

Whether the heroes and their allies win or lose, the

consequences w ill be felt across Faerun.

T h e H o r r o r o f D e f e a t

A victory for the Cult of the Dragon is a real possibility

in this adventure, and would be catastrophic for Faerun.

With Tiamat ascendant, the age of mortals comes to

an end and the age of dragons begins. Nations and

kingdoms shatter, civilization collapses into bloody war,

and chaos reigns supreme.

None of the Dragon Queen’s mortal agents receive

the rewards they expected. The Red Wizards who

freed her are devoured or driven away, hunted by the

forces of Szass Tam. The cultists who orchestrated

Tiamat’s return fare little better, with the Dragon Queen

not caring which mortals her draconic subjects hunt,

consume, and enslave. The glorious reign of dragons

that Severin hoped to usher in and rule becomes a

brutal world where evil dragons dominate all.

Such dark times need not mean the end of your

campaign, however. The characters have lost a crucial

battle, but they might survive to continue the war. Their

new goal is to find a way to banish or destroy Tiamat for

good, bringing peace to the world once more.

A f t e r m a t h o f V i c t o r y

Tiamat’s threat ends if she is sent back to the Nine

Hells, but the aftermath of victory can create challenges

the adventurers must deal with. This includes helping

the hundreds of prisoners remaining in the Well

of Dragons. Severin’s fall also leaves hundreds of

unrepentant cultists still loose in the world, hungering

for power and revenge in light of their recent failure.

Moreover, much of the wealth of the Sword Coast is

sitting in the Well of Dragons. Along with dealing with

vengeful cultists, the characters might take a lead role in

getting the treasure back to its original owners or their

next of kin, while dealing with con artists, thieves, and

treasure hunters looking to exploit what has suddenly

become the richest dungeon in Faerun.

Among the cult’s former allies, the vindictive

chromatic dragons scatter back to their lairs, but only

after many of them try to claim choice pieces of treasure

or barrels bulging with gold and gems from the cult’s

hoard. Furious at having their queen vanquished,

the chromatic dragons might engage in sprees of

destruction not seen in Faerun for centuries.

Even victorious, the armies of good w ill have paid

a steep cost in the fight against Tiamat. In addition to

soldiers, leaders representing the ruling nobility of

countless regions and houses w ill have fallen in the

fight. The situation is not all bleak, however. Stirring

instances of generosity and cooperation w ill stand out

amid the darkness—and none of those w ill be greater

than the legend of the adventurers. For generations,

folk w ill look to the exploits and sacrifices of the heroes

for inspiration as they rebuild and set their sights on

better days.

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