D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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F a c t i o n a l A s s e t s

O rder o f the Gauntlet. Troops of the Order of the

Gauntlet are among the toughest, most steadfast

soldiers on the Sword Coast. Besides serving in their

own units, their leadership bolsters other troops.

Em erald Enclave. Druids and rangers of the Emerald

Enclave answer the call to arms by bringing their treant

and griffon allies from the forests and mountains of the

Sword Coast.

Zhentarim Assassins. These silent killers stalk and

kill enemy leaders and messengers. Though only a

handful of Zhentarim assassins have joined the fight,

they can paralyze an enemy unit at a decisive moment or

prevent a crucial order from reaching its destination.

H a rp e r Agents. Intercepting intelligence during battle

is a Harper specialty, and Harper agents can provide

key information about cult plans and deployments. As

well, Harper archers, infantry, and spellcasters can have

an enormous impact on the battle.

M etallic Dragons. The metallic dragons w ill be

outnumbered by their chromatic cousins. However, they

cooperate with allies better than the evil dragons do,

giving them a greater impact on the battlefield.

Devils. Certain powerful devils don’t want to see

Tiamat unleashed on Faerun, knowing that their own

power w ill be curtailed in a world in which humanoids

no longer rule. Agents of the Nine Hells are ferocious

fighters, but their presence in the battle makes many

other soldiers uneasy.

Giants. If the factions of Waterdeep secured the

allegiance of giants, they delight in squaring off

against the chromatic dragons. Trouble might arise

between giants and metallic dragons, however, if the

two contingents aren’t given assignments of equal

importance and kept apart.

L o rd s ’ A llia n ce Army. The massed forces of the

separate members of the Lord’s Alliance are second

only to the Order of the Gauntlet in fighting power, and

far more numerous. These form the backbone of the

attacking force.

Skyreach Castle. If it’s available, the flying castle

could prove a great boon in the battle. Skyreach w ill be

assaulted by chromatic dragons the moment it appears

above the Well of Dragons, drawing those powerful

combatants away from defending the caldera.

A rcane Brotherhood. Members of the Arcane

Brotherhood are a match for the Red Wizards fighting

for the cult. However, the spellcasters of the Arcane

Brotherhood don’t take orders from anyone except other

powerful spellcasters—which almost certainly means

another member of the Arcane Brotherhood.

T h w a r t i n g t h e D r a g o n Q u e e n

The process of bringing back Tiamat involves four key

components—the treasure amassed by the cult, the

Mask o f the Dragon Queen, the sacrifice of prisoners,

and the ritual that is the culmination of all Severin’s

mad plans. The crashing or capture of Skyreach

Castle has already set back the cult in its goal of

collecting suitable treasure for the Dragon Queen,

making the other three stages of the process that much

more important.

The mask, the sacrifices, and the ritual can all be

targeted by the characters. Doing so effectively might

actually end the ritual and prevent the appearance of

Tiamat. Even if the heroes cannot manage to end the

threat before it begins, however, disrupting any part of

the ritual process weakens the Dragon Queen.

Fa c i n g T i a m a t

When the forces of good have been deployed and

the battle begun, the characters w ill take on the

most important goal of assaulting the Temple of

Tiamat. Making their way through the caverns

beneath the caldera provides a number of options for

reaching the temple.

Whether the characters fight Tiamat directly or

prevent the summoning ritual from being completed

depends on their actions during the final battle. But

when the characters see Tiamat’s heads forcing

their way through the Red W izards’ portal, they w ill

understand that this is no mere monster they face.

As should be clear from her statistics in appendix A,

Tiamat is a god. If she manifests through the portal

at full strength, she can demolish multiple 15th-level

parties with ease. A huge battle against Tiamat while

her temple collapses to ash and bone is a memorable

way to wrap up a campaign—but the characters might

not survive as anything more than memories.

During the battle in the temple, read the following

text aloud after 10 rounds of the summoning ritual have

been successfully focused by five or more Red Wizards.

The magical maelstrom filling the central apse o f the

temple suddenly splits open with a crack o f thunder.

The gargantuan heads o f five dragons begin to tear

and gnash their way out o f the rune-lined pit o f fire

that forms there. Tiamat the Dragon Queen is about to

burst bodily from her confinement in the Nine Hells and

enter the world.

T i a m a t ’s A p p e a r a n c e

Tiamat’s heads enter the battle starting on the second

round after the ritual is completed, in the following

order: white, black, green, blue, and red. Her red head

announces the Dragon Queen’s full appearance in the

sixth round after the ritual is completed. Until that

round, Tiamat can make use only of her bite attacks and

breath weapons. This gives the characters a last chance

to try to weaken the Dragon Queen before she appears.

Once Tiamat appears in full, she spends as many

rounds as necessary to laughingly devour her hapless

servants five at a time—Rath Modar, any remaining Red

Wizards, then Severin (or his corpse, as long as it is

wearing the Mask o f the Dragon Queen). The following

round, she turns her wrath on the adventurers.

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