D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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Red W izards must use an action to perform the ritual

in order for it to be successfully focused for that round,

helping guide Tiamat across the planes.

At the end of the Red W izards’ turn, if fewer than five

Red W izards used an action to perform the ritual, the

portal floating in the great apse (area 7) wavers and no

progress in the ritual is made. If fewer than five Red

W izards perform the ritual for 2 rounds in succession,

the portal collapses and the count of successfully

focused rounds is reset to 0.

The Mask o f the Dragon Queen is essential to the

ritual, and Severin cannot leave the sanctuary. His

levitate spell w ill last the duration of the ritual, and

it keeps him floating in the sanctuary even if he is

incapacitated or killed. Severin can attack and defend

himself while he wears the Mask o f the Dragon Queen.

He need not even be alive for the ritual to continue,

as long as his body wears the mask and remains in

the sanctuary.

E n e m i e s a n d A l l i e s

By consulting the scorecard filled out during the four

sessions of the Council of Waterdeep (see appendix C),

you can assess the strength of the forces brought to bear

against the Cult of the Dragon. The alliances forged by

the characters during the adventure are essential to

stopping the cult.

The Final Battle Assets table lists the creatures and

forces fighting on both sides. “Factional Assets” covers

the main possibilities for alliances created during

the adventure, but you can modify the list as needed

depending on events in your campaign.

A s s i g n i n g A s s e ts

When you’ve noted which assets are fighting against

the cult, it’s time to decide how those forces of good

attack. The characters are key figures in the allied force

marching on the Well of Dragons, and their voices carry

tremendous weight. As such, make sure the players

know they have a key role to play in planning the battle.

The simplest approach is a one-to-one matchup, with

specific good assets canceling out cult assets. Give the

players free reign on matching assets, but weigh in on

whether a specific plan has merit if you feel the need.

For example, the players might decide that assassins

provided by the Zhentarim should counter the sacrificial

prisoners by infiltrating the cult complex and escorting

those prisoners to freedom. In that case, you might

remind the players that the Black Network’s expert

killers can be put to better use against the cult leaders

of Severin’s inner circle, while Harper agents or forces

of the Lords’ Alliance help in the tunnels beneath

the caldera.

Certain matchups are obvious. The metallic dragons

are instinctive foes of the chromatic dragons, and

those two forces can be expected to keep each other

occupied during the battle. More importantly, the

metallic dragons w ill keep the chromatic dragons from

interfering with the adventurers’ plans.

F i n a l B a t t l e A s s e t s

Cult Assets


Rath Modar

Cult leaders*

Cultist troops

Chromatic dragons



Evil mercenaries

Temple of Tiamat

Red Wizards

Mask o f the Dragon Queen

Factional Assets

Order o f the Gauntlet

Emerald Enclave

Zhentarim assassins

Harper agents

Metallic dragons



Lords’ Alliance army

Skyreach Castle**

Arcane Brotherhood

* Including any free wyrmspeakers the adventurers have interacted with.

** If it survived the previous adventure and remains in control of the player

characters or was returned to the giants.

C u l t A s s e t s

Severin. The head of the cult remains in the temple

sanctuary (area 13), wearing the Mask o f the Dragon

Queen while the Red Wizards weave their magic. He

can fight defensively or offensively as needed, and rankand-file

cultists fight to the death as long as they know

Severin is alive. See appendix A for Severin’s statistics.

Rath Modar. Rath Modar leads the ritual of guidance,

but any Red Wizard can take on that role. When the

temple is attacked, he hands over his part in the ritual

and leads the attack against the adventurers. See

appendix A for Rath Modar’s statistics.

Cult Leaders. Wearers of Purple are venerated

leaders among the cultists, and most of them are

powerful combatants in their own right.

Cultist Troops. The Cult of the Dragon has thousands

of combatants at the Well of Dragons, all armed and

dedicated to the glory of the Dragon Queen.

Chromatic Dragons. The exact number of chromatic

dragons present at the Well of Dragons is up to you, and

could range from a few dozen to a hundred or more.

Devils. Devils fighting for the cult have been

summoned by the Red Wizards, and serve fiendish

masters dedicated to seeing Tiamat leave Avernus.

Giants. The few giants who fight for the cult believe

that Tiamat’s return is inevitable, but they are sullen and

uncooperative. They fight when they see easy victory but

withdraw when they sense defeat.

Evil Mercenaries. Mercenary companies form the

backbone of the cult’s army. Better trained than the

cultists, these mercenaries are capable of standing

against the best warriors in Faerun.

Temple o f Tiamat. The temple is necessary as the site

of the ritual. Damaging it can help weaken Tiamat if the

ritual is successful.

Red Wizards. Red W izards not performing the ritual

are embedded with mercenary units and troops of

armed cultists to provide extra firepower.

Mask o f the Dragon Queen. The magic of the mask

is central to the ritual’s success. If it is claimed or

destroyed, the ritual fails, but Severin uses all the power

of the mask to keep it in his possession.

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