D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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west and 100 feet north from the temple gate, and is

the scene of horrendous slaughter during the sacrifice

ritual. Prisoners are ushered from the temple into the

plaza, where five waiting dragons (one of each color,

and of any age category you choose) tear into them with

teeth and claws.

Though these exits are not normally guarded, during

the prisoner sacrifice, the each tunnel is blocked by

2 barbed devils and 4 guard drakes (see appendix

A). The devils’ attention is focused toward the plaza,

however, not down the tunnels or on what the guard

drakes do. The guard drakes might notice approaching

characters before the devils do, but they attack only if

the fiends give the order. Therefore, the party might get

the drop on these guards.

For characters who move beyond the cleared plaza, or

who approach this area from the sinkhole, the piles of

bones are difficult terrain.

24. T e m p l e E x i t

The main lava tunnel of the southern warrens exits

inside the black chapel (area 5) of Tiamat’s temple.

Prisoners intended for sacrifice are brought up to the

black chapel, marched to the temple entrance, and

forced out into the plaza for the waiting dragons to feast

on. This exit is unguarded.

T i a m a t ’s T e m p l e

The temple in the caldera of the Well of Dragons is the

same temple that marks the center of Tiamat’s realm

on Avernus. The Red W izards’ ritual has brought it

here to act as a beachhead and beacon for the Dragon

Queen, melding it into the caldera floor in the process.

The main gate into area 1 (the blue chapel) is the only

apparent entrance, but a lava tube corridor from the

cult’s subterranean warrens leads into area 5 (the

black chapel).

When the ritual begins, the temple is the focus of the

cult’s activity, with Severin’s Red Wizard allies (use

mage statistics) at the center of the action. The souls of

sacrificed prisoners are sent to Avernus to provide the

magical power that w ill open a pathway between the

Nine Hells and the Material Plane. The Red Wizards

w ill then guide Tiamat as the Queen of Dragons claws

her way back into the mortal realm.

T e m p l e L a y o u t

The interior of the temple is a single open expanse.

Though divided into distinct areas, the cathedral-like

space has no interior walls or upper floors. Five chapels

are devoted to one of the five aspects of Tiamat and the

matching branch of chromatic dragons, all surrounding

a central apse. The apse and all five chapels rise into

separate spires, culminating in the sanctuary at the

pinnacle of the central spire. Level 2 as shown on the

map is a zone 50 feet above ground level; level 3 is a

zone 100 feet above ground level, both of which can be

reached only by flying.

Once your eyes adjust to the stunning chaos o f Tiam at’s

Temple, you see that its interior is a single, cathedrallike

space that towers far overhead. Five distinct vaults

branch off the central gallery. Though the overwhelming

color o f the place is a lifeless, ashen gray, each o f the

side vaults shimmers dimly blue, green, red, white, or

black— the hues o f the evil dragons and their worldconsuming


Red Wizards stand in each o f the five vaults, chanting

and channeling magical force into the central apse. There,

a kaleidoscopic whorl o f arcane energy rises above the

blackened floor, stretching up into the twisting recesses of

the tem ple’s central spire.

The numbered areas on the map are identified in the

table below, which also identifies key N P C s during the

ritual that w ill bring Tiamat to the Well of Dragons.

K e y t o T i a m a t ’ s T e m p l e

# Name

Occupant and Activity

during Ritual

1 Entrance/blue chapel Red Wizard performing ritual

2 Least apse

3 White chapel Red Wizard performing ritual

4 Green chapel Red Wizard performing ritual

5 Black chapel Red Wizard performing ritual;

also the exit from the warrens

6 Red chapel Rath Modar performing ritual

7 Great apse Portal through which Tiamat

emerges from Avernus

8 Blue spire Red Wizard (flying)

performing ritual

9 White spire Red Wizard (flying)

performing ritual

10 Green spire Red Wizard (flying)

performing ritual

11 Black spire Red Wizard (flying)

performing ritual

12 Red spire Red Wizard (flying)

performing ritual

13 Sanctuary Severin (levitating) wearing the

Mask o f the Dragon Queen

Any free wyrmspeakers the characters have previously

interacted with can be present in their respective

chapels in the temple if you wish, but their presence isn’t

required. Wyrmspeakers not here are outside leading

the Well of Dragons’ defense.

P e r f o r m i n g t h e R i t u a l

To successfully bring Tiamat from the Nine Hells into

the world, the Red W izards must successfully focus the

summoning ritual for 10 rounds after the adventurers

enter the Temple of Tiamat. Each round, at least five

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