D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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9. P l a n n i n g R o o m _____________

In this currently empty chamber, Severin meets with

his inner circle and other cult leaders to make plans and

issue orders. A long table is flanked by several benches

and chairs, with a few small writing tables along the

walls for scribes who keep notes.

10. L e a d e r s ’ Q u a r t e r s

This well-appointed dormitory houses the most

important Wearers of Purple staying at the Well of

Dragons. Rows of beds line the north and east walls,

with locker-style wardrobes holding mundane gear

along the west wall. As the activity at the Well of

Dragons reaches its peak, this chamber is empty.

11. Se v e r i n ’s Q u a r t e r s

This chamber is the personal quarters of Severin, and

contains a bed, a trunk holding mundane personal

belongings, a wardrobe for robes and regalia, a large

writing desk, and a wood-and-iron display stand for the

dragon masks. The stand’s construction allows for the

masks to be displayed separately or combined into the

single Mask o f the Dragon Queen. The combined mask

is presently with Severin.

12. 13. H i g h - R a n k i n g C u l t i s t s ’

C h a m b e r s

Cultists of dragonsoul and dragonfang rank stationed

inside the warrens use these quarters. The chambers

are arranged like barracks, with cots for sleeping and

trunks for storing personal belongings. W ith so many

strangers presently in and around the Well of Dragons,

the cultists who use these chambers have arranged for 4

guard drakes (see appendix A) to watch the area.

14. P r i s o n e r s ’ E f f e c t s

Personal items taken from prisoners are tossed into this

chamber. Nothing of value can be found among the odds

and ends, but daggers, darts, and shortswords here can

be used to equip prisoners still capable of fighting.

15. L o w - R a n k i n g C u l t i s t s ’

C h a m b e r

The cultists who stand guard over the prisoners in

areas 16 to 18 sleep here. The chamber contains only

straw mattresses spread on the floor, a few tables

made of planks laid over barrels, and roughly made

benches. When the characters enter, the room contains

3 dragonwings and 9 dragonclaws eating a quick meal

before the battle. See appendix A for these cultists.

16. 17, 18. P r i s o n e r P e n s

Prisoners captured by the cult have been held in these

dark, filthy chambers pending the day of the ritual

and their eventual sacrifice. Two groups of guards

patrol these areas while the prisoners are here, each

consisting of 1 dragonwing, 2 dragonclaws, and 1

guard drake. See appendix A for these creatures.

If the characters pass this way while the sacrifices

are taking place, area 16 is empty except for a dozen

corpses of prisoners who died of starvation. However,

a half-starved fifteen-year-old human male named

Stirleng is hiding within the corpses. Stirleng can tell

the characters that cultists started ushering prisoners

toward the caldera a few hours ago, but he knows

little else.

With area 16 empty, a prisoner escort consisting

of 5 dragonclaws has begun to move prisoners from

area 17 up to the temple. Additionally, a dragonfang,

5 dragonclaws, and 2 guard drakes working nearby

arrive within 2 rounds if a disturbance breaks out. (See

appendix A for these creatures.) The prisoners aren’t

shackled or roped together, but most of them are weak

from starvation. Ten human commoners can fight

alongside the characters if they can acquire weapons.

The characters are free to make use of these allies

any way they see fit, but w ill be aware that if sent into

combat, they w ill quickly perish.

19. D r a k e P e n s

The drakes that patrol the lava tunnels are kenneled in

this chamber, which reeks of blood and spoiled meat.

When the characters investigate this chamber, 4 guard

drakes (see appendix A) are present, fighting over

hunks of meat that are best left unidentified. Gnawed

humanoid bones are scattered throughout the room,

along with belt buckles, tattered boots, and scraps of

blood-soaked clothing.

20, 21. R e d W i z a r d s ’ Q u a r t e r s

The Red Wizards whose magic raises the Temple

of Tiamat in the caldera and who w ill perform the

ritual that draws the Dragon Queen into the world

are housed in these two caverns. Both areas are

luxuriously furnished, but the Red Wizards keep their

belongings packed in trunks and ready to teleport away

at a moment’s notice. The larger and even more well-

appointed area 20 is the residence of Rath Modar. A ll

the Red Wizards are presently in the Temple of Tiamat.

22. Si n k h o l e

This portion of the caldera collapsed into an

underground cavity ages ago to form a large sinkhole.

The only current member of the Cult of the Dragon who

is aware that a branch of a lava tunnel exits into this

sinkhole is the wight Naergoth Bladelord (area 4), and

he believes the tunnel is still blocked.

The sinkhole is 30 feet deep. The sides are steep but

composed of rough volcanic rock that’s easy to climb.

Dragon bones cover the bottom of the pit to a depth of 5

feet, making the floor of the pit difficult terrain. Cultists

never come to the sinkhole; the only creatures that

might spot infiltrators in this area are flying dragons.

23. N o r t h e r n E x i t s

The dragon bones that blanket the caldera have been

pushed away from these exits to create a bleak open

plaza connecting both tunnel exits to the entrance to

the temple. This space extends 250 feet from east to

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