D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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cultists are not allowed here), and attack intruders or

move to join fighting at the entrance at once.

This cavern holds treasure beyond counting. If the

characters seek a particular item and have hours to

spend searching, they can probably find it here. A detect

magic spell is blocked by the metal of the coins, so only

items on the surface can be easily found. Place whatever

common or uncommon magic items you wish on the

surface, but finding something rare should take a long

and noisy search.

7. Se c o n d a r y T r e a s u r e C h a m b e r

Art objects, valuable books, fine linen, crystalware,

and especially fragile magic items are stored here

less haphazardly than in area 6, piled carefully on

shelves and tables.

8. T h e D r a a k h o r n

As the characters advance up the lava tube toward this

chamber, the tones of the Draakhorn become noticeably

louder. W ithin 50 feet of the entrance to area 8, the

air begins to shimmer from the sound. Any character

within 20 feet of the doorway must succeed on a DC

12 Strength check to continue pushing against the

pressure of the sound. A failure indicates the character

can advance no farther toward area 8.

For any character entering area 8, the sound fades

to silence—because any creature that enters the

chamber is temporarily deafened and must make a DC

12 Constitution saving throw. Success indicates the

deafness ends 2 minutes after the Draakhorn ceases to

sound. Failure indicates the character remains deafened

for 1 hour after the Draakhorn ceases to sound.

After the din of the tunnel, this chamber seems

preternaturally silent— until you realize you are completely

deafened in the presence of the fearsome Draakhorn.

6. M a i n T r e a s u r e C h a m b e r

The well-traveled entrance to this chamber is guarded

by 1 dragonfang (see appendix A) who is in command of

2 flesh golems.

The treasure that the cult has stolen from across the

Sword Coast to create a hoard for the Dragon Queen is

stockpiled in this chamber, creating a sight beyond even

the greediest character’s dreams.

You see gold— mountains o f it. And jewels . . . and pearls

. . . silver plate and gilded mirrors . . . jeweled swords

and the armor o f kings . . . caskets and boxes and barrels

filled to overflowing with the treasure o f the Sword Coast,

packed into a cave the size o f a cathedral and stacked to

the height o f a giant! Pathways wind through a glittering

mass whose reflected light dazzles your eyes, like a

million twinkling stars close enough to touch.

Prowling through the narrow paths between the heaped

treasures are 4 guard drakes (see appendix A). They

are used to the vaults being unoccupied (rank-and-file

Carved from the massive horn o f an ancient red dragon,

it hangs suspended by chains from the ceiling o f this

chamber, blasted with fire to a dark ebony hue and bound

by thick bands of bronze. Draconic runes etched into its

surface glow with a purple eldritch fire.

An air elemental sounds the horn with its endless

breath, guarded by a stone golem. If the characters

interfere with the horn or the air elemental, the golem

and the elemental attack.

The Draakhorn hangs in the northern half of the

room and is pointed toward the southwest corner. W hile

the horn is sounding, a creature must make a DC 15

Constitution saving throw the first time on a turn the

creature enters a 150-foot cone in front of the horn or

starts its turn there. On a failed save, the creature takes

27 (6d8) thunder damage and is knocked prone. On a

successful save, the creature takes half damage and

isn’t knocked prone. The horn can’t be turned or aimed

at a specific target.

If the horn’s sound ceases for more than 1 minute, 1

dragonsoul, 1 dragonfang, and 4 dragonwings arrive

to investigate. See appendix A for these cultists.

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