D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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Se v e r i n ’s T r i u m p h

Severin’s plan to bring Tiamat back to the world has

been set up in five distinct stages:

• Assemble a treasure hoard worthy of Tiamat.

• Gather an army of dragons and other evil creatures to

defend the Well of Dragons against interference.

• Capture hundreds of prisoners whose souls w ill

power the magic that draws Tiamat to Faerun.

• Perform the ritual that raises Tiamat’s Temple in the

caldera of the Well of Dragons.

• Sacrifice the prisoners while performing the ritual

that guides Tiamat from the Nine Hells to the world.

The first three stages of Severin’s plan are complete.

Stage 4 w ill be completed by the time the characters

arrive at the Well of Dragons. Stage 5 begins soon after

the heroes and their factional allies arrive, and becomes

the focal point of this final battle against the cult.

St o p p i n g Se v e r i n

The heroes’ goal is to thwart Severin’s plans and

prevent Tiamat from passing from the Nine Hells into

Faerun. The characters’ accomplishments up to this

point have frustrated Severin and slowed his plans. But

the only thing that can truly stop him now is ending the

ritual performed by the cult’s Red Wizard allies inside

the Temple of Tiamat.

A p p r o a c h i n g t h e W e l l

As the characters and the forces commanded by the

factions of the Council of Waterdeep approach the Well

of Dragons, they should have no doubt that they are

moving deep into enemy territory. The landscape for a

hundred miles in all directions is a grim harbinger of

what Tiamat’s rule would mean for the world.

Little remains in the territory surrounding the Well of

Dragons, and the constant drone o f the Draakhorn has

forced the local animals to flee or driven them mad. A

handful o f villages in the area are bloodstained ghost

towns, and every farmstead is a charred ruin. The few

survivors you encounter are headed in the opposite

direction, all of them watching the sky for the telltale

shape o f a dragon on the wing.

Chromatic dragons patrol the area by day and night.

You can call for DC 12 Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom

(Survival) checks to determine whether the characters

find shelter or camouflage themselves in time to avoid

a passing dragon. Alternatively, simply ask what

precautions the characters are taking against being

spotted and judge for yourself whether that w ill keep

them safe. Sticking to wooded areas, following ravines,

spending as little time as possible on open ground, and

even dressing as cultists are all useful ploys.

Flying to the Well of Dragons is problematic. Whether

they’re on metallic dragons or flying under their own

power, the characters w ill be attacked by chromatic

dragons long before they reach their destination.

T h e W e l l o f D r a g o n s

The Well of Dragons is the caldera of an extinct volcano

at the northern end of the Sunset Mountains. For

reasons no mortal understands, many dragons reaching

the end of their lives come to the Well of Dragons to die,

and have been doing so for millennia.

The caldera o f a long-dead volcano rises from an

ashen plane ahead. Along the cinder cone's steeply

sloped sides, thousands o f creatures mill about or are

lining up into ordered infantry ranks. In the air above,

dozens o f chromatic dragons wheel and shriek like a

flock o f immense crows, awaiting the bloodshed o f the

battle to come.

The Cult of the Dragon discovered the Well of Dragons

long ago. Lava tubes snaking beneath the now-dormant

volcano formed natural corridors connecting caverns

that the cult enlarged for their own use. W ithin the

central caldera, they raised a ritual space for creating

dracoliches from dragons drawn to the site knowing

they would soon die. Under Severin’s leadership,

the caldera and the catacombs beneath it have been

repurposed as the site where Tiamat’s vast temple w ill

be raised and the Dragon Queen’s new reign begun.

The floor of the caldera is blanketed with the bones of

dragons, mounded into immense, tangled heaps.

The caldera of the Well of Dragons is roughly ovalshaped,

with high, steep walls. The dragons flying

above it are not scouting for infiltrators, thankfully,

but are quarreling and posturing for each other before

the battle.

In the past, the number of cultists at the Well of

Dragons seldom exceeded one hundred. Now, with

ultimate victory near at hand, their numbers have

swelled. Only cultists live and work in the warrens

beneath the caldera. The thousands of mercenaries,

giants, devils, and monsters serving the cult are camped

chiefly along the north and east slopes.

T h e T e m p l e o f T i a m a t

The map of the caldera shows the outline of where the

Temple of Tiamat w ill appear when it is raised by the

Red W izards’ magic. That job w ill be finished by the

time the characters and their allies arrive to do battle

with the cult.

The caldera is blanketed beneath the bones o f hundreds

o f dead dragons, but that’s not its most arresting feature.

A mind-numbing structure has pushed up from beneath

the tangled bones to tower above the blasted volcano.

Partly volcanic ash fused with dragon bones and partly

stone imbued with the dark magic o f the Nine Hells,

the Temple o f Tiamat is all chaotic angles and jutting

buttresses. Within that snarl o f cornices and soaring

angulation, you make out five asymmetric towers topped

by twisted steeples.

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