D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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M o n s t e r N a m e s

Throughout the adventure, monster names are presented

in bold. This is a visual cue pointing you to look up the

monster’s stat block in the Monster Manual (or in the free

supplement available at DungeonsandDragons.com). New

monsters appear in appendix A of this adventure. A note

appears after a monster’s name if that is the case.

Elite bands of cultists have been charged with

establishing the cult’s control from the Gray Peaks

to the Sunset Mountains. They seek out allies in the

area, with an eye toward choosing friendly territory for

a capital city and a seat of power for the cult’s Inner

Circle. Such bands are led by a dragonsoul defended

by 4 dragonclaws and a pack of 3 guard drakes. The

dragonsoul rides a warhorse, but the other cultists are

on foot. See appendix A for the cultists and drakes.

D e v i l i s h D e m a n d s

Though the Cult of the Dragon and the Red Wizards are

making use of diabolic allies as they plan the ritual that

w ill free Tiamat, not all devils are on their side. Some

fiends not wanting to see Tiamat gain worldly power

seek to break the alliance between the cult and Thay.

This encounter can be used to reveal to the characters

the divisions already present among the evil factions.

The devils who are aligned against Tiamat send

a delegation of 5 cultists and 2 cult fanatics (devil

worshipers) and a bone devil named Lord Volmer to

treat with the party. The cultists lead the characters to a

large tent, inside which Lord Volmer awaits.

Using telepathy, Lord Volmer tells the adventurers

about the so-called “Thayan Resurrection” (the attempt

by Thayan exiles to supplant Szass Tam), as well as

the fact that Szass Tam intends to destroy Rath Modar

and his “splinter sect” for their impudence. The bone

devil assures the characters that they can earn the

Red W izards’ favor by providing him with information

leading to Rath Modar’s capture.

Lord Volmer also tells the party that the lords of the

Nine Hells are divided when it comes to the matter of

Tiamat’s release. He tells the party that if Tiamat is

prevented from escaping, the party w ill earn “powerful

friends” in the Nine Hells. If the characters attack Lord

Volmer, he and his allies retaliate. The devil is not

worried about dying, since he reforms at full strength in

the Nine Hells upon his demise.

C a p t i v e C u l t i s t

A group of dwarf miners has captured a high-ranking

member of the Cult of the Dragon—a Wearer of Purple

named Cheela Flegsteel who got a little too greedy

while leading a group of cultists that was terrorizing

the dwarves. Having killed Cheela’s drakes and

subordinates, the dwarves bring their prisoner to the

adventurers hoping for a reward.

Cheela has useful information about the cult’s

activities, which could be used to lead into any episode

of your choice. However, she also knows that a rescue

party is not far behind her. The adventurers need to

help the dwarves fend off an attack by 4 ogres and a

half-red dragon veteran named Yggran. The dwarves

are hopelessly overmatched and flee rather than fight. If

her fellow cultists can’t save Cheela, they might kill her

rather than leave her in the adventurers’ hands.

Fa l l e n H e r o

The adventurers meet a seriously injured elf ranger—a

well-known hero named Cylanestriel. She speaks of her

capture by the Cult of the Dragon and her escape from

the stronghold at the caldera of the Well of Dragons.

(If possible, make Cylanestriel an associate, mentor, or

relative of someone in the party.)

Use this encounter to make the players aware of the

dangers presented by a direct assault against the Well

of Dragons. The army of the cult is huge and powerful

enough to have destroyed a major adventuring group.

The Well of Dragons is on alert, and its defensive forces

include flights of dragons that prowl the skies above the

site. The characters should be made to understand that

attacking with a large allied force is their only option for

defeating the cult.

D e a t h a t t h e C o u n c i l

During the second or third session of the Council of

Waterdeep, rumors spread of an aide from Neverwinter

who killed an aide from Mithral Hall and then hanged

himself. In truth, the Cult of the Dragon sent a succubus

spy to Waterdeep. She charmed the Neverwinter aide

into collecting information for her, but the other aide

discovered their meetings. The succubus forced her

victim to slay the other aide to cover her tracks, then to

kill himself.

If the characters investigate, they can obtain the body

to question it using speak with dead, or they might use

commune to discover the spy. The succubus has gained

another victim by that point—a knight of the Order of

the Gauntlet who regularly goes to meet her at her slum

dwelling in the Field Ward of Waterdeep. This pattern

of murder and suicide continues unless the spy’s true

identity is discovered.

R u n n i n g t h e A d v e n t u r e

Tyranny o f Dragons is a big, sprawling adventure

that covers many levels of play and a huge swath of

the Forgotten Realms. This book outlines the overall

structure of the adventure and presents many episodes

and events with which to challenge the characters as

they investigate the nefarious plots of the Cult of the

Dragon. This is not, however, a script to be read aloud

with stage directions that must be followed. Tyranny

o f Dragons does not hold your hand and guide you

step-by-step from the story’s beginning to its inevitable

conclusion. Instead, it presents people, creatures,

locations, and situations for the adventurers to explore

and interact with in a constantly changing, lively way.

You, the Dungeon Master, play a vital role. The

creators of Tyranny o f Dragons have tried to foresee

the most likely courses of action that the characters

might take in the adventure. However, D & D players

are curious and unpredictable, and Faerun is immense

and filled with possibility. In a scenario as open-ended

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