D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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Episode 9: Tiamat’sReturn

Tyranny o f Dragons: The Rise o f Tiamat reaches

its conclusion at the Well of Dragons, where

dragons, giants, spellcasters, and armies clash

spectacularly around the risen Temple of Tiamat. As

they do, the adventurers take on the crucial assignment

of infiltrating the temple and making a final stand

against the servants of the Dragon Queen and their

dark goddess.

The climactic finale of The Rise o f Tiamat should be

played only after all the other episodes of the adventure

are complete and the characters have reached 14th

or 15th level. In the episodes leading up to this one,

both the Harpers and the Zhentarim have spies among

the Cult of the Dragon. As such, both organizations

can report that the cult’s preparations are nearing

completion. That same information could also come

from prisoners questioned directly by the characters

during any of the incidents in “The Cult Strikes Back.”

However it happens, from the moment this episode

kicks into action, events escalate rapidly. There is no

turning back from that point onward, and characters

who hesitate risk losing everything.

T h e F i n a l B a t t l e

The battle between the factions of the Sword Coast and

the Cult of the Dragon plays out as a huge clash between

armies and monstrous forces. The manner in which that

battle plays out depends on the outcome of the “Council

of Waterdeep” episode, and on how successful the

heroes have been bringing the various factions together.

See “Enemies and Allies,” later in this section, for more


Before or during the final battle, the adventurers

have a chance to reconnoiter the Well of Dragons and

undertake a stealthy infiltration of the cult’s redoubt and

the Temple of Tiamat.

T h e D r a a k h o r n

Since it began sounding, the Draakhorn’s mournful

tones have been an ever-present reminder of the threat

rising in the Sword Coast. When Severin’s plan swings

into its final stage, the Draakhorn’s call shifts from

being barely perceptible to a clear and distant sound

that gives a sense of impending doom to all who hear it.

See area 8 in “The Well of Dragons” for more

information on the Draakhorn.

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