D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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obvious hollow flattery, or outright hostility should

invoke a penalty.

Make note of which characters succeed at the saving

throw and which fail. The outcome determines what

happens to them that night.

At the end of the audience, the characters are

dismissed. Before being returned to their rooms and fed

a sumptuous evening meal, Nyh Ilmichh tells them they

w ill meet again in the morning.

D r e a m s a n d N i g h t m a r e s

That night, each of the adventurers are targeted by a

customized version of the dream spell, cast and crafted

by Red W izard illusionists. Each character is confronted

in a vision by a pale Red Wizard who says, “We have

further questions for you.” Elves and other creatures

that do not sleep are not subject to this effect.

Each character must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving

throw with disadvantage. On a successful save, a

character remembers vague, disturbing dreams in the

morning, but suffers no other effects.

Each character who fails the saving throw

experiences a sim ilar nightmare. He or she is paralyzed

and magically bound within a mystic cauldron among

animated chains and tentacles. A dozen Red Wizards

observe placidly while three more Red Wizards subject

the helpless character to agonizing tortures. The

character is questioned about why the party came to

Thay, about Severin’s plots, about Rath Modar, about his

or her own past and the lives of the other adventurers,

about the party’s attitude toward Szass Tam, and

anything else you care to ask.

Each answer the character gives must be

accompanied by a D C 15 Charisma (Persuasion)

check if the character answers truthfully, or a DC 15

Charisma (Deception) check if the response is even

partially false. A character who succeeded on the

Charisma (Persuasion) check made during the audience

has advantage on each of these checks. On each failed

check, a character suffers excruciating pain as a Red

W izard shouts out a tally of the character’s failed

answers. Refusing to answer is treated the same as

failing the check.

A character who struggles against the bonds or

who tries to cast a spell or use some other ability not

hindered by physical restraint is struck by pain so

severe that he or she is briefly incapacitated. That

character's next Charisma check made within the

dream takes a -2 penalty.

The nightmare ends when a character answers five

questions successfully or eight questions in total. If the

last question was answered successfully, the character

sleeps fitfully the rest of the night. If the last question

was answered unsuccessfully, the character wakes up

screaming and drenched in sweat. Blood stains the bed

sheets, though the character has no visible wounds. The

character also takes 10 (3d6) psychic damage and does

not gain the benefit of a long rest from the night’s sleep.

In the morning, any character who underwent this

questioning has a deathly pallor and dark, hollow-

looking eyes. The character’s appearance returns to

normal when he or she finishes a long rest.

O u t c o m e

In the morning, after another delicious meal, the

characters are ushered back to the audience chamber.

Eseldra Yeth is not there. Instead, they’re greeted by

Nyh Ilmichh and one of the Red Wizards present at the

audience the previous day. Only Nyh Ilmichh speaks.

What she says is determined by the number of

characters who answered five questions successfully

during the dream. If that number accounts for more

than half the non-elven party (that is, elves don’t count

toward the party total, because they cannot be affected

by the Red W izards dream spell), Nyh Ilmichh informs

the characters that the Red W izards have agreed to

aid the factions of the Sword Coast, and that she w ill

accompany them as Thay’s ambassador to the council.

When the characters have gathered their belongings,

the Red W izard teleports with them back to Waterdeep.

If the tally is half the number of non-elven characters

in the party or fewer, Nyh Ilmichh states that Tharchion

Yeth thanks them for their information, but that Thay’s

attention is commanded by matters within its own

borders and the Red Wizards cannot help. Before the

characters can react, the other Red W izard waves his

hand and a previously invisible magic circle on the floor

around the characters flares to life. A moment later, the

adventurers are standing in an abandoned and ruined

farmhouse a mile north of Waterdeep. The barely visible

outline of a Thayan teleportation circle fades around

them and their neatly packed belongings.

C o n c l u s i o n

If the mission to Thay was a success, it benefits

the factions during the “Tiamat’s Return” episode.

Additionally, hidden in a backpack or pocket,

each character finds a human finger bone tied to

a loop of dried gut. Each bone acts as a scroll of

protection (undead) that is activated and spent by

snapping it in half.

If you choose, the characters gain a level at the

end of this episode. See “Advancement” in the

introduction section.

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