D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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E piso d e 8: M ission t o T h a y


arly during his rise to power, Severin enlisted

p H the aid of a group of Thayan exiles in his scheme

-1— / t o return Tiamat to the world. He needs the Red

W izards’ expertise in the rituals that w ill open the

portal between Tiamat’s home on Avernus and the Well

of Dragons. Without the Red Wizards, Severin’s plan

can't succeed.

The Red W izards enlisted by Severin are among the

many exiled Thayans who have fled the rule of Szass

Tam, the lich lord of Thay, and his council of undead

zulkirs. So great is the lich lord’s wrath that all such

exiles are under a sentence of death. The leader of the

Red Wizard exiles allied with Severin is Rath Modar, a

human illusionist.

Though he has no particular bond with dragons, Rath

Modar believes that when Tiamat returns, she w ill be

w illing to do favors for those who supported her. In

comparison to the feeble members of the Cult of the

Dragon, who offer Tiamat devotion but little else, the

Red Wizards who opened the gate for her can wield

great magical power in her name. A ll Modar plans to

ask in return is the Dragon Queen’s aid in overthrowing

the hated Szass Tam and restoring Thay to its former

glory. Rath Modar and his splinter sect refer to their

movement as “the Thayan Resurrection.”

T h e E n e m y o f M y E n e m y

At the start of this episode, the characters are

summoned to a secret meeting by someone they trust

on the Council of Waterdeep. At the meeting, they

learn that the council has been approached by a Red

W izard of Thay named Nyh Ilmichh. Ilmichh has

extended an invitation to the council to send an envoy

to Thay, to discuss ways in which Thay and the Sword

Coast might aid each other during the current crisis.

The adventurers have been specifically requested to

represent the Sword Coast at this meeting, after which

the characters w ill be returned to Waterdeep unharmed.

The visit to the embassy w ill last only a few days, but

the location of the meeting is not negotiable. The duties

of the tharchion (a Thayan governor) the characters w ill

meet precludes her leaving her post. The characters’

council contact tells them that Ilmichh has been

carefully questioned and subjected to a zone o f truth,

and that all she said has been confirmed.

The characters should understand that without

the Red Wizards, Severin’s plans are severely

compromised. Moreover, it is common knowledge that

Szass Tam wants all exiled Red Wizards dead in the

worst possible way. Despite reservations from some

on the council, most believe that since the factions

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