D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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• Taraz saw a human (Iskander) come down the corridor

ahead of the adventurers. He was carrying a mask

that resembled a dragon’s face, and he looked badly

wounded. (All true.)

• Iskander stumbled and fell off the walkway with

the mask into the infinite space beyond, where he

undoubtedly is still falling. To rescue him and recover

the mask, the characters w ill need Taraz’s help, for the

only way to get the mask back from the cosmic well

around the walkway is with a wish. The efreeti w ill

bestow this powerful magic on the party in exchange

for his freedom. (False on all counts, including the

efreeti’s ability to bestow a wish.)

• Freeing Taraz is as simple as breaking the line of salt

across the entryway. (True.)

In the end, Taraz is desperate to escape the dungeon,

and he w ill promise almost anything—short of

continued servitude—to win his freedom. Unless the

terms of the deal are ironclad, however, the efreeti

w ill seek a way to weasel out of any bargain once he is

free, and to attack the characters out of sheer malice.

Because he can fly, Taraz has no fear of falling off the

walkway, and he w ill push characters off it.

23. T i m e C h a m b e r

Two massive hourglasses occupy this irregularly shaped

chamber. Their glass globes are nearly fifteen feet across,

with each hourglass rising almost to the ceiling thirty

feet overhead. Each is suspended by chains, pulleys, and

gears in such a way that it can be turned over to set its

sand running.

Slumped against the wall at the far side o f the chamber

is the cultist who called to you from the balcony o f the

tower. His dark robes are charred and torn, and a blue

dragon mask is clutched in his red-stained hands.

In addition to his mastery of spatial magic, Xonthal

dabbled in the manipulation of time. These hourglasses

were part of his attempt to control the flow of time,

though he abandoned that research. The hourglasses

can be rotated by pulling on their chains, but the only

effect is a hideous, ear-grating groan. The sand runs, but

but the hourglasses’ magic has long since dissipated.

Casting a detect magic spell reveals faint auras of

transmutation magic within the sand of each hourglass.

An hourglass has AC 5, 25 hit points, and vulnerability

to bludgeoning and thunder damage. An hourglass

that drops to 0 hit points shatters, spilling its sand

onto the floor. Sifting through the pile reveals ld4 + 2

tiny diamonds amid the grains of sand. Each diamond

has an apparent value of 100 gp, and a character

in possession of a diamond can use a bonus action

to teleport to a space it can see up to 30 feet away,

whereupon the diamond disappears.

Iskander has been dead since shortly after he arrived

here, slain by the wounds inflicted by the elementals.

The (false) Blue Dragon Mask is bloody but undamaged.

E x i t i n g X o n t h a l ’s T o w e r

The teleport circle in area 14 can take the characters

back to any level of the tower (areas 8 to 13). The

teleport circles in those areas can take them back to

the sundial, from which they can exit the maze. The

characters are not yet in the clear, though.

However much Jorgen Pawl opposed Severin, he

remained loyal to the Cult of the Dragon. As soon as he

understood that the traitorous Iskander was somehow

in league with the adventurers, he used sending to call

an adult blue dragon from its nearby lair, telling it of

Iskander’s theft of the dragon mask.

When the characters teleport to the sundial, they are

greeted by the terrible sound of villagers screaming, a

dragon roaring, and lightning bolts tearing houses to

splinters. When they reach the edge of the garden, they

see the dragon swooping over the village and terrified

villagers fleeing in every direction. A character with

passive Perception of 14 or higher recognizes this

dragon as Lennithon, the adult blue dragon the party

faced in the Hoard o f the Dragon Queen.

Like any smart foe, Lennithon tries to fight on its

terms, not the enemy’s. It stays in the air and uses its

breath weapon to maximum effect. If the characters

refuse to face it, Lennithon is happy to wreck the village

and murder innocents in an effort to bring the heroes

into the open.

When the characters face the dragon, read or

paraphrase the following.

"The mask, fools! The mask is what I've come for. Give

it to me, and I'll leave these crawling ants with their

miserable lives. The Queen is returning! W ho are you to

hope to stop her? Give me the mask!"

This dragon is loyal to the cult, but it has no intention of

getting killed before Tiam at’s glorious return. It fights

until it is reduced to 75 hit points, then flies away to


C o n c l u s i o n

If any of the cultists in the tower are left alive for

questioning, or if the characters use speak with dead to

converse with either Jorgen Pawl or Iskander, they learn

nothing new of Severin’s plots. The cultists here are

motivated primarily by self-interest.

The fact that the Blue Dragon Mask is a forgery is

quickly discovered by experts at Waterdeep. It becomes

a cause for much concern among the members of the

council, some of who see it as a sign that the cult might

have placed spies within the council. Speak with dead

used to contact either Iskander or Jorgen Pawl can

shed some light on why a false mask might have been

supplied to the cultists at Xonthal’s Tower, but the false

mask might otherwise remain a troubling mystery.

The characters gain a level at the end of this episode.

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