D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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T r e a s u r e

The contents of Xonthal’s library are as valuable as they

are voluminous. The wizard’s collection includes nearly

five thousand books, pamphlets, folios, quartos, scrolls,

and tablets with a combined weight of more than a ton.

The entire collection would be worth 50,000 gp if it

could be moved. Alternatively, the characters can pick

out a few especially valuable volumes.

A character trained in one of the following skills can

make a check to search the library for a work on that

subject: Anim al Handling, Athletics, Arcana, History,

Medicine, Nature, Performance, Persuasion, Religion,

or Sleight of Hand. Multiply the total of the check by

10 to get the gp value of the single most valuable book

a character can find on that subject. Each skill check

takes 10 minutes, but many characters can be searching

at the same time. Characters who search for more books

take a cumulative -10 penalty to subsequent checks.

The map shows the region of the Elemental Plane

of Fire surrounding the fabled City of Brass. The map

cannot be harmed by fire, and is worth 500 gp to a

planar scholar or explorer.

19. O b s e r v a t i o n R o o m

The floor of this room is 10 feet higher than the floor

of area 18.

A circular pane o f crystal ten feet in diameter hangs

vertically in this chamber, anchored to the ceiling, walls,

and floor by chains. A scene o f roiling fire can be glimpsed

within the crystal. In front o f the crystal, an ornate rod is

set into the floor.

The scrying crystal allowed Xonthal to peer into other

planes, and is currently set to view the Elemental Plane

of Fire. The view is controlled by the rod set into the

floor, and moving it shifts the scene. Doing so properly

is challenging, however. A character can attempt a

D C 20 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to move the

rod. Success indicates that the crystal displays a brief

glimpse of a stunning fiery vista near the City of Brass.

Failure indicates that the crystal shows only flames.

20. Sp e l l b o o k St u d y

A large, simple desk with several ink pots, quill pens,

and a single chair occupy the center o f this otherwise

empty room.

Xonthal used this room for writing his spellbooks, but

those books went with him when he vanished. The ink

pots are dried up, but any character trained in Arcana

w ill recognize the specific type of ink used for magical

writing. The quill pens are exquisitely fashioned and

still usable.

21. St o r a g e C l o s e t

This area is lined with shelves holding hundreds of

mundane and exotic reagents and components used by

Xonthal in his experiments. Most of the supplies have

evaporated, congealed, or decayed over long years, but

any spellcasting characters can find enough useable

materials here to replenish their material components

if necessary.

22. T a r a z t h e Fa i r

Where the hallway bends to the northeast, it once again

takes on the appearance of a stone corridor.

Light shines out ahead as the corridor opens into a room

set with comfortable-looking oversized furnishings. In the

center o f the room, a red-skinned creature wearing armor

o f flame, bronze, and volcanic stone sits cross-legged on

the floor, studying a chessboard.

The creature is an efreeti named Taraz the Fair. The

name has nothing to do with his sense of justice or fair

play, however, but refers to the light hues of his fiery

hair. Xonthal trapped Taraz and was trying to bend or

trick the efreeti into service when he disappeared. The

trapped creature has had over a century of solitude to

rue its fate.

Taraz is held in this area by a thin line of magical

salt. Imbued with potent wards by Xonthal, the salt

rings the bases of all four walls and extends across

the doorway in the joints between paving stones. A

character with a passive Perception of 18 or higher

notices the salt automatically. Otherwise, a character

who looks carefully spots the salt with a successful DC

12 Intelligence (Arcana or Investigation) check.

Taraz greets the adventurers with a fiery smile. He

assumes correctly that the characters’ arrival so soon

after Iskander's appearance is no coincidence, and

he uses the missing mage as leverage for negotiating.

Taraz’s only concern is escape, and he w ill do anything

to win his freedom.

Taraz’s conversation with the adventurers covers the

following points—many of which are utter lies designed

to help him gain the characters’ trust:

• Xonthal stripped Taraz's power to grant wishes when

he trapped the efreeti here, to prevent him from escaping.

He w ill recover his power only when he is freed.

(Both false.)

• Xonthal warded the chamber to prevent the efreeti

from harming anyone, so that the wizard and the

genie could play chess. Xonthal promised to set Taraz

free if he ever won a match. (False on all counts.

Xonthal never entered this area, because Taraz can

and w ill harm creatures in his chamber.)

• The characters are perfectly safe in the corridor.

(True, as long as Taraz is confined to area 22.)

• Taraz has no desire to harm the characters, and

couldn’t even if he wanted to, thanks to Xonthal’s

protective magic. (False. Xonthal’s wards confine the

efreeti and its magic to area 22, but they don’t protect

other creatures in that area.)

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