D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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of a shoebox. Opening the lock requires thieves’ tools

and a successful DC 15 Dexterity check. A failed check

sets off a magic glyph o f warding trap that triggers a

slow spell affecting all creatures in the area except

elementals. Creatures affected by the spell can attempt

the saving throw again at the end of each of their turns.

Otherwise, the effect ends after 1 minute.

The chest contains three scrolls: two scrolls of

protection against fire elementals and one scroll of

protection against earth elementals. Characters who

claim these scrolls can use them to move safely past

the elementals, if they bunch tightly together to keep

everyone inside the effect’s five-foot radius from the

caster. W ith only one scroll o f protection against earth

elementals, characters w ill probably be forced to deal

with the earth elementals at least once.

The writing on the papers and books in the room has

become illegible, and the paper is so brittle from the fire

elementals’ heat that it crumbles at a touch.

16. L a b o r a t o r y

It's obvious at a glance that this area was once a wizard's

workroom. Worktables are covered with notes, alchemical

flasks, beakers, braziers, and other arcane apparatus.

More startling is the whirlwind occupying the center of

This corridor is a relic of Xonthal’s experimentation

with extradimensional space. The path is formed by the

floor of the corridor, which is perfectly solid and secure

despite appearing to extend into the void. Reaching

beyond the edge of the walkway confirms the absence

of walls or ceiling. The atmosphere is thin and cold, but

not uncomfortably so.

At an opportune moment when one or more

characters are moving along the path, a swarm of tiny

meteors shoots past, threatening to knock them off the

walkway. A ll creatures on the path must succeed on a

DC 10 Dexterity saving throw to dodge the meteors.

On a failed save, a creature is struck, takes 9 (2d8)

bludgeoning damage, and is knocked off the walkway.

A creature knocked off the walkway appears to

fall into infinite space. Unless the creature can fly or

teleport back to the walkway, it quickly vanishes from

sight. Roll ld4 + 17; the number rolled is the number of

the room where the character materializes and crashes

to the floor on the following round, taking 14 (4d6)

bludgeoning damage from the fall.

Though having a character fall off the walkway

is dangerous (and potentially exciting), it makes it

less likely that the adventurers can be tricked by the

efreeti in area 22.

18. S tu d y

the room. Ten feet across and stretching from floor to

ceiling, it swirls endlessly, revealing a number o f sparkling

gems within it.

The whirlwind is not a creature, but one of Xonthal’s

experiments. The gemstones swirling inside it are

elemental gems. If a hand or any other material

object is pushed into the whirlwind, it disrupts the

perfect balance of the airflow, causing an elemental

gem to spin out and smash on the floor, summoning

an angry elemental. You can choose the elemental’s

type or determine it randomly. The whirlwind

contains eight gems, two of each elemental type.

Every time the whirlwind is disturbed, another gem is

ejected and breaks.

The equipment here is now useless, and any reagents

or components have long since dried up, decayed, or lost

their potency. A character who spends a day poring over

the notes can attempt a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana)

check to understand that Xonthal was involved in a

complex attempt to create elementals that fused the best

traits of earth, air, fire, and water.

17. C o s m i c H a l l w a y

Steps descend to a walkway that appears to stretch across

infinite space. Thousands o f stars twinkle in unfamiliar

constellations, and meteors streak through the vastness

above and below the path. Just past the base o f the stairs,

a door framed by nothingness rises from the path. Fifty

feet beyond that, the path meets an intersection, with

another door straight ahead.

This circular room is obviously a library or study, its walls

lined with bookshelves that extend from the floor to the

gently domed ceiling twenty feet overhead. A wheeled

ladder is connected to a rail that runs around the curved

wall, allowing access to the upper shelves. A delicate,

ornate desk stands at the center o f the room, surrounded

by piles o f blank paper. A large map sits on the desk, its

corners held down with stones.

The two secret doors in this area are concealed behind

swinging bookshelves, and can each be found with a

successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check.

The door to the spellbook study (area 20) is opened by

shifting a book at floor level. The door to the observation

room (area 19) is located 10 feet above the floor. It is

opened by positioning the rolling ladder in front of the

door and pushing on the shelf 15 feet above the floor.

If anyone but Xonthal opens either secret door, the

papers piled throughout the room begin to ruffle as

though a breeze blows through the area. Thousands

of sheets of heavy paper then fly into the air in a great

whirlwind, slashing at any creature in the area. One

distinct storm of paper forms around each character

on the first round. Every round after that, two more

cyclones form, to a maximum of three per character.

Treat these paper whirlwinds as swarms of ravens,

but they are constructs instead of beasts, and they have

vulnerability to fire. When the paper swarms form,

they remain on guard in the study for 30 minutes, then

collapse to piles of paper once more. They won’t pursue

characters into the hallway, but w ill chase them into the

two adjoining rooms.

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