D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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Jorgen Pawl has the hourglass-shaped key that allows

access to the dungeon level of the tower. Touching

the key to the hourglass symbol on any teleport circle

control panel activates the circle for a jump to the

teleport circle in area 14.

13. B e d r o o m

Jorgen Pawl and Iskander share this presently empty

chamber, which might have been luxurious before being

subjected to the ravages of time. A table assembled

from planks laid across barrels is covered in notes and

scrolls, all pertaining to dracoliches and having no

bearing on the current crisis.

D u n g e o n

Though the cultists have claimed the upper levels of

Xonthal’s Tower, they have no control over the dungeon

beneath it. The secrets and ancient guardians of this

area remain a mystery to them. Xonthal performed

most of his experiments here, and the dungeons once

included numerous extradimensional spaces accessible

from the main corridor (area 17).

When the first two groups of cultists sent down here

to explore were killed by the elementals in area 15,

Jorgen Pawl quickly declared the dungeon off limits.

Iskander understood the risks of fleeing here, but he

knew it was the one place where Jorgen’s fanatical

followers would be reluctant to pursue him.

15. E l e m e n t a l C h e c k p o i n t

Blood streaks the floor here, including the smeared trail

leading back to the teleport chamber and a second trail of

bloody boot prints heading up the corridor to the north.

Standing amid the gore are three humanoid figures— two

that look like misshapen statues o f clay and stone and one

appearing as a humanoid made o f flame.

The creatures are 2 earth elementals and a fire

elemental Xonthal called forth to guard his workshops.

In the absence of new orders, the elementals eternally

follow Xonthal’s last command to slay intruders. When

any character enters the room, the elementals attack.

They fight until destroyed, or until the party flees back

to area 14 or moves further into the dungeon. The

elementals do not pursue outside this area unless

attacked from a distance.

A large, round table with four chairs sits in one corner

of the room, with shelves and workbenches arranged

along the walls. Books and papers are scattered on the

table, along with a locked wooden chest about the size

G e n e r a l F e a t u r e s

C eilin gs. Chambers in the dungeon have 10-foot-high

ceilings unless otherwise noted.

Ligh t. Unless otherwise noted in the area description,

areas 14 to 23 are unlit until a creature steps into

the room. Magic lamps then activate and provide

bright light.

Sound. Sound carries well through these rooms and

corridors. The sound of fighting or other loud noises

in one area can be heard through a closed door in an

adjacent area.

14. D u n g e o n T e l e p o r t e r

The bodies of three dead cultists lie on the floor here. A

successful DC 13 Wisdom (Medicine) check determines

that two of them were killed by bolts of magical force

(Iskander’s handiwork). No check is needed to see that

the third was stabbed to death. A trail of blood runs into

this room from area 15.

Iskander was waiting in this chamber for pursuers

to appear. He killed two immediately but the third

chased him into area 15, where the elementals attacked

both of them.

The teleporter here can reach any teleport circle in the

tower above, but its controls do not allow characters to

return to the sundial.

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